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Открытый урок по английскому языку "Travelling in London" в 6 классе.

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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе.

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«Открытый урок по английскому языку "Travelling in London" в 6 классе.»

Открытый урок  по английскому языку  6 «А» класс Учитель: Саврадим Н.В.

Открытый урок по английскому языку 6 «А» класс

Учитель: Саврадим Н.В.

Цели урока:   1. Изучить лексику по теме «Лондон», узнать факты из истории Великобритании.   2. Развивать память, лексические и коммуникативные навыки, умение получать информацию из прослушанного и прочитанного текста.   3. Воспитать нормы вежливого поведения, формировать чувства общности интересов людей, говорящих на разных языках. 

Цели урока:

1. Изучить лексику по теме «Лондон», узнать факты из истории Великобритании.  2. Развивать память, лексические и коммуникативные навыки, умение получать информацию из прослушанного и прочитанного текста.  3. Воспитать нормы вежливого поведения, формировать чувства общности интересов людей, говорящих на разных языках. 

Задачи урока:  1. Активизация грамматических и лексических навыков по теме.   2. Актуализация навыков вопросно-ответной работы.   3. Развитие навыков аудирования. Тренировка техники чтения вслух и про себя. 

Задачи урока: 

1. Активизация грамматических и лексических навыков по теме. 

2. Актуализация навыков вопросно-ответной работы. 

3. Развитие навыков аудирования. Тренировка техники чтения вслух и про себя. 

Travelling in London.

Travelling in


-to see the places of interest in London -to learn new words -to speak about the capital of Great Britain

-to see the places of interest in London

-to learn new words

-to speak about the capital of Great Britain

[æ] – travel, capital, gallery; [ei] – play, place, stadium; [ju:] - museum, new, beautiful; [i]- big, pig, different; [a:] – park, car, partner; [i:] – see, meet, week

[æ] – travel, capital, gallery;

[ei] – play, place, stadium;

[ju:] - museum, new, beautiful;

[i]- big, pig, different;

[a:] – park, car, partner;

[i:] – see, meet, week

Red Square is in Moscow. Trafalgar Square is in London. Moscow is the capital of the UK. Moscow is different from London. London is the biggest city in the UK. You don’t want to visit Great Britain. - There are a lot of places to visit in London. - London is one of the most interesting and famous cities in Europe.
  • Red Square is in Moscow.
  • Trafalgar Square is in London.
  • Moscow is the capital of the UK.
  • Moscow is different from London.
  • London is the biggest city in the UK.
  • You don’t want to visit Great Britain.

- There are a lot of places to visit in London.

- London is one of the most interesting and famous cities in Europe.

Grammar Listen! My friend …the song. (sings, sing, is singing) I … some mistakes in the test. (have, has, is having) They … to visit galleries.(like, likes, is liking) Where is Mum? She … (cook, cooks, is cooking) I can …(see, sees, seeing) much snow in the street. His sister …(play, plays, is playing) the piano very well. Look! They… (play, is playing, are playing) football


  • Listen! My friend …the song. (sings, sing, is singing)
  • I … some mistakes in the test. (have, has, is having)
  • They … to visit galleries.(like, likes, is liking)
  • Where is Mum? She … (cook, cooks, is cooking)
  • I can …(see, sees, seeing) much snow in the street.
  • His sister …(play, plays, is playing) the piano very well.
  • Look! They… (play, is playing, are playing) football


Trafalgar Square 

Trafalgar Square 

the Tower of London 

the Tower of London 

The Houses of Parliament 

The Houses of Parliament 

Big Ben  

Big Ben  

Westminster Abbey 

Westminster Abbey 

Tower Bridge 

Tower Bridge 

Buckingham Palace 

Buckingham Palace 

The River Thames 

The River Thames 

Audio file

Audio file

-What is the name of the famous clock in London?    -Where do the Houses of Parliament stand?    -Does the Queen of Britain live in Tower?   -What is the most famous church in London?   -What places in London would you like to visit? 

-What is the name of the famous clock in London?

  -Where do the Houses of Parliament stand?

  -Does the Queen of Britain live in Tower? 

-What is the most famous church in London? 

-What places in London would you like to visit? 

Let`s check up your memory   Guess the sightseeing

Let`s check up your memory Guess the sightseeing

-We have seen the places of interest in London;   -We have learnt new words;   -We have spoken about the capital of Great Britain. 

-We have seen the places of interest in London; 

-We have learnt new words; 

-We have spoken about the capital of Great Britain. 

The lesson is over.

The lesson is over.

Home task : Ex. 9,10 p.78

Home task : Ex. 9,10 p.78




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