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Past Simple or Past Continuous - 2

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«Past Simple or Past Continuous - 2»

Переведи на английский язык Когда я был маленьким, я любил жить в деревне. Она не закончила свой эксперимент вчера. Мы не смотрели телевизор вчера вечером. Они не посылали тебе телеграмму позавчера. Мы шли молча в течение 5 минут. Вчера утром мы получили от нее письмо. Где и когда вы купили это кольцо? Стив научился играть в шахматы, когда ему было 16 лет. В доме было тихо, когда я прибыл. Я услышал шум в коридоре. 1. When I was little I liked to live in the country. 2. She didn’t finish her experiment yesterday. 3. We didn’t watch TV yesterday night. 4. They didn’t send you a telegram the day before yesterday. 5. We walked in silence for 5 minutes. 6. Yesterday morning we received a letter from her. 7. Where and when did you buy this ring? 8. Steve learned to play chess, when he was 16. 9. It was quiet in the house when I arrived. 10. I heard a noise in the hallway.

Переведи на английский язык

  • Когда я был маленьким, я любил жить в деревне.
  • Она не закончила свой эксперимент вчера.
  • Мы не смотрели телевизор вчера вечером.
  • Они не посылали тебе телеграмму позавчера.
  • Мы шли молча в течение 5 минут.
  • Вчера утром мы получили от нее письмо.
  • Где и когда вы купили это кольцо?
  • Стив научился играть в шахматы, когда ему было 16 лет.
  • В доме было тихо, когда я прибыл.
  • Я услышал шум в коридоре.

1. When I was little I liked to live in the country.

2. She didn’t finish her experiment yesterday.

3. We didn’t watch TV yesterday night.

4. They didn’t send you a telegram the day before yesterday.

5. We walked in silence for 5 minutes.

6. Yesterday morning we received a letter from her.

7. Where and when did you buy this ring?

8. Steve learned to play chess, when he was 16.

9. It was quiet in the house when I arrived.

10. I heard a noise in the hallway.

Тренировка неправильных глаголов https:// lingvofon.club/tools/english/irregular-verbs

Тренировка неправильных глаголов

  • https:// lingvofon.club/tools/english/irregular-verbs
Past Continuous

Past Continuous

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous Yesterday, I went for a walk in the park. While I was there, I saw lots of children who … (play) . There was a man who … (walk) his dogs. He … (throw) sticks and the dogs … (run) to catch them. A gardener … (plant) some flowers and some old ladies … (sit) on a park bench enjoying the warm sunshine. It was lovely.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous

Yesterday, I went for a walk in the park. While I was there, I saw lots of children who … (play) . There was a man who … (walk) his dogs. He … (throw) sticks and the dogs … (run) to catch them. A gardener … (plant) some flowers and some old ladies … (sit) on a park bench enjoying the warm sunshine. It was lovely.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous Harriet and Liam got married last weekend. It was a beautiful wedding. The bridesmaids … (wear) pink dresses and they all … (carry) small bouquets of pink and white flowers. The photographer … (take) photographs and the bride’s mother … (cry) because she was so happy. The sun … (shine) and the couple … (smile) at everyone.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous

Harriet and Liam got married last weekend. It was a beautiful wedding. The bridesmaids … (wear) pink dresses and they all … (carry) small bouquets of pink and white flowers. The photographer … (take) photographs and the bride’s mother … (cry) because she was so happy. The sun … (shine) and the couple … (smile) at everyone.

Ask and answer questions at 6 o’clock yesterday evening? at two o’clock this morning? at half past nine last Sunday evening? an hour ago? at noon last Sunday?

Ask and answer questions

  • at 6 o’clock yesterday evening?
  • at two o’clock this morning?
  • at half past nine last Sunday evening?
  • an hour ago?
  • at noon last Sunday?
Сопоставление Past Continuous и Past Simple Past Continuous Действие, которое длилось в прошлом в момент, о котором мы говорим, но мы не знаем, когда оно началось и закончилось At 9 o’clock yesterday morning, the plane was flying to Tahiti from New York. Два действия, одновременно случившиеся в прошлом He was listening carefully while they were explaining the plan to him. Past Simple Действие, которое произошло в прошлом в известное время (началось и закончилось) The plane landed at the airport at 8 o’clock yesterday morning. Два и более действия, следовавшие в прошлом непосредственно друг за другом First she read the advertisement and then she called the company.

Сопоставление Past Continuous и Past Simple

  • Past Continuous
  • Действие, которое длилось в прошлом в момент, о котором мы говорим, но мы не знаем, когда оно началось и закончилось
  • At 9 o’clock yesterday morning, the plane was flying to Tahiti from New York.
  • Два действия, одновременно случившиеся в прошлом
  • He was listening carefully while they were explaining the plan to him.
  • Past Simple
  • Действие, которое произошло в прошлом в известное время (началось и закончилось)
  • The plane landed at the airport at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.
  • Два и более действия, следовавшие в прошлом непосредственно друг за другом
  • First she read the advertisement and then she called the company.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous We … (go) swimming every week when we were young. Simon … (dance) when he fell and hurt his leg. Why … (you/ lough) all through your history lesson yesterday? I … (drink) a glass of milk everyday when I was a child. Todd often … (ride) horses when he was a boy. Bill … (write) a letter when his mother came home. It … (rain) while I was waiting for the bus. I … (play) the guitar when I was young, but I don’t any more. Debbie … (sing) in the school choir many years ago. Lis … (clean) the window when I saw her.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous

  • We … (go) swimming every week when we were young.
  • Simon … (dance) when he fell and hurt his leg.
  • Why … (you/ lough) all through your history lesson yesterday?
  • I … (drink) a glass of milk everyday when I was a child.
  • Todd often … (ride) horses when he was a boy.
  • Bill … (write) a letter when his mother came home.
  • It … (rain) while I was waiting for the bus.
  • I … (play) the guitar when I was young, but I don’t any more.
  • Debbie … (sing) in the school choir many years ago.
  • Lis … (clean) the window when I saw her.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous It … (be) a beautiful spring morning when Emma and her father … (decide) to visit Seaton Castle. The sun … (shine) and the birds … (sing). Emma … (feel) very excited. The castle … (be) very old and made of stone. They … (climb) the steps to the top of the tower. While they … (admire) the view, the … (hear) some noises. They … (look) around but they … … (not/ see) anybody. “That’s funny”, said Emma. “I … (think) I … (see ) someone standing over there”. After a while they … (decide) to visit the cellar of the castle. Emma … (examine) an old barrel when she … (hear) the door of the cellar close behind them. “Dad”, she … (say) , “don’t close the door!” “But, I … … (not/ close) it, dear”, her father said. Emma … (turn) around and … (see) a shadow on the wall. She … (know) then that the ghost of Seaton Castle … (watch) them.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous

It … (be) a beautiful spring morning when Emma and her father … (decide) to visit Seaton Castle. The sun … (shine) and the birds … (sing). Emma … (feel) very excited. The castle … (be) very old and made of stone. They … (climb) the steps to the top of the tower. While they … (admire) the view, the … (hear) some noises. They … (look) around but they … … (not/ see) anybody. “That’s funny”, said Emma. “I … (think) I … (see ) someone standing over there”. After a while they … (decide) to visit the cellar of the castle. Emma … (examine) an old barrel when she … (hear) the door of the cellar close behind them. “Dad”, she … (say) , “don’t close the door!” “But, I … … (not/ close) it, dear”, her father said. Emma … (turn) around and … (see) a shadow on the wall. She … (know) then that the ghost of Seaton Castle … (watch) them.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous Dear Rick, I’m writing to you from my hotel in Switzerland. I’m having a lovely time here but you can’t imagine what … (happen) to me yesterday. I … (be) on the mountain with my friends and we … (have) a lovely time because the snow … (be) perfect for skiing. Unfortunately the sun … (shine) on the snow, so it … (be) difficult to see. Suddenly, I … (hit) a rock and I … (fall) over. Luckily I … (not/ be) seriously hurt – I just … (get) a few bruises. Now I’m trying to be more careful! I’ll see you when I get back. Best wishes, Kevin.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous

Dear Rick,

I’m writing to you from my hotel in Switzerland.

I’m having a lovely time here but you can’t imagine what … (happen) to me yesterday. I … (be) on the mountain with my friends and we … (have) a lovely time because the snow … (be) perfect for skiing. Unfortunately the sun … (shine) on the snow, so it … (be) difficult to see. Suddenly, I … (hit) a rock and I … (fall) over. Luckily I … (not/ be) seriously hurt – I just … (get) a few bruises. Now I’m trying to be more careful!

I’ll see you when I get back.

Best wishes,


Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous Yesterday my friend ... his exam. (pass) What ... he ... at 11 o'clock last night? (do) Sam ... over the phone when someone called his name. (talk) Last week I ... him a letter. (write) Last time I ... them was a few years ago. (see)

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous

  • Yesterday my friend ... his exam. (pass)
  • What ... he ... at 11 o'clock last night? (do)
  • Sam ... over the phone when someone called his name. (talk)
  • Last week I ... him a letter. (write)
  • Last time I ... them was a few years ago. (see)
Задайте вопрос к выделенному словосочетанию This time yesterday  Mary was playing with her little brother. When it stopped raining  John  went out for a walk. My friend bought  a new dress  last weekend. The old man fell asleep  while reading a newspaper . Dave  was sleeping on the couch  when somebody knocked at the door.

Задайте вопрос к выделенному словосочетанию

  • This time yesterday  Mary was playing with her little brother.
  • When it stopped raining  John  went out for a walk.
  • My friend bought  a new dress  last weekend.
  • The old man fell asleep  while reading a newspaper .
  • Dave  was sleeping on the couch  when somebody knocked at the door.
Составьте отрицательные предложения, поставив глагол в скобках в правильном времени - Past Simple или Past Continuous I ... there when the accident happened. (be) My TV is broken. I ... any news at 8 o'clock last night. (watch) Jemma ... yesterday. She was ill. (work) Tourists ... the museum yesterday because it was closed. (visit) They ... golf at 10 o'clock this morning. (play)

Составьте отрицательные предложения, поставив глагол в скобках в правильном времени - Past Simple или Past Continuous

  • I ... there when the accident happened. (be)
  • My TV is broken. I ... any news at 8 o'clock last night. (watch)
  • Jemma ... yesterday. She was ill. (work)
  • Tourists ... the museum yesterday because it was closed. (visit)
  • They ... golf at 10 o'clock this morning. (play)
Закончите предложения, поставив глаголы в правильном времени. I ... (break) my arm when I ... (ski) in the Alps. She ... (drive) a car when her phone ... (ring). The cat ... (sleep) on the chair and the dog ... (sit) next to it. Fiona ... (clean) the room, ... (iron) her clothes and ... (make) the bed. He ... (read) a book when he suddenly ... (hear) a strange noise.

Закончите предложения, поставив глаголы в правильном времени.

  • I ... (break) my arm when I ... (ski) in the Alps.
  • She ... (drive) a car when her phone ... (ring).
  • The cat ... (sleep) on the chair and the dog ... (sit) next to it.
  • Fiona ... (clean) the room, ... (iron) her clothes and ... (make) the bed.
  • He ... (read) a book when he suddenly ... (hear) a strange noise.


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