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Письмо- стимул и шаблон личного письма ЕГЭ

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«Письмо- стимул и шаблон личного письма ЕГЭ»

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jane who writes:                             ...I’m happy to tell you about the performance I saw two days ago at the Globe. It was wonderful! I liked it so much that I have already booked the tickets for the next play.       Do you like theatres? How often do you go there? What performances do you prefer?       As for the news, we are planning to go to Russia on holidays...     Write a letter to Jane.       In your letter: answer her questions; ask 3 questions about her holiday plans. Write 100-140 words Remember the rules of letter writing.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Jane who writes:

                            ...I’m happy to tell you about the performance I saw two days ago at the Globe. It was wonderful! I liked it so much that I have already booked the tickets for the next play.

      Do you like theatres? How often do you go there? What performances do you prefer?

      As for the news, we are planning to go to Russia on holidays...

    Write a letter to Jane.

      In your letter:

answer her questions;

ask 3 questions about her holiday plans.

Write 100-140 words

Remember the rules of letter writing.

                                                                                                Miass                                                                                               Russia                                                                                               17.10. 2017       Dear Jane,       Thanks a lot for your letter. I was so happy to get it.       Oh, you’ve been to a wonderful theatrical performance at the Globe.       As for me, I…     By the way,     Looking forward to meeting you in Moscow.     Lots of love,     Ann                                                          




                                                                                              17.10. 2017

      Dear Jane,

      Thanks a lot for your letter. I was so happy to get it.

      Oh, you’ve been to a wonderful theatrical performance at the Globe.

      As for me, I…  

  By the way,

    Looking forward to meeting you in Moscow.

    Lots of love,



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