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Письма на английском языке, виды деловых писем

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Письма на английском языке, виды деловых писем

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«Письма на английском языке, виды деловых писем»

Письмо-приглашение (Letter of Invitation)

Dear Charles Milton,

I would like to invite you to a seminar that I'm confident will interest you.

The 3D Technologies Seminar held at the Moscow Crocus Congress Centre on June 13 will feature lectures by several key programmers and designers in the field of 3D modeling, with topics including trilinear filtering, anti-aliasing and mipmapping.

I am enclosing 3 tickets for you. I hope that you decide to attend and I am looking forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

Igor Petrov ,
Managing Director Ltd. The company "Center"
Tel: +7 912 ХХХХХХХ

Письмо о приеме на работу (Letter of Acceptance )

Mrs Jane Tumin
HR Manager
7834 Irving Street
Denver, Colorado

Mrs Lean
9034 Cody Street
Denver, Colorado
USA, 90345

February 15, 2016

Dear Mrs Lean
With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday I am glad to tell you that we offer you the position of Senior Lawyer in our company. You will be provided with company car according to the corporate policy and full medical insurance. Your salary will be $100 000 per year according to your request. You may learn about job conditions in job offer attached to this letter.
With respect,
Jane Tumin,
HR Manager

Письмо-заявление (Application letter)

Kira Stan
7834 East street
Chicago, Illinois
Trend &Fashion
9034 Groom Street
Chicago, Illinois
USA, 90345

July 12, 2017

Dear Sirs
With reference to your vacancy for Office Manager I am sending you my CV attached to this letter. I have an experience of working as a secretary for 2 years in a small company where I had no career prospects. I am the Bachelor of Business Administration and so I think my education would allow me to make a significant contribution to your company. I would be very grateful if you consider my application.

With respect,

Kira Stan

Письмо-предложение (Commercial Offer) Mr Dean Hipp
General Director
Roses For You
4567 Camino Street
San Diego, CA

Mrs Olga Linnet
Perfect Wedding
9034 South Street
San Diego, CA
USA, 90345

March 10, 2016

Dear Mrs Linnet
Your wedding agency is becoming more and more popular in our city. I would like to help you make it more attractive to the customers. I am the owner of rose gardens, we grow fine roses all the year round. Roses would become a very good decoration for all wedding ceremonies. The prices are reasonable and include the designer service. More information you may find in the brochure attached.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Dean Hipp
General Director

Письмо-жалоба (Letter of Complaint)

Mr Jack Lupin
7834 17th Street
Detroit, Michigan

Electronics Ltd
9034 Commerce Street
Detroit, Michigan
USA, 90345

April 25, 2017

Dear Sirs,
I am writing to inform you that yesterday I got my new TV set which was delivered by your delivery service. The package was undamaged so I signed all documents and paid the rest of the sum. But when I unpacked it I found several scratches on the front panel. I would like you to replace the item or give me back my money. Please let me know your decision within 2 days.

Yours faithfully,

Jack Lupin

Письмо–извинение (Letter of Apology)

Mr Dereck Smith
General Manager
Electronics Ltd
9034 Commerce Street
Detroit, Michigan
USA, 90345

Mr Jack Lupin
7834 17th Street
Detroit, Michigan

April 28, 2017

Dear Mr Lupin,
It was distressing to learn that the TV set that we delivered to you on April 24 was scratched. We do not have any idea how it may have happened that is why we are very sorry that this unfortunate incident occurred and ready to exchange your scratched TV for another one.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Derek Smith
General Manager

Письмо–просьба (Request letter/Enquiry Letter)

Mr Ken Smith
9034 Commerce Street
Detroit, Michigan
USA, 90345

ParkInn Hotel
7834 17th Street
Tampa, Florida

June 28, 2016

Dear Sir or Madam
I'd like to book a single room in your hotel from August 1 till August 10. Could you please tell me the price per night including breakfast and dinner if possible? Do you have airport transfer and car rent service?

I am looking forward to your reply,
Mr Ken Smith

Письмо–ответ на запрос информации (Reply to Information Inquiry /Reply Quotation)

Ms Jennifer Watson
Sales Manager
ParkInn Hotel
7834 17th Street
Tampa, Florida

Mr Ken Smith
9034 Commerce Street
Detroit, Michigan
USA, 90345

June 30, 2016

Dear Mr Smith
Thank you for your enquiry about the staying in our hotel. We have a single room available at the period you stated. The price is $85 per night. Breakfast and other meals are not included as we do not have such service. But there is a buffet in our hotel where you can have meals at any time of the day and night. We have airport transfer service, it's free for our guests, as well as Wi-Fi. It is also possible to rent a car in our hotel in advance together with reserving a room. If you have any more questions we are ready to answer.

Yours sincerely,

Jennifer Watson
Sales Manager

Шаблон письма на английском : [email protected]
Date: 10/30/2012
Subject: Receiving the price list

Dear Mr. Roger Gill,

Your advertisement in the May issue of Aquarium Plants magazine is of great interest to us.

We would like to know more about your company's products offers and would appreciate receiving your wholesale price list.

It is our desire to offer our customers the widest selection of aquarium plants , and we are therefore interested in new plants.

We will look forward to your prompt response. Thank

Alexander Popov,
Director of the Aqua Ltd., Ekaterinburg, Russia
[email protected]Кому: [email protected]
Дата: 30.10.2017
Тема: Получить прайс-лист

Уважаемый господин Роджер Гилл,

Ваша реклама в майском номере журнала Аквариумные растения представляет большой интерес для нас.

Мы хотели бы знать больше о продукции Вашей компании и хотели бы получить Ваш прайс-лист оптовых цен.

Мы стремимся к тому, чтобы предложить нашим клиентам самый широкий выбор аквариумных растений, и поэтому мы интересуемся новыми растениями.

Мы надеемся на быстрый ответ. Спасибо.

Александр Попов,
Директор ООО Аква,
Екатеринбург, Россия,
[email protected]


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