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Организационный момент

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Объяснение материала

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Итоги урока

План урок по ценностям американской культуры

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План урока, затрагивающий ценности американской культуры на основе фильма "Форрест Гамп"

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«План урок по ценностям американской культуры»

Тип урока: урок развития умений

Задачи урока:

Практические задачи

  • Ознакомить учащихся с ценностями американской культуры на основе отрывков из фильма «Форрес Гамп» и текстов для чтения (сцены из фильма)

  • развивать умение частично подготовленной монологической речи до уровня СФЕ/ развернутого монологического высказывания на основе текста, описывающего сцену из фильма «Форрест Гамп»


  • способствовать формированию позитивного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка на основе текстов и отрывков из фильма «Форрест Гамп».


  • способствовать расширению лингвокультурного кругозора учащихся посредством ознакомления с ценностями американской культуры через фильм.


  • способствовать развитию у учеников умений работы в команде;

  • способствовать развитию умения выступления перед аудиторией;

  • способствовать развитию толерантного и дружелюбного отношения к культуре изучаемого языка.

Ход урока

Общая продолжительность урока – 35-40 мин.

I. Речевая подготовка (7 мин.) (слайд 1)

1. Организационный момент - приветствие

Teacher: Hello guys! My name is Yana Valerievna. I’ll be your teacher today. How are you today?

2. Речевая разминка

Режим работы: фронтальный

Teacher: Do you like watching films? (S-s answers)

Well, we’re going to watch some film clips from “Forrest Gump”. (слайд 2) As Forrest Gump Tom Hanks stars. His character has an intellectual disability, but in spite of that he is kind, athletic and influences the historical events.

So, watch film clips and name all kinds of sport.

Просмотр нарезок из фильма «Форрест Гамп»

Teacher: So what sports have you seen?

S-s: American football, ping-pong (table tennis), running.

Teacher: What traits of character can sport develop? Have a look on the screen (слайд 3) and choose them. Read the first one. Is it a trait of character? Ученики читают слова!

S-s answers

Teacher: Let’s check your answers. (слайд 4) Which word can unite these words: self-confidence, self-disciplene etc. and these words: Individualism, Progress? What are these: traits or values? What’s the difference between traits of character and values? Match the meaning to the definition. (слайд 5)

Each culture has its own values and we can find their reflection in all spheres, including sport. Today we’ll watch the demonstration of American values in the film “Forrest Gump”, because it depicts them really well. And the topic of our lesson is not only sport, but also values.

II. Основной этап урока (23 мин)

1. Знакомство с ценностями

On the screen you can see values from the film. Match value with its description. (слайд 6). (слайд 7) Read what Individualism is, what Progress and Change is.

2. Развитие умения чтения с пониманием основного содержания (5-7 мин)

Режим работы: в группах по 6 человек

Teacher: When you know the difference between these values we’ll work in 2 teams: A and B. Each team has a description of its own episode from the film, connected with 1 kind of sport and a value or values. Each of you read the description, then in groups fill in the story-map. It’s like a plan. You have 5-7 min to read the text and to fill in the story-maps. After that you’ll retell your scene to the second team.

Чтение текстов, заполнение карт.

Раздать жюри тексты и стори-мэпс как только ученики начали читать.

3. Развитие умения частично подготовленного монологического высказывания (16 мин)

Teacher: Time is over. Now team A, retell your story to the team B. The second team’s task is to listen and fill the second story-map (показать и выдать командам). You may also ask questions if some information is missing.

S-s: Пересказ текстов, заполнение вторых карт

Teacher: Team B, do you have any questions?

Teacher: Well done! So as team A said ping-pong scene shows us …. (название ценности). Do you agree with this opinion? (слайд 8) On the screen there are some useful phrases that will help you.

Team B thinks that Forrest’s running shows us … (название ценности). What is your point of view team A?

And what can you say about Forrest’s traits of character? Did he already have them from his childhood or sport helped him to develop them? What traits are they? (слайд 9)

III. Завершающий этап (5 мин)

Режим работы: фронтальный

1. Подведение итогов и анализ оценок учащихся

Teacher: Great job! But I have 1 more question for you: how does sport improve Forrest’s life?

S-s: He was a member of All-America Team in ping-pong, met the President, got a college degree, went to China, got Congressional Medal of Honour, inspired lots of people.

Teacher: Well done! All these things can be connected by 1 value. Its description is on the screen and this value was on the screen (слайд 10) at the beginning of the lesson. (если не догадаются, назвать самой)

S-s: American Dream.

Teacher: Right! It’s something that makes Americans happy and they work hard to achieve this Dream. Can we say that Forest achieved it?

Well, our lesson is almost over. That was absolutely fabulous! I hope you also enjoy this time. What have you learned during the lesson? What was new/interesting for you?

I do appreciate all of you. You did amazing job!

2. Домашнее задание

At home I want you to watch the Russian film about sport “Legend №17“. Think how are these values shown in our film and is there any difference? Do they depend on culture or sport unites and erases barriers between cultures?

Thank you for the lesson! Have a good day!

Story for team A: Forrest Gump and ping-pong

Forrest Gump was in army. After wound in a battle he was taken to the military hospital. There the other patient taught him to play ping-pong. For some reason ping-pong came very natural to him. So he started playing it all the time. He played even when he didn’t have anyone to play with. He played better and better, improved his skills all the time and worked hard.

After hospital he was in the Special Services, where he showed soldiers how to play ping-pong. The army decided he should be on the All-American ping-pong team, which went to China for the contest. Forrest did his best and they won. When he got home, he was a national celebrity and deserved the Congressional Medal of Honour.


Wound [wuːnd] – рана

the Special Services – служба организации досуга

the All-American ping-pong team – Американская сборная по пинг-понгу

did his best – делать все возможное

the Congressional Medal of Honour – медаль почета

Story for team A: Forrest Gump and ping-pong

Forrest Gump was in army. After wound in a battle he was taken to the military hospital. There the other patient taught him to play ping-pong. For some reason ping-pong came very natural to him. So he started playing it all the time. He played even when he didn’t have anyone to play with. He played better and better, improved his skills all the time and worked hard.

After hospital he was in the Special Services, where he showed soldiers how to play ping-pong. The army decided he should be on the All-American ping-pong team, which went to China for the contest. Forrest did his best and they won. When he got home, he was a national celebrity and deserved the Congressional Medal of Honour.


Wound [wuːnd] – рана

the Special Services – служба организации досуга

the All-American ping-pong team – Американская сборная по пинг-понгу

did his best – делать все возможное

the Congressional Medal of Honour – медаль почета

Story for team B: Forrest Gump and long run

That day, for no particular reason Forrest decided to go for a little run. So, he ran from his house to the end of the road and when he got there he ran to the end of town. And when he got there he ran across Greenbow County. After that he decided to ran across the state of Alabama.

He became popular due to his run because people were interested in reasons of his run. People started to join him on his way because they were encouraged by his outstanding example. Forrest inspired people who asked for advice. He had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days and 16 hours.


no particular reason – без особой причины

Greenbow County – округ Гринбоу

Alabama – штат Алабама в США

encouraged by – воодушевлен чем-то

outstanding – выдающийся

inspired – вдохновлял

Story for team B: Forrest Gump and long run

That day, for no particular reason Forrest decided to go for a little run. So, he ran from his house to the end of the road and when he got there he ran to the end of town. And when he got there he ran across Greenbow County. After that he decided to ran across the state of Alabama.

He became popular due to his run because people were interested in reasons of his run. People started to join him on his way because they were encouraged by his outstanding example. Forrest inspired people who asked for advice. He had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days and 16 hours.


no particular reason – без особой причины

Greenbow County – округ Гринбоу

Alabama – штат Алабама в США

encouraged by – воодушевлен чем-то

outstanding – выдающийся

inspired – вдохновлял

Values description


  • each person is unique, special;

  • a person has the right to live his life as he wants;

  • “self-made man”;

  • “hero” is an individual, who stand out from the crowd.

Progress and change:

  • belief in changing self and country;

  • improvement, development;

  • work hard to have some progress.

Values description


  • each person is unique, special;

  • a person has the right to live his life as he wants;

  • “self-made man”;

  • “hero” is an individual, who stand out from the crowd.

Progress and change:

  • belief in changing self and country;

  • improvement, development;

  • work hard to have some progress.

Values description


  • each person is unique, special;

  • a person has the right to live his life as he wants;

  • “self-made man”;

  • “hero” is an individual, who stand out from the crowd.

Progress and change:

  • belief in changing self and country;

  • improvement, development;

  • work hard to have some progress.

Values description


  • each person is unique, special;

  • a person has the right to live his life as he wants;

  • “self-made man”;

  • “hero” is an individual, who stand out from the crowd.

Progress and change:

  • belief in changing self and country;

  • improvement, development;

  • work hard to have some progress.


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