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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

План урока на тему Новости News

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Урок английского языка по теме "Какие новости? What's the news?". 9-й класс

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«План урока на тему Новости News»

Урок английского языка по теме "Какие новости? What's the news?". 9-й класс

цель урока: закрепление имеющихся у учащихся знаний по теме «Способы познания мира», контроль навыков устной речи по данной теме.


  • Образовательные: развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи. Практиковать учащихся в чтении, письме и аудировании. Систематизировать учебный материал.

  • Развивающие: расширять общий кругозор, развивать умения высказываться логично и связно, развивать умения анализировать, сравнивать, делать самостоятельные выводы.

  • Воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к речи партнера, повышать общую культуру общения.

Раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями на знание лексики и соотношение слов с их понятиями, самоклеющиеся листочки (стикеры) для письменного задания, листы с текстом.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент (3 мин.)

1. Приветствие (1 мин.)

Good afternoon, boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you. Today we’ll try to make our lesson useful and interesting. Take your seats.

2. Объявление темы и цели урока (2 мин.)

Look at the screen. Out theme is “The best way of getting information about the world. Mass media”. Today we are having our last lesson on Mass Media. You have already learnt a lot of interesting things about different ways of exploring the world. Today we are going to revise all we’ve learnt. So, let’s start. Getting information is a daily necessity for all people and there are many ways how to do it. Let’s find out what are the best ways to learn about the world. Which ways of getting information do you know? Ученики перечисляют способы познания мира (слайды 1 и 2).

II. Основная часть урока (37 мин.)

1. Фонетическая зарядка (2 мин.)

Let’s get down to phonetic practice at first and revise some difficult words and word combinations. Repeat after me (слайд 3).

Expand outlook



Improve knowledge


A great variety

Source of information


Opportunity for education

Possibility for entertainment


Escape from reality

Shape our views






Broader our mind

2. Речевая разминка.

a) Работа по цепочке (2 мин.)

Ask each other in a chain how your classmates get information about the world.

P1-P2-P3…How do you get information about the world?

b) Работа с карточками 1 (3 мин.)

How do you understand the word “Mass media”? There are several means of communicating with large numbers of people. They are traditionally called the media. But what are their definitions? Your task is to match the words and their definitions. Take these cards and let’s work with them.Work in pairs, help each other. (слайд 4)

Карточка 1. Your task is to match the words and their definitions.

  • Television

  • Newspaper

  • Tabloid

  • The Internet

  • Radio

  1. a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;

  2. the process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;

  3. broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;

  4. a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news;

  5. a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).

3. Проверка домашнего задания (12 мин.)

Now it’s time to check up your homework. You’ve prepared your own dialogues about the ways of exploring the world (слайд 5).

4. Развитие навыков чтения. Работа с текстом (4 мин.)

So, as far as you see there are a lot of ways of getting information. Let’s read the text about the past and the present of them. Before you read let’s have a look at the words after the text.

Now it’s time to read the text. And now your task is to answer the questions after the text.

Текст для чтения.

Ways of exploring the world

Ways of exploring change in the course of time. Previously they were confined to reading books and meeting other people. For centuries the poorly developed transport did not allow people to travel freely. Although technical progress of today has made our planet a small world, books remain our main guide into the world of the unknown. They help people to learn about the world. They tell about a lot of things and events of the past, the present and the future. Nowadays young people derive information not only from books but from the Internet as well. The Internet is the wonder of our time. With its help people get any information they need. The Internet, the global communication system, breaks the traditional notions of space and time. People can move anywhere they want in a twinkle of an eye. TV, radio and newspapers also help people to explore the world. The most ancient way of exploring the world is travelling. It is very useful to visit new places and meet new people. Travelling is the best way of learning foreign languages. (120 topics. Сборник разговорных тем по английскому языку, Миньяр-Белоручева А. П.)


  • To explore – исследовать

  • To confine – ограничивать

  • To remain – оставаться

  • Communication system – коммуникационная система

  • To derive – получать, извлекать

  • In a twinkle of an eye – в мгновение ока


  1. What ways of exploring the world do you know?

  2. From what sources do people derive information today?

  3. How does the Internet help to explore the world?

  4. What is the most ancient way of exploring the world?

  5. How do you prefer to explore the world?

  6. How did people explore the world in the past?

  7. What has technical progress made?

  8. What is the most popular source of information nowadays?

5. Совершенствование навыков аудирования. Прослушивание аудиозаписи (4 мин.)

Запись из УМК В. П. Кузовлева «Английский язык – 9 класс».

Nowadays the leader is TV. How can you explain this?

You’ll hear three opinions on British television. Which of these belongs to: a pupil, a teacher, a politician?

Ps: the 1st/2nd/3rd opinion belongs to…

T: what opinion do you agree with?

Ps: I agree with the 1st opinion.

T: Who said?

– We need more channels and more broadcasting.

– Television should be entertaining.

– Kids spend a lot of time just sitting and watching the telly.

– Television is a great way to learn.

– Some of the programmes are really violent.

– We try to entertain and educate.

6. Здоровьесберегающие технологии. Ответы на вопросы учителя в виде зарядки.

I think you want to have a rest, to move. Let’s play, you should agree or disagree with me. If you agree with me, you should stand up. If you disagree, you just sit still. 2 мин.

  1. Teenagers enjoy soap-operas.

  2. Old people think soap-operas are exciting.

  3. Little children like dramas.

  4. Businessmen are interested in cartoons.

  5. A lot of people watch TV programmes.

  6. People like advertising very much.

  7. There is a lot of news about fashion in magazines for teenagers.

  8. Teenagers don’t like reading serious newspapers.

7. Работа с раздаточным материалом (карточки 2) на знание лексики. Развитие навыков письменной речи (4 мин.)

You know a lot of words on this topic. In order to revise them I give you these cards. You should put down the words. They are connected with Mass media. You have 2 minutes to look through the text.

Карточка 2. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word has been given.

The m___ m____ refers to the people and organizations that provide news and i_________ for the public. Until recently these were mainly n__________, t_____________, and r_______. Today, c__________ play a very big part. The I__________ is a computer system that allows millions of people around the world to receive and exchange i___________ about almost everything. Ordinary post has been taken over by e_______ which stands for e___________ mail because it is sent and received via a computer. It is a system that allows people to send m____ to each other quickly and cheaply. So one wonders if the p_________ is a job in danger of extinction!

8. Развитие навыков монологической речи: высказывания со зрительной опорой (4 мин.)

Once again look at the screen. How can we get information? (слайды 6-13). I am sure you are ready to speak about getting information about the world. Answer my questions. Try to use these phrases. (слайд 14)

  1. Why is visiting museums and galleries useful and interesting?

  2. Do you think TV programmes can help you to learn better at school? In what way?

  3. Do you like listening to the radio? Why?

  4. What sort of information do you get from newspapers and magazines?

  5. What can help you to learn better at school?

  6. How often do you use the Internet? For what purpose?

  7. What can books tell you about the world?

  8. Can travelling help you to get information about the world?

  9. How can people communicate? How do you prefer to communicate with other people?

  10. What is the best way of getting information about the world?

III. Подведение итогов (5 мин.)

1. Объявление домашнего задания (1 мин.)

Open your diaries and write down your homework. Your home task is to fill in the table “The effects of Mass media”. You should make a table in your exercise books. (слайд 15)

2. Рефлексия. Учащиеся пишут ответы на 2 вопроса на разноцветных стикерах в виде ладошек и приклеивают их на изображение земного шара на доске (3 мин.)

To sum up try to answer my questions.

  1. How do you get information about the world most often?

  2. Which way of getting information is the best?

Write down your answers on these funny orange hands and stick them to this picture. Next time we’ll speak about the results of this questioning. I’m sure it’ll be very interesting for you.

3. Выставление оценок. Конец урока (1 мин.)

You’ll get such marks for the lesson…

You’ve worked hard at the lesson, thank you. At the end of the lesson I want you to read the quotation of Stevenson (слайд 16). I wish you to use different sources of information, not only TV, know much and be as happy as kings. (слайд 17) The lesson is over, goodbye.


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