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План выполнения задания 40 ЕГЭ по английскому языку (эссе в новом формате)

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В данной разработке представлен краткий план выполнения задания 40 ЕГЭ по английскому языку(эссе в новом формате), в котором дается синтаксическое начало предложения с необходимыми клише. Разработка может представлять интерес как для учителей и репетиторов, так и для старшеклассников, занимающихся самостоятельной подготовкой к ЕГЭ.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«План выполнения задания 40 ЕГЭ по английскому языку (эссе в новом формате)»


Nowadays more and more people understand that…

It is widely known that…

It is well known that…

There is no doubt that…

It goes without saying that…

The findings from the study touch on a question that…

Undoubtedly, … plays an important role in everyone’s life.

Doing a project about… I found an opinion poll on … and collected some data.

I am going to comment on several key features of the results of the poll.

Nowadays almost everyone…

2-3 main facts

Looking at the details, the most popular … with 55.4%...

On the contrary, the least popular…

As we can see, most people …

…which is quite surprising given that…

1-2 comparisons

According to the data in the table, …

…appear/appears to be more popular than…

Another important thing to mention is that…

Both genres…

It demonstrates that most people are aimed at … rather than…

The problem and its solution

One problem that can be connected with … is that …

…and this may result in…

However, there is a possible solution to this problem.

As far as I can see, … can cause several problems. The most serious one is that…

I believe that… is the best solution to this problem.


To sum everything up, I can say that…

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that …

All in all, I am convincing that…

In conclusion, I believe that … are crucial in everyone’s life because…

In conclusion, I think that … is an integral part of our life because…

Comparing the data

….a little bit less than a fifth

…which is around twice as many as the figure for…

…are almost as popular as…

…and it is 10 per cent more popular than…

…the difference between them is 0.1%

…79% and 78% respectively

Other links

Firstly,/Secondly,/Thirdly, Nevertheless,

On the contrary, On the one hand,

On the other hand, For example,

However, Moreover,

What is more,


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