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"Политическая система Российской Федерации" для обучающихся 10 класса

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"Политическая система  Российской Федерации" для обучающихся 10 класса

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«"Политическая система Российской Федерации" для обучающихся 10 класса»

The political system of the RF How do you think what we will do at our lesson today? Your answer must be answered with these words: I think that we will speak about …. I hope we will read the texts about… I suppose we are going to do some exercises about… I consider (believe) that we will ask and answer the questions…

The political system of the RF

  • How do you think what we will do at our lesson today? Your answer must be answered with these words:
  • I think that we will speak about ….
  • I hope we will read the texts about…
  • I suppose we are going to do some exercises about…
  • I consider (believe) that we will ask and answer the questions…
Do you know the words of politic? Political institution Federal government federation Constitution Court Federal Assembly Supreme Court To interact deputy Federal subject Duma chairman a branch of power Basic rights to guarantee To dissolve to veto laws

Do you know the words of politic?

  • Political institution Federal government
  • federation Constitution Court
  • Federal Assembly Supreme Court
  • To interact deputy
  • Federal subject Duma
  • chairman a branch of power
  • Basic rights to guarantee
  • To dissolve to veto laws
Reading the letter “C,c” I.c+ I,e,y [s] capacity, practice,cell, bicycle II. c+ a,o,u[k]come, capable,cat III.c+consonants [k]exact, direction IV. Ch, tch - charge, watch

Reading the letter “C,c”

  • I.c+ I,e,y [s] capacity, practice,cell, bicycle
  • II. c+ a,o,u[k]come, capable,cat
  • III.c+consonants [k]exact, direction
  • IV. Ch, tch - charge, watch
The letter “C,c” But: chemistry, technique,machine V.c+ ial, ient, ian: special, efficient, politician

The letter “C,c”

  • But: chemistry, technique,machine
  • V.c+ ial, ient, ian: special, efficient, politician
Passive voice P+to be+ V3 Present is, am, are Past was, were, Future will be

Passive voice

P+to be+ V3

Present is, am, are

Past was, were,

Future will be

P+to be+V3 Change into Passive 1.They didn’t offer Ann the job. 2.They don’t pay Jim very much 3.They will ask you a lot of questions. 4. They didn’t ask me my name. 5. We will send you your exams results

P+to be+V3

Change into Passive

1.They didn’t offer Ann the job.

2.They don’t pay Jim very much

3.They will ask you a lot of questions.

4. They didn’t ask me my name.

5. We will send you your exams results

2.Comprehension. Понимание   Answer the following questions: Who guarantees the basic rights of the people? Who elects the members of the Federal Assembly? Who appoints the chairman of the government?… Who elects the President? Who can dissolve the Duma? Who can declare laws unconstitutional? Who can veto laws passed by the Federal Assembly

2.Comprehension. Понимание

Answer the following questions:

  • Who guarantees the basic rights of the people?
  • Who elects the members of the Federal Assembly?
  • Who appoints the chairman of the government?…
  • Who elects the President?
  • Who can dissolve the Duma?
  • Who can declare laws unconstitutional?
  • Who can veto laws passed by the Federal Assembly
4 . Analysis . Анализ .   Prove the correctness of statements The head of the RF is the Prime Minister. The President is not elected by the people. The Federal Assembly exercises the legislative branch of power. The Federal Government exercises the executive branch of power. The Supreme Court represents the judicial branch of power.

4 . Analysis . Анализ . Prove the correctness of statements

  • The head of the RF is the Prime Minister.
  • The President is not elected by the people.
  • The Federal Assembly exercises the legislative branch of power.
  • The Federal Government exercises the executive branch of power.
  • The Supreme Court represents the judicial branch of power.
6.Reading texts. 1.You are given the text about the RF political system. Your first task is: to find out the answer from the text who is the head of the state in the RF. Secondly, Which institutions represent the branches of power? Thirdly, what is each branch of power responsible for?

6.Reading texts.

  • 1.You are given the text about the RF political system. Your first task is: to find out the answer from the text who is the head of the state in the RF.
  • Secondly, Which institutions represent the branches of power?
  • Thirdly, what is each branch of power responsible for?
7. Evaluation.   Оценка.   Evaluate the information about the political system of the RF .

7. Evaluation.   Оценка.

Evaluate the information about the political system of the RF .

8.Reflection What have we done at our lesson? Are you satisfied with it?


  • What have we done at our lesson?
  • Are you satisfied with it?
 Thank you for the lesson!  Please, write down your home task:  ex.2,p 45; ex 3, p 47,ex 2,3, p.33 “ The political system of the USA”
  • Thank you for the lesson!
  • Please, write down your home task:

ex.2,p 45; ex 3, p 47,ex 2,3, p.33

  • “ The political system of the USA”


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