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Помощники природы

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Презентация по теме помощники природы.

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«Помощники природы»

Презентация к уроку 7 v Тема: « Eco-helpers »  (учебник ‘Spotlight’ 7класс авторы: В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Подоляко, Д. Ваулина)

Презентация к уроку 7 v Тема: « Eco-helpers » (учебник ‘Spotlight’ 7класс авторы: В. Эванс, Д. Дули, О. Подоляко, Д. Ваулина)

Match English and  Russian equivalents . plant flowers recycle cans collect rubbish build nesting boxes teach the cycle of life clean out a pond read a book about ecology строить домики для птиц читать книгу по экологии сажать цветы чистить пруд собирать мусор подвергать вторичному использованию банки преподавать цикл жизни

Match English and Russian equivalents .

  • plant flowers
  • recycle cans
  • collect rubbish
  • build nesting boxes
  • teach the cycle of life
  • clean out a pond
  • read a book about ecology
  • строить домики для птиц
  • читать книгу по экологии
  • сажать цветы
  • чистить пруд
  • собирать мусор
  • подвергать вторичному использованию банки
  • преподавать цикл жизни
Look at the picture at p. 78, and correct the sentences. Sally is teaching the cycle of life. Dave is reading a book about ecology. Tim is collecting rubbish. Jane is planting flowers. John is cleaning out a pond.

Look at the picture at p. 78, and correct the sentences.

  • Sally is teaching the cycle of life.
  • Dave is reading a book about ecology.
  • Tim is collecting rubbish.
  • Jane is planting flowers.
  • John is cleaning out a pond.
 Read the sentences and transform them into the present perfect continuous tense. Jane is teaching the cycle of life. _________________________________________ Rose is cleaning out a pond. _________________________________________ Dave is planting flowers. _________________________________________  Tim is building nesting boxes  _________________________________________

Read the sentences and transform them into the present perfect continuous tense.

  • Jane is teaching the cycle of life.
  • _________________________________________
  • Rose is cleaning out a pond.
  • _________________________________________
  • Dave is planting flowers.
  • _________________________________________

Tim is building nesting boxes

  • _________________________________________
Label the pictures. a ladder a hammer and nails a spade a watering can a rake a net gardening gloves a plastic bag

Label the pictures.

  • a ladder
  • a hammer and nails
  • a spade
  • a watering can
  • a rake
  • a net
  • gardening gloves
  • a plastic bag
Read the dialogue and complete the sentences. Sally ___________________ for a month. Dave’s been _____________________ . The birds will leave the city if _________ . Tim wants to  ______ on Monday morning .

Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.

  • Sally ___________________ for a month.
  • Dave’s been _____________________ .
  • The birds will leave the city if _________ .
  • Tim wants to ______ on Monday morning .
Fill in with live, life, leave and live [laiv]. It is my dream to _______ in New York. We are _______ for London on April 5. ___________ is not all cakes and ale. I like watching _______ commentaries.

Fill in with live, life, leave and live [laiv].

  • It is my dream to _______ in New York.
  • We are _______ for London on April 5.
  • ___________ is not all cakes and ale.
  • I like watching _______ commentaries.
  Read the examples.  How do we form  question  tags?  Find examples in the dialogue in Ex. 3a. He works in the camp, doesn’t he ? She can’t  come, can she ?

Read the examples. How do we form question tags? Find examples in the dialogue in Ex. 3a.

He works in the camp, doesn’t he ?

She can’t come, can she ?

Complete the question tags. Rose is cleaning out the pond, _________________? Andy has been reading a book for 15 minutes, __________________? Sally is collecting rubbish, ______________? They study at a secondary school, _____________? You can speak three languages, _______________? He has passed the exam, _______________?

Complete the question tags.

  • Rose is cleaning out the pond, _________________?
  • Andy has been reading a book for 15 minutes, __________________?
  • Sally is collecting rubbish, ______________?
  • They study at a secondary school, _____________?
  • You can speak three languages, _______________?
  • He has passed the exam, _______________?
Read the study box.  Find examples of (absence of) necessity in the dialogue. I have to  take the dog for a walk before I leave. (it is  necessary ) It is Saturday – I don’t  have to  go to school today. (it is  not necessary )

Read the study box. Find examples of (absence of) necessity in the dialogue.

  • I have to take the dog for a walk before I leave. (it is necessary )
  • It is Saturday – I don’t have to go to school today. (it is not necessary )
What does/doesn’t Roger have to do?   Order more trees done! Call the recycling centre Tidy the eco-library Sally & Andy Clean out the clubhouse Buy more wood and nails next week Give out membership cards

What does/doesn’t Roger have to do?

  • Order more trees done!
  • Call the recycling centre
  • Tidy the eco-library Sally & Andy
  • Clean out the clubhouse
  • Buy more wood and nails next week
  • Give out membership cards
What do/don’t you have to do today?

What do/don’t you have to do today?

Использованные ресурсы: Английский в фокусе. Spotlight 7 класс Издательство: Просвещение Год: 2009 nsportal.ru›…yazyki…zadaniya…uchebniku-spotlight-7 prosv.ru›Spotlight›info.aspx… images.yandex.ru›

Использованные ресурсы:

  • Английский в фокусе. Spotlight 7 класс Издательство: Просвещение Год: 2009
  • nsportal.ru›…yazyki…zadaniya…uchebniku-spotlight-7
  • prosv.ru›Spotlight›info.aspx…
  • images.yandex.ru›


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