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Практическая работа №3 для специальности 40.02.01 Право и организация социального обеспечения

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Данная практическая работа разработана для специальности СПО 40.02.01 Право и организация социального обеспечения, где рассматривается тема "Демократическое правительство".

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«Практическая работа №3 для специальности 40.02.01 Право и организация социального обеспечения»

Практическая работа №3

Демократическое правительство. Часть 1.

Democratic government. Part 1.

В результате проделанной работы вы:

  • вспомните порядок слов в английских предложениях;

  • узнаете, что такое правительство, какие функции оно выполняет;

  • узнаете в каких государствах федеральная форма правления.

Задание 1: Письменно переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы после него.

Образец оформления: (пишется только перевод)

The system of checks and balances is one of the most characteristic features of democratic government. The system is based on the belief that government is controlled and close to the people.

In general, checks and balances has two basic features: federalism and separation of powers.

Federalism is the division of government between national, state or provincial, and local levels. For example, the United States of America is a federal republic with states that have their own legal status and authority independent of the federal government. American states cannot be abolished or changed by the federal government. Although national power in the US plays an important role, states are still responsible for such spheres as education, health, transportation and law enforcement.

The second feature of checks and balances is separation of powers. It assumes that political power is not concentrated within a single branch of the national government.

Therefore, separation of powers is a misleading term, because the system is based on shared powers more than on separate ones. For example, legislative authority in the USA belongs to the Congress, but laws passed by Congress can be voted by the president. The Congress, in turn, must assemble a two-thirds majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate to ignore a presidential veto. The president nominates ambassadors and members of the cabinet, and negotiates international treaties – but all are subject to approval by the Senate.

Separation of powers provides an important protection against the potential abuse of power by government.

Задание 2: Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на правильное произношение. Проконсультируйтесь со словарем:

a. government

b. federalism

c. republic

d. to abolish

e. law enforcement

f. term

g. to assemble

Задание 3: Проверьте произношение следующих слов в словаре:

a. shared

b. to vote

c. veto

d. to negotiate

e. treaty

f. to be subject to

g. to abuse

Задание 4: Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is government?

    2. What functions does government perform in a country?

    3. How do you understand the term “democratic government”? What are its characteristic features?

    4. What states with a federal form of government do you know?

What is this form of government based on?

Задание 5: Закончите предложение, пользуясь текстом.

1. One of the most characteristic features of democratic government is …

2. The basic belief of the system of checks and balances is …

3. Two main features of the checks and balances are …

4. Federalism is …

5. The characteristic feature of the political system of the United States is …

6. National power in the USA …, though states are still …

7. Separation of powers assumes that …

8. The term of separation of powers can be misleading because …

9. The congress in the USA represents …

10. In order to ignore a presidential veto the Congress …

11. The president nominates …, negotiates …

Задание 6: Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the main goal of the checks and balances system?

2. What does the term checks and balances mean?

3. What is federalism?

4. What responsibilities do the states possess in the USA?

5. What misleading sense lies in the term separation of powers?

6. What does separation of powers provide?

Критерии оценивания практической работы №3:

Успешность выполнения работы определяется исходя из следующего соответствия:

100 – 90 процентов    -  «5» (отлично)

89 – 80 процентов      -   «4» (хорошо)

79 – 50 процентов    -  «3» (удовлетворительно)

49 – 0 процентов    -  «2» (неудовлетворительно)

Вопросы для самопроверки:

  1. Что такое правительство, назовите его функции.

  2. Какова главная цель системы проверок и балансов?

  3. Что такое федерализм?


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