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Практическая работа 4 курс СПО. С/Х

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«Практическая работа 4 курс СПО. С/Х»

Инструкционная карта № 1

на выполнение практического занятия по дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык
для обучающихся 3 курса специальности 35.02. 05 Агрономия

Тема: Сельское хозяйство. Отрасли сельского хозяйства.


-Образовательная: ознакомление с новой темой, навыки письма, умение работать со словарем.

- Воспитательная: прививать студентам любовь и уважительное отношение к английскому языку, толерантность к иноязычной культуре.

- Развивающая: развивать навыки работы со словарем; повышать интерес к английскому языку; расширять кругозор студентов. Развивать умение анализировать, обобщать, выделять главное в процессе учебной деятельности, работать в коллективе и самостоятельно.

Норма времени: 2 акад. часа.

Оснащение рабочего места: англо-русский и русско–английские словари, раздаточный материал (инструкционные карты, словари), комплект инструкционно-технологических карт, посадочные места по количеству обучающихся; рабочее место преподавателя.

Компетенции, умения и навыки, которыми должны овладеть обучающиеся:



  1. Брейгина М.Е. О контроле базового уровня обученности // Иностранные языки в школе. - №2 -1991.

  2. Временный государственный образовательный стандарт, -общее среднее образование. Министерство образования РФ и лаборатория обучения иностранным языкам, Россия, академия образования, М., 1993.

  3. Денисова Л.Г., Симкин В.Н. Об итоговом контроле обученности иностранным языкам // Иностранные языки в школе. - №2 1995.

  4. Королева О.Л., Пыстина Н.В. Использование тестирования в старших классах. // Контроль в обучении иностранным языкам в средней школе: Кн. для учителя: Из опыта работы / Ред.-сост. В.А. Слободчиков. -М.: Просвещение, 1986.

  5. Голицинский В.Г. «Практическая грамматика английского языка»

  6. “Oxford Student’s Dictionary of Current English”, A.S.Hornby

  7. “English for Colleges”, T.A.Karpova, Москва

Ход занятия


agriculture – сельское хозяйство cultivation – выращивание, возделывание

fungi - грибы

fiber – волокно, корм

to date back – датироваться, исчисляться

to define – определять

to rely on – полагаться на

techniques – методы

to expand – расширять, увеличивать

to maintain – поддерживать, содержать

suitable for – подходящий для

to raise – выращивать

domesticated species – окультуренные виды

irrigation – орошение

herd – стадо

rangeland – неогороженное пастбище

livestock – скот

dominant – преобладающий

support – поддержка

plant breeding – селекция растений

pesticides – пестициды

fertilizer – удобрение

to increase yields – повышать урожайность

to cause – вызывать

damage – вред

animal husbandry – животноводство

output – производство

meat – мясо

animal cruelty – жестокое обращение с животными

growth hormones – гормоны роста

chemicals – химикаты

meat production – производство мяса sustainable agriculture – экологически рациональное сельское хозяйство


Agriculture (also called farming or husbandry) is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, and other products used to sustain life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of human civilization. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science.

The history of agriculture dates back thousands of years, and its development has been driven and defined by greatly different climates, cultures, and technologies. However, all farming generally relies on techniques to expand and maintain the lands suitable for raising domesticated species. For plants, this usually requires some form of irrigation, although there are methods of dryland farming; pastoral herding on rangeland is still the most common means of raising livestock. In the developed world, industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture has become the dominant system of modern farming, although there is growing support for sustainable agriculture (organic agriculture).

Modern agronomy, plant breeding, pesticides and fertilizers, and technological improvements have sharply increased yields from cultivation, but at the same time have caused widespread ecological damage and negative human health effects. Selective breeding and modern practices in animal husbandry such as intensive pig fanning have similarly increased the output of meat, but have raised concerns about animal cruelty and the health effects of the antibiotics, growth hormones, and other chemicals commonly used in industrial meat production.

1. Answer the questions:
  1. What is agriculture?

  2. What is agricultural science?

  3. What does all farming generally rely on?

  4. What methods are used for growing crops?

  5. What is the most common means of raising livestock?

  6. What is the dominant system of modern farming?

  7. What technological improvements increase yields?

  8. What disadvantages of animal husbandry are known?

2. How do you call?
  1. A simple type of plant that grows on plants or other surfaces.

  2. The preparation and use of land for growing crops.

  3. Supplying land or crops with water.

  4. Chemicals used to kill insects and small animals that destroy crops.

  5. Farming that involves keeping animals and producing milk, meat, etc.

  6. Animals that are kept on a farm.

  7. Substance that is put on the soil to make plants grow.

  8. The cultivation of animals and plants for food without causing damage to the environment.

  1. Match the following English and Russian word-combinations:

  1. domesticated species

  2. agriculture

  3. cultivation of plants

  4. human civilization

  5. suitable for raising

  6. irrigation

  7. plant breeding

  8. to increase yields

  9. animal husbandry

  10. growth hormones

  11. meat production

а) селекция растений

  1. гормоны роста

  2. окультуренные виды

  3. сельское хозяйство

  4. повышать урожайность

  5. выращивание растений

  6. животноводство

  7. производство мяса

  8. подходящие для выращивания

  9. орошение

  10. человеческая цивилизация

  1. pastoral herding, chemicals, cultivation, dry land, plant breeding, irrigation, sustainable

    Fill in the blanks with the words from the list and translate the sentences:

  1. Agriculture is the … of animals, plants and other life forms for food, fiber and other products.

  2. For plants, this usually requires some form of …, although there are methods of … farming. … is still the most common means of raising livestock.

  3. In the developed world there is growing support for … agriculture.

  4. Modern agronomy …. pesticides and fertilizers have sharply increased yields from cultivations.

  5. Selective breeding and modern practices in animal husbandry have raised concerns about growth hormones and other … used in industrial meat production.

5. Mind your Grammar

Present Simple or Present Continuous? (I do or I am doing?)

  1. Choose the correct sentences.

  1. a Frank plays football every weekend.

b Frank is playing football every weekend.

  1. a It is raining in Prague today. b It rains in Prague today.

  2. a The sun is shining at the moment. b The sun shines at the moment.

  3. a James usually wears a shirt and tie.

b James is usually wearing a shirt and tie.

  1. a They do their homework now.

b They are doing their homework now.

  1. a Charles is catching the bus to work every morning. b Charles catches the bus to work every morning.

  2. a I seldom do morning exercises.

b I am seldom doing morning exercises.

  1. Put in am/is/are/don’t/does/doesn’t.
  1. Have a cigarette.’ ‘No, thank you, I … smoke.

  2. Why … you laughing at me?

  3. ‘What … you do?’ ‘I … a dentist.’

  4. I … want to go out. It … raining.

  5. ‘Where … you come from?’ ‘From Canada.’

  6. How much …it cost to send a letter to Canada?

  7. I can’t talk to you at the moment. I … working .

  8. George is a good tennis player but he … play very often.

  9. … you like cats?

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.
  1. Jim usually (wake up) late on Sundays.

  2. I (play) tennis at the moment.

  3. Sheila (listen) to music in her free time.

  4. The children (swim) now.

  5. She (go) on a picnic every Sunday.

  6. Bill (have) a shower right now.

  7. Joe (not/watch) TV very often.

  8. Excuse me, (you/speak) English?

  9. George (drive) to work every morning.

  10. He (walk) in the park now.

  11. Listen! Somebody (sing).

  12. It (snow) heavily today.

  13. ‘Where are you, Roy?’ ‘I’m in the sitting-room. I (read).

  14. How often (you/read) a newspaper.

4. Correct the mistakes.
  1. Dolphins are living for about fifty years.

  2. She often go to the beach on Sundays.

  3. They visits Paris every year.

  4. This house cost $400 per month to rent.

  5. Every day Paul catch the bus at 8 am.

  6. Jane have got red hair and blue eyes.

  7. I don’t often writes letters to my friend.

  8. She are driving to the beach now.

  9. John wears black trousers and a T-shirt today.

  10. Every summer we goes on holiday.

  11. These books isn’t mine.

  12. My brother doesn’t speaks English.

Подведение итогов занятия.

Критерии оценки:

«5» - слова написаны грамотно, допускается одна ошибка

«4» - есть незначительное количество грамматических ошибок (2-3)

«3» - значительное количество грамматических ошибок (5-6)

Анализ проделанной работы

 Вопросы для актуализации опорных знаний:

What did you learn today?

What new information have you got?

What are the positive and negative sides of the lesson?

Форма предоставления отчета: письменно в тетради.


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