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Практическая работа 4 курс СПО

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«Практическая работа 4 курс СПО»

Инструкционная карта № 3

на выполнение практического занятия по дисциплине
ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык
для обучающихся 3 курса всех специальностей

Тема: Моя будущая профессия-агроном. Грамматический практикум.


-Образовательная: ознакомление с новой темой, навыки письма, умение работать со словарем.

- Воспитательная: прививать студентам любовь и уважительное отношение к английскому языку, толерантность к иноязычной культуре.

- Развивающая: развивать навыки работы со словарем; повышать интерес к английскому языку; расширять кругозор студентов. Развивать умение анализировать, обобщать, выделять главное в процессе учебной деятельности, работать в коллективе и самостоятельно.

Норма времени: 2 акад. часа.

Оснащение рабочего места: англо-русский и русско–английские словари, раздаточный материал (инструкционные карты, словари), комплект инструкционно-технологических карт, посадочные места по количеству обучающихся; рабочее место преподавателя.

Компетенции, умения и навыки, которыми должны овладеть обучающиеся:



  1. Брейгина М.Е. О контроле базового уровня обученности // Иностранные языки в школе. - №2 -1991.

  2. Временный государственный образовательный стандарт, -общее среднее образование. Министерство образования РФ и лаборатория обучения иностранным языкам, Россия, академия образования, М., 1993.

  3. Денисова Л.Г., Симкин В.Н. Об итоговом контроле обученности иностранным языкам // Иностранные языки в школе. - №2 1995.

  4. Королева О.Л., Пыстина Н.В. Использование тестирования в старших классах. // Контроль в обучении иностранным языкам в средней школе: Кн. для учителя: Из опыта работы / Ред.-сост. В.А. Слободчиков. -М.: Просвещение, 1986.

  5. Голицинский В.Г. «Практическая грамматика английского языка»

  6. “Oxford Student’s Dictionary of Current English”, A.S.Hornby

  7. “English for Colleges”, T.A.Karpova, Москва

Ход занятия


agronomy – агрономия

agronomist – агроном

branch of agriculture – отрасль сельского хозяйства

soil – почва

feed – корм

environment – окружающая среда

to preserve – сохранять

crops – с/х культуры

cooperation – взаимодействие productivity – производительность production – производство

to reduce – сокращать, уменьшать

to forage – фуражировать

to cultivate crops – выращивать с/х культуры

wheat – пшеница barley – ячмень grain – зерно

to select – отбирать

selection – отбор

natural selection – естественный отбор

to harvest – собирать урожай

yield – урожай

to adapt to – приспосабливаться к чему-либо

adaptation – приспособление, адаптация

adaptability – способность приспосабливаться universal – всеобщий

to assess – оценивать, определять

to assure – гарантировать


Agronomy is the branch of agriculture that deals with the development and practical management of plants and soils to produce food, feed, and fiber crops in a manner that preserves or improves the environment. The term "agronomy" represents the disciplines of soils, crops, and related sciences . Researchers in agronomy often work in close cooperation with scientists from disciplines such as biology, chemistry, biochemistry, soil microbiology, ecology, mineralogy, entomology, plant genetics and engineering in order to improve productivity and reduce environmental problems.

Agronomy is not a new field. In prehistoric times, humans shifted from foraging to cultivating specific crops, probably wheat or barley, for their food value. At harvest time, plants with easily gathered grain were selected first. This natural selection eventually made these food plants better adapted to continued cultivation because they were more easily harvested. Throughout the centuries, selection also occurred for other crop characteristics, such as taste, yield, and adaptation to specific soils and climates.

The goal of today's production agronomists is essentially the same: to improve the quality, adaptability, and yield of our most important crops.

Agronomy is an international discipline. Many of the problems, faced by societies around the world are universal in nature, and require international cooperation. For example, a major problem facing the developed world is that of how best to use the land resources. Within the developing world, the same problems exist. The questions of how much and which land should be saved for food and fiber production and which land should be used for nonagricultural uses must be addressed by both developing and developed societies. Agronomists play a crucial role in

assessing land quality to assure an environmentally friendly use of land. Knowledge gained by agronomists in the developed world has helped improve the human conditions in the developing world. For example, through plant breeding, agronomists have developed high-yielding rice that is adapted to tropical climates.

    1. Answer the questions:

  1. What is agronomy?

  2. What is natural selection?

  3. What crop characteristics did the selection occur for?

  4. What is the goal of today’s production?

  5. What is a major problem of the developed world?

  6. What is the aim of agronomists in modern agriculture?

    1. Match the following English and Russian word-combinations:

  1. branch of agriculture

  2. to work in close cooperation

  3. food and feed crops

  4. to improve productivity

  5. to reduce problems

  6. to cultivate crops

  7. food value

  8. natural selection

  9. adaptation to specific soils

  10. the use of the land resources

а) повышать производительность

  1. выращивать с/х культуры

  2. уменьшать количество проблем

  3. пищевые и кормовые культуры

  4. отрасль сельского хозяйства

  5. адаптация к определенным почвам

  6. пищевая ценность

  7. использование земельных ресурсов

  8. работать в тесном взаимодействии

  9. естественный отбор

    1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list and translate the sentences:

environment, branch, cooperation, grain, natural selection, yield, adaptability, land

  1. In prehistoric times, plants with easily gathered … were selected first.

  2. Selection also accured for other characteristics, such as taste, … and adaptation to specific soils and climates.

  3. A major problem facing the developed world is that of how best to use … .

… made these food plants better adapted to continued cultivation.

  1. The goal of today’s production is to improve the quality, … and yield of our most important crops.

  2. Agronomy is the … of agriculture.

  3. Researchers in agronomy often work in close … with scientists from other disciplines.

  4. Dealing with the development and practical use of plants and soils it is necessary to preserve and improve the…

  1. Arrange the following words in the pairs of synonyms:

environment preserve soil

feed crops grain crops harvest reduce assure goal


cereals surrounding get better yield

aim conserve land

forage crops guarantee


  1. Mind your Grammar

Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in the box.

hard-working old quiet tall young

  1. My oldest sister is almost twenty years than me.

  2. My sister is a bit…………..than I am. She works weekends and she works late most days. I’m too lazy to do that kind of thing!

  3. Sometimes, I find it quite hard to talk to my brother. He’s quite shy. He’s much than me.

  4. My younger brother is already ten centimeters ………………… than me – and he’s only 15. He’s going to be huge when he’s older!

  5. My little sister is eight years than me.

Now complete these sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in the box.

fit lazy open relaxed serious

  1. My dad worries all the time about his business and about his children, but my mum doesn’t really worry about anything! My mum is a lot than my dad.

  2. My dad goes running three times a week, he plays tennis a lot and he cycles to work every day! It’s embarrassing to say, but I think he’s probably a bit…………..

than I am.

  1. My older brother is ………..than my big sister. She’s really hard-working, but he's unemployed at the moment - and is too lazy to find a job.

  2. It’s strange, but my gram is a lot……… than my mum is. I can talk to my gram about almost anything, but my mum doesn’t really like talking about her feelings.

  3. My sister likes going out and partying and making new friends, but I’m more interested in my studies and my future career. I suppose I’m just a bit………. than my sister.

Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box

fit lazy nice old tall

    1. My friend Rachel is the…..person I know. She goes running every day and swimming three times a week!

    2. I’m …….student in the class. Everyone else is much younger than me.

    3. My dad is one of the…….. people I know. He never does any exercise - and he never helps my mum with the housework!

    4. Wow! Look! He’s one of the ……people I’ve ever seen! He must be over two meters.

    5. I met Michael Jordan once. He was great - one of the ……people I’ve ever met.

Now complete these sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box

Beautiful interesting young easy relaxed

    1. That was one of the….exams I’ve ever taken. I’m sure I’ve passed!

    2. I’m reading How to talk to your cat at the moment. It’s great. It’s one of the …. things I’ve ever read.

    3. I’m one of the ….. people in the company. Most people are a lot older than me.

    4. She’s one of the …. people I know. She never worries about anything.

We spent three weeks on an island in the Pacific. It was amazing – one of the ..… places I’ve been to. I loved it!

Подведение итогов занятия.

Критерии оценки:

«5» - слова написаны грамотно, допускается одна ошибка

«4» - есть незначительное количество грамматических ошибок (2-3)

«3» - значительное количество грамматических ошибок (5-6)

Анализ проделанной работы

 Вопросы для актуализации опорных знаний:

What did you learn today?

What new information have you got?

What are the positive and negative sides of the lesson?

Форма предоставления отчета: письменно в тетради.


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