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Практические занятия № 34-38. Описание людей. Настоящее простое время. Изучение лексико – грамматического материала по теме.

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Практическое занятие по теме описание людей. Настоящее простое время.

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«Практические занятия № 34-38. Описание людей. Настоящее простое время. Изучение лексико – грамматического материала по теме.»

Практические занятия

Практические занятия 34-38. Описание людей. Настоящее простое время. Изучение лексико – грамматического материала по теме. Аудирование. Практика в употреблении лексики и грамматики по теме. (6 часов)

Цель: научиться выделять из текста основную информацию.

Результат обучения: демонстрация умений работать с текстом.

Теоретический материал: Present simple - Настоящее простое время

1.1 Образование форм Present simple:

а) Утвердительные формы Present simple представляют собой основную форму глагола (Basic verb form) за единственным исключением: в 3-ем лице ед. числа к основной форме глагола прибавляется окончание -s.

I work

You work

He/She/It works

We work

They work

б) Общий вопрос: При построении общего вопроса используется вспомогательный глагол do в настоящем времени, который ставится перед подлежащим предложения. Do you speak French? Does Mary work?

в) Отрицательные формы: Отрицательные предложения образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола do в настоящем времени, за которым следуют отрицательная частица not/n't. I don't like cats He doesn't often drink tea

1.2. Употребление форм Present simple.

Present simple используется при рассказе о событиях, которые происходят регулярно, а также при описании ситуаций, которые имеют место вообще, а не только в настоящий период времени. Обстоятельства, которые используются в этом времени:

Always – всегда

Usually - обычно

Sometimes – иногда

Often – часто

Never – никогда

Now – сейчас

As a rule – как правило

Every – каждый

His dog barks a lot — Его собака много лает (у нее есть привычка - много лаять).

I work in a shop. — Я работаю в магазине.

The sun rises in the east — Солнце встает на востоке.

I have breakfast every day — Я завтракаю каждый день .

I often go to school by bus — Я часто езжу в школу на автобусе.

Практические задания

Задание №1

Текст задания: прочтите и переведите письменно текст на русский язык.


To find a friend one has to be ready to get in contact with other people. You have to try to understand people when they are in need your help. Talking is very important between friends. If it is a good friendship, both friends care to talk and listen to each other. It doesn’t necessarily mean that your friend wants you to help him/her. Sometimes it enough just to be with a friend and be heard. Friends try to treat each other’s feelings with sincere attention. A good friend will always see when he or she is needed most and come immediately to help. That doesn’t mean that a good friend must be able to read our thoughts. Neither can you read your friend’s thoughts.

Among my friends, we are all equal. Without equality it is impossible imagine how you can be friends. If one person is playing the role of a boss and the other the role of a subordinate, how can you call this a friendship?

To my mind, friendship is a reasonable combination of such important things as trust, communication, understanding, and support. With your friend, you can be your natural self, without trying to put on a mask. You may have successes and failures in life, but then you come to your friend and you realize that this is a person who will accept you just you are.

At the same time, remember you will never create a lasting friendship if you do not try to be a friend yourself. You can’t ask your friend to be attentive to your needs, helpful, and supportive without having those qualities yourself.

You cannot remain friends if you see each other rarely. To stay real friends you have to exchange regular telephone calls and get together at least from time to time. It is hard to find a good friend. It may take you half of life to find one. To lose a friend it is enough to ignore your friend for a while and not to get in contact with them. If you are too busy for personal meetings, send your friend an email, or send a postcard, even without any special occasion. You friend will appreciate that.

How do we become friends? Well, first of all, you have to be acquainted. This happens either at school or at some party with lots of people. Then, somehow you may start say some things which express your feelings about something more or less important. If a person responds to your openness in some way or other, he or she may disclose his or her thoughts on the same subject and this may be a good basis for your future friendship.

You must have something common with interests with your friend. Something you can do or enjoy doing something together. For example, you both like to go to the movies, play table tennis, or play computer games, or you have the same hobbies you can share like collecting stamps or postcards. This will be a common topic to talk about.

Some people say, to have one best friend in a lifetime is good, two friends is great luck, and that it is almost impossible to have three and more friends. As for me, I can say that I have two best friends. Their names are Slava, and Marina. I have known both of them since kindergarten. We went to the same school. When I got into hospital, they both visited me and brought some fruit and sweets to cheer me up. Marina is a tennis-player, so when she takes part in a competition Slava and I always come to the stadium to root for her. As she says, our support helps her a lot. At school, Slava did well at mathematics. Any time we needed additional explanation on some topic, he would agree to come together and do some exercises. We all exchange interesting books, or compact disks. In the summer, we usually go to a summer camp together because we can’t imagine to spend so much time apart. Today, we do realize that when we are adults it will be more difficult to stay in touch. Anyway, I am sure we will find a way to maintain our friendship as long as possible, just like a famous group “The Queen” sing in one of their greatest songs: “Friends will be friends, right to the end.”


1. to get in contact with – наладить контакт

2. sincere – искренний

3. attention – внимание

4. treat each other – обращаться друг к другу

5. trust – доверять

6. communication – знакомство, связь

7. have success – преуспевать

8. failure - неудача

9. to be attentive to – быть внимательным к

10. supportive - поддерживающий

11. to get together – собираться вместе

12. to get in contact with - поддерживать связь

13. appreciate – ценить

14. to be acquainted with – быть знакомым с

15. to respond – отвечать

16. have common – иметь общее

17. enjoy doing – получать удовольствие, делая что- то

18. share – разделять

19. to cheer somebody up – подбадривать кого - либо

20. to take part in – принимать участие в

21. to do well at - успевать в чем - то

22. to stay in touch – поддерживать связь

Задание №2

Текст задания: подберите из текста однокоренные слова к данным словам.

Necessary, reality, immediate, meaning, thought, equality, impossibility, reason, communicate, trustful, support, nature, successful, attentive, helpful, rare, regularity, personality, acquaintance, agreement, feel, collection, lucky, interest, surely, imagination, difficulty, maintenance, compete.

Задание №3

Текст задания: вычеркните лишнее слово.

1. – father, mother, sister, brother, parents, manager, cousin, aunt, uncle

2. – slim, slender, fat, thick, hot, thin, lean, short, tall

3. – hair, nose, face, hand, leg, feet, head, miss, eye, ear, chin

4. – school, college, institute, building, university

5. – be fond of, like, dislike, come, hate, enjoy

Задание №4

Текст задания: ответьте на вопросы о своем друге:

1. What is your friend’s name?

2. What is your friend’s surname?

3. How old is your friend?

4. Is your friend married or single?

5. Is your friend a student? Where does your friend study?

6. Does your friend have a family? What is your friend’s family like?

7. Does your friend have sisters or brothers?

8. Where were your friend born?

9. When were your friend born?

10. How does your friend look like? Is your friend’s hair long or short? What is the colour of your friend’s hair? What is the colour of your friend’s eyes?

11. What is your friend’s hobby?

12. What is your friend’s favourite colour?

13. What does your friend do in his spare time?

14. What can your friend do well?

Задание №5

Текст задания: письменно составьте краткое изложение текста 12- 15 предложений.

Отчет: письменное выполнение заданий 1- 5. Ответы на вопросы отправить на адрес электронной почты [email protected].

Список использованных источников:

1. Английский язык: сборник упражнений и тестовых заданий. Миловидов В.А., - М.: АСТ: Астрель; Владимир: ВКТ, 2010. – 511, [1] с.

2. Английский язык: полный экспресс- репетитор: «Чтение» «Грамматика и лексика» «Письмо» «Говорение» . Е.С. Музланова., Е.И. Кисунько. - М.: АСТ: Астрель; Владимир: ВКТ, 2011. – 606, [2] с.

3. English Grammar: References and practice. Version 2.0 – СПб.: Антология, 2012. – 424с.


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