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Present Simple vs Present Continuous

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Present Simple vs Present Continuous

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«Present Simple vs Present Continuous»

Spotlight 9 Module 1 Тест 9 класс

Вариант 2


A Fill in the missing words. There are three words you do not need to use.














  1. Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a ….. idea.

  2. If you see a spider, ….. sure you don’t kill it ; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.

  3. The night sky burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks …. Began.

  4. It’s amazing how the town residents have ….. the local square into an open-air theatre for next week/s music festival.

  5. Take a …. Change of warm clothes with you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night.

  6. We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a …. Tradition in my family

  7. The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colourful …..parade

  8. Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience …. As a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month.

  9. Over the years, this organization has …. A lot of money for different local charities.

  10. Why don’t you take part in the cooking …. ? I’m sure you’ll be winner!

B Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition for, of, with and in.

  1. The road was crowded ___ cars and buses heading for the festival

  2. My little brother is afraid ___ the load noise that fireworks make when they go off

  3. Are you interested ___ going to a fancy dress party tonight?

  4. Everyone was [leased ___ the success of the Arts Festival

  5. Bill’s tired ___ doing the same thing for his birthday every year.

  6. Don’t tell me you still believe ___ Santa Clause!

  7. The Toronto Film Festival is famous ___ appearances by major Hollywood stars.

  8. The reason ___ this meeting is to talk about the school festival.

  9. Are you pleased ___ the decorations we have chosen?

  10. She is interested ___ learning more about traditional celebrations.

C Underline the correct tense

  1. You look / are looking very pale. Is everything OK ?

  2. Are you doing / Do you do anything special tonight ?

  3. Daniel thinks / is thinking about moving to a bigger house in the countryside.

  4. The film starts / has started at 22:00 pm. We must be at the cinema by 21:30.

  5. I’ve never been trying / ‘ve never tried candy floss. Is it nice?

  6. Marion al allergic to dairy products. She hasn’t eaten / hasn’t been eating chocolate for years.

  7. Sue has been working / is working for this company for ten years now.

D Join the sentences with where, who, when and whose

  1. Amy is talking part in the carnival. She has made her costume herself.


  1. I’ve been studying all day. That’s why I’m very tired.

I’ve been studying all day

E Fill in the gaps with where, who, when and whose

  1. Perugia, ____ the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year, is a city in central Italy.

  2. The costume ___ George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.

  3. December 25th , _____ Christmas takes place , is also my parents’ anniversary.

  4. Lyn is the girl ____ is having the party on Friday.

  5. John,____ brother is a clown, is throwing a costume party next week.


F Choose the correct response

  1. We lost the match.

  2. That’s very bad luck

  3. Good luck!

  4. What a nice party!

  5. I lost my keys on Friday the 13th.

  1. What a coincidence

  2. Better luck next time.

  3. Don’t talk rubbish.

  4. Thanks. I’m glad you think so.

  5. Thanks. I’ll need it.


G Read the text again and mark the statement below as 1 – True , 2- False , 3 – Not stated

The Dubai shopping festival 
A relatively new addition to the age-old tradition of global, national and local festivals, the Duhai Shopping Festival, or the DSF as it's more commonly called, is an event that offers something for everyone. It lasts for about a month, and takes place in one of the winter months every year. 
What first began as a tourist attraction in 1996 is now a 1) celebration of buying and selling that welcomes hundreds of thousands of visitors. Over 2,300 shops offer an enormous variety of goods at very low prices. 2) Festival-goers will find even more bargains at one of the most popular attractions of the DSF, the Night Souk. This is a big street market that is open from the afternoon till the small hours of the morning. There, it is customary for the shoppers to haggle with the sellers over the price of something, until both the buyer and the seller agree on a 3) satisfactory price. 
But the DSF is not only about shopping. There is a wide range of 4) activities that keep everyone in the family happy. Over the years, events such as a food festival, fashion show, carnival and a fireworks display have offered visitors an 5) enjoyable experience. The festival 6) organizers keep surprising visitors with new, bigger and better events every year. 
The Dubai Shopping Festival is a fantastic family event that combines shopping with fun and culture, and brings people from the four corners of the world together. As the slogan of the festival says: "One Family, One World, One Festival". 

  1. The DSF always takes place in the same months every year

  2. The DSF began as a way to make Dibai’s shops more famous.

  3. The first DSF was not very popular.

  4. The Night Souk is a favourite with visitors.

  5. The DSF offers different

  6. A family pays less to visit the events at the DSF.


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