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Present Simple vs Present Continuous (презентация к уроку)

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Present Simple vs Present Continuous (презентация к уроку) с упражнениями и ответами

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«Present Simple vs Present Continuous (презентация к уроку)»

Fill in the table Present Simple Форма Present Continuous Вспомогательные глаголы Слова – маркеры Употребляется только в: V – V(e)s be V-ing be do - does every day (week/month\ year) always usually sometimes rarely never often now at the moment at present today this week have got like want feel hate love

Fill in the table

Present Simple


Present Continuous

Вспомогательные глаголы

Слова – маркеры

Употребляется только в:

V – V(e)s

be V-ing


do - does

every day (week/month\ year)








at the moment

at present


this week

have got






Put the verbs in correct form.

Put the verbs in correct form.

Who is this man? What do you know about him? What do you think he does there? Robinson Crusoe

Who is this man?

What do you know about him?

What do you think he does there?

Robinson Crusoe

Find the verbs in the game and say what he does. p. 60, ex.2

Find the verbs in the game

and say what he does.

p. 60, ex.2

Let’s listen to and read the instruction. Name the pictures: square dice counters island snakes think explore ladders miss a family

Let’s listen to and read the instruction. Name the pictures:

  • square
  • dice
  • counters
  • island
  • snakes
  • think
  • explore
  • ladders
  • miss a family
True False Not Stated Children and adults enjoy playing Snakes and Ladders. Snakes and Ladders is an old game. Robinson Crusoe comes from Indian game. Four players can play Snakes and Ladders.  All you need for the game is a dice and some counters. When you are on a square with the snake’s tail you go up to its head. Whoever gets to the last square wins.

True False Not Stated

  • Children and adults enjoy playing Snakes and Ladders.
  • Snakes and Ladders is an old game.
  • Robinson Crusoe comes from Indian game.
  • Four players can play Snakes and Ladders.
  • All you need for the game is a dice and some counters.
  • When you are on a square with the snake’s tail you go up to its head.
  • Whoever gets to the last square wins.
Let’s play! http:// www.eslgamesworld.com/members/games/grammar/present%20tenses/present%20tenses%20snakes%20and%20ladders.html

Let’s play!

http:// www.eslgamesworld.com/members/games/grammar/present%20tenses/present%20tenses%20snakes%20and%20ladders.html

Home task: Choose the game and tell about it. SB p. 61

Home task:

  • Choose the game and tell about it.
  • SB p. 61


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