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Презентация "Bermuda Triangle"

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Scandinavian Mythology Pichugov Ivan 10A

Scandinavian Mythology




Who are Scandinavian gods Scandinavian gods  — godlike deities, in which Vikings believed. Those deities are connected to conflicts, powers and believes of Vikings.

Who are Scandinavian gods

  • Scandinavian gods  — godlike deities, in which Vikings believed. Those deities are connected to conflicts, powers and believes of Vikings.
How did the Scandinavian mythology reached us The only two sources which were left are two manuscripts. The most old “The book of brown cow”(Lebor na hUidre) end of the 11 – the beginning of 12 century. Second one is Leinster book, half of 12 century. And two more literature sources of Scandinavian myth – The Older Edda and the younger Edda, created by Snorri  Sturluson (1178–1241).

How did the Scandinavian mythology reached us

  • The only two sources which were left are two manuscripts. The most old “The book of brown cow”(Lebor na hUidre) end of the 11 – the beginning of 12 century. Second one is Leinster book, half of 12 century.
  • And two more literature sources of Scandinavian myth – The Older Edda and the younger Edda, created by Snorri  Sturluson (1178–1241).
The world where Scandinavian mythology lies Muspelheim (Kingdome of fire – man) and Niflheim (Kingdome of cold – women). And because of their interaction appeared a giant Ymir and the world cow Audumla. According to the mythology. The world was divided in 9 worlds. The center of the world was Ash Yggdrasil (A tree)

The world where Scandinavian mythology lies

  • Muspelheim (Kingdome of fire – man) and Niflheim (Kingdome of cold – women). And because of their interaction appeared a giant Ymir and the world cow Audumla.
  • According to the mythology. The world was divided in 9 worlds. The center of the world was Ash Yggdrasil (A tree)
The nine worlds Asgard— World of gods, in the sky. Vanaheimr — World of Vanir Jotunheim  — World of giants. Liesalfheim— world of bright alves. Midgard — world of humans. Muspellheim  — World of light and fire.  Niflheim— world of cold and darkness. Svartalfheim  — underground country of miniatures. Helheim — the realm of the dead, the domain of Hel.

The nine worlds

  • Asgard— World of gods, in the sky. Vanaheimr — World of Vanir
  • Jotunheim  — World of giants.
  • Liesalfheim— world of bright alves.
  • Midgard — world of humans.
  • Muspellheim  — World of light and fire. Niflheim— world of cold and darkness. Svartalfheim  — underground country of miniatures.
  • Helheim — the realm of the dead, the domain of Hel.
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