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Презентация "English is my favourite subject"

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Презентация на тему " Мy favourite subject" 4 класс

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«Презентация "English is my favourite subject"»

is my favourite subject Made by Saraeva Antonina Form 4 th School №1

is my favourite subject

Made by Saraeva Antonina

Form 4 th

School №1

I like to study English    My favourite subject is English. I like to read, to write and to speak English .

I like to study English

My favourite subject is English. I like to read, to write and to speak English .

 We listen, sing, play, translate from English into Russian, learn by heart poems, act out the dialogues in our English lesson.

We listen, sing, play, translate from English into Russian, learn by heart poems, act out the dialogues in our English lesson.

 I use sites “Lingua Leo” and “Begin English” for it.  There are a lot of English songs and videos. I like to study English very much.

I use sites “Lingua Leo” and “Begin English” for it.

There are a lot of English songs and videos. I like to study English very much.

 Our teacher is strict but she is kind. She is proud of us. We love her and like to study English.

Our teacher is strict but she is kind. She is proud of us. We love her and like to study English.


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