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Презентация "Герундий"

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Презентация по теме "Герундий"                     

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«Презентация "Герундий"»

Gerund ( V + -ing)  отличия от Глагола (причастия) Существительного перед Gerund может стоять предлог может определяться местоимением или им.сущ. в притяжатель- не употребляется с артиклем ной форме.( She told me of my aunt’s coming.)  не имеет мн.ч. может иметь прямое дополнение, определяться наречием

Gerund ( V + -ing) отличия от

Глагола (причастия)


  • перед Gerund может стоять предлог
  • может определяться местоимением или им.сущ. в притяжатель-
  • не употребляется с артиклем

ной форме.( She told me of my aunt’s coming.)

  • не имеет мн.ч.
  • может иметь прямое дополнение, определяться наречием
Participle He was sitting  in an armchair reading  a newspaper.  Gerund When a boy he was fond of reading books about travels.  Noun The  reading  of the article took him only a few minutes.


He was sitting in an armchair reading a newspaper.


When a boy he was fond of reading books about travels.


The reading of the article took him only a few minutes.

Is it a Gerund, a Noun or a Participle?   1. He is getting higher education without leaving his job. 2. They took part in the second meeting. 3. The committee sitting in May made an analysis of the present world situation. 4. There are children’s drawings hanging on the walls. 5. Reading is his favourite pastime. 6. He was lying on the bed reading a book. 7. Skiing is very popular with schoolchildren in our region. 8. I can’t help laughing listening to his funny stories.

Is it a Gerund, a Noun or a Participle?

1. He is getting higher education without leaving his job.

2. They took part in the second meeting.

3. The committee sitting in May made an analysis of the present world situation.

4. There are children’s drawings hanging on the walls.

5. Reading is his favourite pastime.

6. He was lying on the bed reading a book.

7. Skiing is very popular with schoolchildren in our region.

8. I can’t help laughing listening to his funny stories.

MODAL VERBS must должно быть may/might вероятно  have+ V 3 can/could  возможно can’t/couldn’t  не может быть


  • must должно быть
  • may/might вероятно

have+ V 3

  • can/could возможно
  • can’t/couldn’t не может быть


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