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Презентация "Loch Ness, Scotland"

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Still for many it remains a mystery whether the Loch Ness monster is real or not.

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«Презентация "Loch Ness, Scotland"»

Loch Ness, Scotland

Loch Ness, Scotland

Loch Ness ,  lake , lying in the  Highland  council area,  Scotland . With a depth of 788 feet (240 metres) and a length of about 23 miles (36 km), Loch Ness has the largest volume of fresh water in  Great Britain .

Loch Ness ,  lake , lying in the  Highland  council area,  Scotland . With a depth of 788 feet (240 metres) and a length of about 23 miles (36 km), Loch Ness has the largest volume of fresh water in  Great Britain .

Loch-Ness LEGEND Loch Ness monster , byname  Nessie , large marine  creature  believed by some people to inhabit  Loch Ness ,  Scotland . However, much of the  alleged  evidence supporting its existence has been discredited, and it is widely thought that the monster is a  myth .

Loch-Ness LEGEND

  • Loch Ness monster , byname  Nessie , large marine  creature  believed by some people to inhabit  Loch NessScotland . However, much of the  alleged  evidence supporting its existence has been discredited, and it is widely thought that the monster is a  myth .
appearance Reports of a monster inhabiting Loch Ness date back to ancient times. Notably, local stone carvings by the  Pict  depict a mysterious beast with flippers. The first written account appears in a biography of  St. Columba  from 565  AD . According to that work, the monster bit a swimmer and was prepared to attack another man when Columba intervened, ordering the beast to “go back.” It obeyed, and over the centuries only occasional sightings were reported. Many of these alleged encounters seemed inspired by Scottish  folklore , which abounds with mythical water creatures.


Reports of a monster inhabiting Loch Ness date back to ancient times. Notably, local stone carvings by the  Pict  depict a mysterious beast with flippers. The first written account appears in a biography of  St. Columba  from 565  AD . According to that work, the monster bit a swimmer and was prepared to attack another man when Columba intervened, ordering the beast to “go back.” It obeyed, and over the centuries only occasional sightings were reported. Many of these alleged encounters seemed inspired by Scottish  folklore , which abounds with mythical water creatures.

In 1933 the Loch Ness monster’s  legend  began to grow. At the time, a road near Loch Ness was finished, offering a wonderful view of the lake. In April a couple saw an enormous animal—which they compared to a “dragon or prehistoric monster ”—and after it crossed their car’s path, it disappeared into the water. The incident was reported in a Scottish newspaper, and numerous sightings followed

In 1933 the Loch Ness monster’s  legend  began to grow. At the time, a road near Loch Ness was finished, offering a wonderful view of the lake. In April a couple saw an enormous animal—which they compared to a “dragon or prehistoric monster ”—and after it crossed their car’s path, it disappeared into the water. The incident was reported in a Scottish newspaper, and numerous sightings followed

Still for many it remains a mystery whether the Loch Ness monster is real or not . According to rumors people saw the monster and its cub swimming in the lake. Many scientists say that perhaps it is an invention of the owner of the hotel to attract more customers since he lived near the lake . What do you think?

Still for many it remains a mystery whether the Loch Ness monster is real or not . According to rumors people saw the monster and its cub swimming in the lake. Many scientists say that perhaps it is an invention of the owner of the hotel to attract more customers since he lived near the lake .

What do you think?



Thank YOU for your attention! Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, the Loch Ness monster remained popular—and profitable . In the early 21st century it was thought that it contributed nearly $80 million annually to Scotland’s economy.

Thank YOU for your attention!

  • Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, the Loch Ness monster remained popular—and profitable . In the early 21st century it was thought that it contributed nearly $80 million annually to Scotland’s economy.


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