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Презентация на тему "Passive voice"

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«Презентация на тему "Passive voice"»

We use passive forms when : a) we don`t know WHO did it ; The window was broken an hour ago.  b) we are interested in WHAT happens, not WHO it is done by ; His watch was stolen in the street.  с) the situation is rather formal. Smoking is not allowed.

We use passive forms when :

  • a) we don`t know WHO did it ;

The window was broken an hour ago.

  • b) we are interested in WHAT happens, not WHO it is done by ;

His watch was stolen in the street.

  • с) the situation is rather formal.

Smoking is not allowed.

 S+ to be + V3 ( to be меняется по временам)

S+ to be + V3

( to be меняется по временам)

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple am / is / are + V 3  was / were + V 3  will be +V 3 Present Continuous  The work is done . The work was done . The work will be done. Past Continuous am/is / are being + V 3  was / were being+V 3  Present Perfect  Past Perfect  Future Perfect The work is being done . The work was being done . have been + V 3  had been+ V 3  will have been +V 3  The work has been done . The work had been done . The work will have been done.

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

am / is / are + V 3

was / were + V 3

will be +V 3

Present Continuous

The work is done .

The work was done .

The work

will be done.

Past Continuous

am/is / are being + V 3

was / were being+V 3

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Future Perfect

The work is being done .

The work

was being done .

have been + V 3

had been+ V 3

will have been +V 3

The work

has been done .

The work

had been done .

The work

will have been done.

 The hunter killed the duck .  The duck was killed by the hunter.  THE SUBJECT AND THE OBJECT REPLACED EACH OTHER

The hunter killed the duck .

The duck was killed by the hunter.


They built the church in the 18 –th century. The church was built in the 18 – th century by them. If you want to say who did it or what caused the action, use BY .

They built the church in the 18 –th century.

The church was built in the 18 – th century by them.

If you want to say who did it or what

caused the action, use BY .

If we want to say who does the action , we use by  : This house was built by my grandfather. Two hundred people are employed by the company.  If somebody does the action with the help of instruments , we use with  : Meat should be cut with a knife. Food in Japan is eaten with chopsticks.

If we want to say who does the action ,

we use by :

This house was built by my grandfather.

Two hundred people are employed by the company.

If somebody does the action with the help of instruments , we use with :

Meat should be cut with a knife.

Food in Japan is eaten with chopsticks.

1. Fish is cut … a special knife. 2. What do we usually dig … ? 3. These novels are written … A. J. Cronin. 4. The big tree was cut down … Jim. 5. The bridge was built … five workers. 6. Who is the portrait painted …? 7. Women`s dresses are sewed … dressmakers.

1. Fish is cut … a special knife.

2. What do we usually dig … ?

3. These novels are written … A. J. Cronin.

4. The big tree was cut down … Jim.

5. The bridge was built … five workers.

6. Who is the portrait painted …?

7. Women`s dresses are sewed … dressmakers.

Мои часы украли вчера. Посмотри! Новый кинотеатр построили! Когда Павел вошел в комнату, обсуждали его проект. Все упражнения сделаны. Мы можем идти в кино. Когда с ним поговорят? Текст нужно будет перевести. Когда папа приехал, вещи были упакованы. Где статья? Ее переводят. Ее переведут через час. Джона Леннона знают не только в Англии. Мне разрешили пойти в кино.
  • Мои часы украли вчера.
  • Посмотри! Новый кинотеатр построили!
  • Когда Павел вошел в комнату, обсуждали его проект.
  • Все упражнения сделаны. Мы можем идти в кино.
  • Когда с ним поговорят?
  • Текст нужно будет перевести.
  • Когда папа приехал, вещи были упакованы.
  • Где статья? Ее переводят. Ее переведут через час.
  • Джона Леннона знают не только в Англии.
  • Мне разрешили пойти в кино.
1. Marriages are made a) cannot be undone. 2. Easily earned money  b) than badly taught. 3. The devil is not so black c) is quickly spent. 4. Things done d) as he is painted. 5. Better untaught e) in heaven. Find their Russian equivalents : a) Браки совершаются на небесах. b) Недоученный хуже неученого. c) Не так страшен черт, как его малюют. d) После драки кулаками не машут. e) Что легко наживается, легко и проживается.

1. Marriages are made a) cannot be undone.

2. Easily earned money b) than badly taught.

3. The devil is not so black c) is quickly spent.

4. Things done d) as he is painted.

5. Better untaught e) in heaven.

Find their Russian equivalents :

a) Браки совершаются на небесах.

b) Недоученный хуже неученого.

c) Не так страшен черт, как его малюют.

d) После драки кулаками не машут.

e) Что легко наживается, легко и проживается.


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