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Презентация на тему "разбор произведения"

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«Презентация на тему "разбор произведения"»

Critique of American Upper Class Values Kuzevanova Elizaveta

Critique of American Upper Class Values

Kuzevanova Elizaveta

 The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a classic novel that offers a critique of the American upper class values of the 1920s. Through relationship of Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan, the novel explores the corrupt and shallow nature of the upper class, revealing the emptiness and moral decay that lay beneath the glittering façade of wealth and privilege.

The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a classic novel that offers a critique of the American upper class values of the 1920s. Through relationship of Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan, the novel explores the corrupt and shallow nature of the upper class, revealing the emptiness and moral decay that lay beneath the glittering façade of wealth and privilege.

  Critique of American Upper Class Values   One of the central themes of The Great Gatsby is the critique of American upper class values. The novel portrays the rich and powerful as shallow, selfish, and morally bankrupt, living in a world where money and status are the only things that matter. Fitzgerald’s portrayal of the upper class is scathing, showing the emptiness and superficiality of their lives.

Critique of American Upper Class Values One of the central themes of The Great Gatsby is the critique of American upper class values. The novel portrays the rich and powerful as shallow, selfish, and morally bankrupt, living in a world where money and status are the only things that matter. Fitzgerald’s portrayal of the upper class is scathing, showing the emptiness and superficiality of their lives.

One example of this can be seen in the character of Tom Buchanan, Daisy’s husband. Tom is a wealthy and powerful man who believes that his wealth entitles him to do as he pleases. He is arrogant and aggressive, and has no qualms about using his power to get what he wants.

One example of this can be seen in the character of Tom Buchanan, Daisy’s husband. Tom is a wealthy and powerful man who believes that his wealth entitles him to do as he pleases. He is arrogant and aggressive, and has no qualms about using his power to get what he wants.

 Another example of the shallowness of the upper class can be seen in the character of Jordan Baker, a wealthy and successful athlete.  She cheats at golf, lies about her past, and has no qualms about manipulating those around her. Despite this, she is a popular and well-respected member of the elite, showing how superficial and shallow their values truly are.

Another example of the shallowness of the upper class can be seen in the character of Jordan Baker, a wealthy and successful athlete.  She cheats at golf, lies about her past, and has no qualms about manipulating those around her. Despite this, she is a popular and well-respected member of the elite, showing how superficial and shallow their values truly are.

Jay Gatsby himself can also be seen as a critique of the American upper class values. Gatsby is a self-made man who has amassed a vast fortune through illegal means. He throws extravagant parties and spends money recklessly, all in the pursuit of winning back Daisy’s love. However, despite his wealth and power, Gatsby is unable to find happiness, and ultimately dies alone and unfulfilled.

Jay Gatsby himself can also be seen as a critique of the American upper class values. Gatsby is a self-made man who has amassed a vast fortune through illegal means. He throws extravagant parties and spends money recklessly, all in the pursuit of winning back Daisy’s love. However, despite his wealth and power, Gatsby is unable to find happiness, and ultimately dies alone and unfulfilled.

Overall, The Great Gatsby offers a powerful critique of American upper class values. Fitzgerald’s novel serves as a warning against the dangers of materialism and the pursuit of status and wealth, reminding us that true happiness and fulfillment cannot be found in the trappings of wealth and power, but in the connections we make with others and the values we hold dear.

Overall, The Great Gatsby offers a powerful critique of American upper class values. Fitzgerald’s novel serves as a warning against the dangers of materialism and the pursuit of status and wealth, reminding us that true happiness and fulfillment cannot be found in the trappings of wealth and power, but in the connections we make with others and the values we hold dear.

Gatsby’s suits

Gatsby’s suits


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