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Презентация по английскому языку на тему «Present Simple Passive – Настоящее простое время в пассивном залоге»

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«Презентация по английскому языку на тему «Present Simple Passive – Настоящее простое время в пассивном залоге»»

The Passive Voice Урок в 8 классе по теме «Present Simple Passive – Настоящее простое время в пассивном залоге»   к учебнику VIII класса авторов  О.В.Афанасьева,И.В.Михеева

The Passive Voice

Урок в 8 классе по теме «Present Simple Passive – Настоящее простое время в пассивном залоге»

к учебнику VIII класса авторов


When do we use  the passive voice? Use the Passive Voice when … … you don’t know who does the action. … you don’t want to say who does the action. … you are not interested in who does the action. … it isn’t important who does the action, but the action itself is important

When do we use the passive voice?

Use the Passive Voice when …

you don’t know who does the action.

you don’t want to say who does the action.

you are not interested in who does the action.

it isn’t important who does the action, but the action itself is important

Present Simple Passive  (Образование)  am  is   +  past participle(3ф гл) are  1.English is spoken in many countries.(утвердит. пр-е)- На английском говорят во многих странах 2 .Are flowers grown in our garden?(вопросит.пр-е)-Цветы выращивают в нашем саду? 3.The North Pole is not visited by tourists.(отриц.пр-е)-Северный полюс не посещается туристами.

Present Simple Passive (Образование)


is + past participle(3ф гл) are

1.English is spoken in many countries.(утвердит. пр-е)- На английском говорят во многих странах

2 .Are flowers grown in our garden?(вопросит.пр-е)-Цветы выращивают в нашем саду?

3.The North Pole is not visited by tourists.(отриц.пр-е)-Северный полюс не посещается туристами.

   Active Voice Subject Verb My granny Object grows Nick daffodils explores a new island Passive Voice Subject Verb Daffodils Agent A new island are grown by my granny is explored by Nick

Active Voice



My granny






a new island

Passive Voice





A new island

are grown

by my granny

is explored

by Nick

To show who does the action we use by Change the sentences into Passive 1.People in China speak Chinese 2. Explorers explore new lands 3. The sea separates these two countries. 4. She speaks two foreign languages. 5. We drink only fresh water. 6. My hamster often hides his food. 7. Firemen save people who are in danger. 8. Tigers often kill domestic animals. 9. People kill tigers for their beautiful skin.

To show who does the action we use by

Change the sentences into Passive

1.People in China speak Chinese

2. Explorers explore new lands

3. The sea separates these two countries.

4. She speaks two foreign languages.

5. We drink only fresh water.

6. My hamster often hides his food.

7. Firemen save people who are in danger.

8. Tigers often kill domestic animals.

9. People kill tigers for their beautiful skin.

Open the brackets and check yourself 1.I seldom (to invite) to the parties I am seldom invited to the parties. 2. Many trees (to cut down) nowadays Many trees are cut down nowadays 3. The names of many plants (to find) in the Red Book The names of many animals are found in the Red Book. 4. Snowdrops (to see) in forests only in early spring Snowdrops are seen in forests only in early spring. 5. Theatres (to build) in big cities Theatres are built in big cities. 6. The room (to clean) every day The room is cleaned every day. 7. Football (to play) all over the world Football is played all over the world

Open the brackets and check yourself

1.I seldom (to invite) to the parties

I am seldom invited to the parties.

2. Many trees (to cut down) nowadays

Many trees are cut down nowadays

3. The names of many plants (to find) in the Red Book

The names of many animals are found in the Red Book.

4. Snowdrops (to see) in forests only in early spring

Snowdrops are seen in forests only in early spring.

5. Theatres (to build) in big cities

Theatres are built in big cities.

6. The room (to clean) every day

The room is cleaned every day.

7. Football (to play) all over the world

Football is played all over the world

Use Present simple Passive 1. (the office/clean/every day) 2. (these books/read /every day?) 3. (cheese /make/from milk) 4. (stamps/sell/in a post office) 5. (this room/not/use/very often) 6. (we/ask /different/questions/ at the lesson?) 7. (how/this word/write?) 8. (where/Spanish/ speak?) 9. (what/foreign languages/teach/in your school?) 10. (pancakes/eat/with sour cream)

Use Present simple Passive

1. (the office/clean/every day)

2. (these books/read /every day?)

3. (cheese /make/from milk)

4. (stamps/sell/in a post office)

5. (this room/not/use/very often)

6. (we/ask /different/questions/ at the lesson?)

7. (how/this word/write?)

8. (where/Spanish/ speak?)

9. (what/foreign languages/teach/in your school?)

10. (pancakes/eat/with sour cream)


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