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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "My Day" 6 класс

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Материал презентации поможет  отработать лексику по теме "Мой день" и грамматический материал  глаголы в Past simple

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«Презентация по английскому языку по теме "My Day" 6 класс»

My Day

My Day

Поставь глаголы в Past simple

Поставь глаголы в Past simple

My day yesterday Yesterday I got up early. I had breakfast and then I went to the cinema with my best friends. The film was very interesting and funny. But one of my friends didn’t like it.  After the film I went home and watched TV with family. Then I had dinner. After that, I played on my computer and then went to bed.  It was а beautiful day.

My day yesterday

Yesterday I got up early. I had breakfast and then I went to the cinema with my best friends. The film was very interesting and funny. But one of my friends didn’t like it. After the film I went home and watched TV with family. Then I had dinner. After that, I played on my computer and then went to bed. It was а beautiful day.

Прочитай и скажи True or False 1. Yesterday I got up later than usual. 2.I went to the cinema with my family. 3. The film was very interesting. 4.At home I played with my friend. 5. It was а beautiful day.

Прочитай и скажи True or False

  • 1. Yesterday I got up later than usual.
  • 2.I went to the cinema with my family.
  • 3. The film was very interesting.
  • 4.At home I played with my friend.
  • 5. It was а beautiful day.
 Thank you

Thank you


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