Ada Byron and and the programming language "Ada"
Completed: student of group 25 Kazarin Artem
Picture of Ada Byron
Ada King was born on December 10, 1815 in London.
She was the only legitimate child of the English poet George Gordon Byron and his wife Anne Isabella Byron.
The girl received the first name of Augustus in honor of the half-sister of Byron, with whom he was rumored to have had an affair. After the divorce, the mother and mother's parents never called the girl by that name, but called Ada.
Ada Lovelace died on November 27, 1852 from bloodletting while trying to treat uterine cancer and was buried in the family crypt Byron near her father, whom she had never known in her lifetime.
In 1975, the US Department of Defense decided to start developing a universal programming language. The minister read the historical digest prepared by the secretaries and approved without hesitation both the project and the supposed name for the future language - "Ada". On December 10, 1980, the language standard was approved.
Ada(programming language)
In the original version, standardized in 1983, Ada is a structural, modular programming language that contains high-level programming tools for parallel processes. Ada syntax is inherited from languages such as Algol or Pascal, but expanded, and made more rigorous and logical. Ada is a language with strict typing, it excludes work with objects
The language has a fairly developed system of data types, both built-in and generated by the programmer. There are many ways to create new types of data, the language supports two different concepts: "subtype" and "derived type." Variables of type and subtype are compatible, type variables and its derived type are not.
Are supported by flexible means of accessing procedures and functions is supported: input and output parameters are supported, actual parameters are transferred in random order with the names of formal ones, parameters with default values.
sample program «Hello, World!»