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Презентация "April Fool's Day"

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Данная презентация   представляет собой информацию об истории возникновения праздника 1 апреля и как люди в разных странах подшучивают  над другими людьми. Она  состоит из 11 слайдов. 

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«Презентация "April Fool's Day"»

April Fool’s Day Выполнила: учитель английского языка МОУ «СШИ №2»  Сорокина Г.В.

April Fool’s Day


учитель английского языка

МОУ «СШИ №2»

Сорокина Г.В.

 There are many holidays during the year, but there’s none as funny as April Fool’s Day. Traditionally this holiday is celebrated worldwide on the 1st of April with loads of silly but harmless jokes.

There are many holidays during the year, but there’s none as funny as April Fool’s Day. Traditionally this holiday is celebrated worldwide on the 1st of April with loads of silly but harmless jokes.

 On this day people take delight in playing pranks on their friends, relatives, neighbors or classmates. Although practical jokes are loved mainly by children, some adults also enjoy being involved.

On this day people take delight in playing pranks on their friends, relatives, neighbors or classmates. Although practical jokes are loved mainly by children, some adults also enjoy being involved.

 They say that the holiday originated in France around 1582, but there is plenty of evidence that April 1st was celebrated at ancient times.

They say that the holiday originated in France around 1582, but there is plenty of evidence that April 1st was celebrated at ancient times.

 For example, there was an ancient Roman festival called Hilaria, which people celebrated for several days at the end of March. It wasn’t exactly a funny festival, as it included some days of mourning and execution.

For example, there was an ancient Roman festival called Hilaria, which people celebrated for several days at the end of March. It wasn’t exactly a funny festival, as it included some days of mourning and execution.

 In India and Nepal for many centuries they have celebrated the Holi festival at the end of March. It was a joyful holiday full of colours and love.

In India and Nepal for many centuries they have celebrated the Holi festival at the end of March. It was a joyful holiday full of colours and love.

 However, the most resembling festival was held in Medieval Europe. It was called the Feast of Fools. The festival indeed originated in Northern France.

However, the most resembling festival was held in Medieval Europe. It was called the Feast of Fools. The festival indeed originated in Northern France.

 It all started with the reformation of the calendar. As some people celebrated the New Year on the 1st of April according to the ancient calendar, others who celebrated it on January 1st made fun of them. That’s how April Fool’s Day originated.

It all started with the reformation of the calendar. As some people celebrated the New Year on the 1st of April according to the ancient calendar, others who celebrated it on January 1st made fun of them. That’s how April Fool’s Day originated.

 In modern times people prefer playing inoffensive jokes over their colleagues or friends. Most popular jokes include sending someone to look for things that don’t exist or making people to believe hilarious things.

In modern times people prefer playing inoffensive jokes over their colleagues or friends. Most popular jokes include sending someone to look for things that don’t exist or making people to believe hilarious things.

Интернет-ресурсы: http://yandex.ru/images/search?viewport=wide&text=%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C%20%D0%B4%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%20%D0%B2%20%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B8%20%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.ii4.ru%2Fimages%2F2012%2F04%2F01%2F206449_123.jpg&pos=7&uinfo=sw-1366-sh-768-ww-1349-wh-667-pd-1-wp-16x9_1366x768&rpt=simage&_=1427463020896  http :// en 365. ru / april _1. htm  http :// yandex . ru / yandsearch ? lr =235& clid =2169652& win =154& text = April %20 Fools %27%20 day %20(% D 0%94% D 0% B 5% D 0% BD % D 1%8 C %20% D 0% B 4% D 1%83% D 1%80% D 0% B 0% D 0% BA % D 0% B 0)%20% D 0%98% D 0% B 3% D 1%80% D 1%8 B %20% D 0% B 8%20% D 0% B 2% D 0% B 8% D 0% BA % D 1%82% D 0% BE % D 1%80% D 0% B 8% D 0% BD % D 1%8 B %20% D 0% BF % D 0% BE %20% D 0% B 0% D 0% BD % D 0% B 3% D 0% BB % D 0% B 8% D 0% B 9% D 1%81% D 0% BA % D 0% BE % D 0% BC % D 1%83%20% D 1%8 F % D 0% B 7% D 1%8 B % D 0% BA % D 1%83


  • http://yandex.ru/images/search?viewport=wide&text=%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C%20%D0%B4%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%20%D0%B2%20%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B8%20%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.ii4.ru%2Fimages%2F2012%2F04%2F01%2F206449_123.jpg&pos=7&uinfo=sw-1366-sh-768-ww-1349-wh-667-pd-1-wp-16x9_1366x768&rpt=simage&_=1427463020896
  • http :// en 365. ru / april _1. htm
  • http :// yandex . ru / yandsearch ? lr =235& clid =2169652& win =154& text = April %20 Fools %27%20 day %20(% D 0%94% D 0% B 5% D 0% BD % D 1%8 C %20% D 0% B 4% D 1%83% D 1%80% D 0% B 0% D 0% BA % D 0% B 0)%20% D 0%98% D 0% B 3% D 1%80% D 1%8 B %20% D 0% B 8%20% D 0% B 2% D 0% B 8% D 0% BA % D 1%82% D 0% BE % D 1%80% D 0% B 8% D 0% BD % D 1%8 B %20% D 0% BF % D 0% BE %20% D 0% B 0% D 0% BD % D 0% B 3% D 0% BB % D 0% B 8% D 0% B 9% D 1%81% D 0% BA % D 0% BE % D 0% BC % D 1%83%20% D 1%8 F % D 0% B 7% D 1%8 B % D 0% BA % D 1%83


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