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Automatic data processing is a data processing system based on the use of electronic computers , in contrast to systems where data processing is manual. There are two principles for organizing such treatments. In conditionally-constant data. In the latter case, the system is called integrated.

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AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING Completed: student of group 25 Archisauskas Vladislav


Completed: student of group 25 Archisauskas Vladislav

Automatic data processing is a data processing system based on the use of electronic computers , in contrast to systems where data processing is manual. There are two principles for organizing such treatments. In conditionally-constant data. In the latter case, the system is called integrated.

Automatic data processing is a data processing system based on the use of electronic computers , in contrast to systems where data processing is manual. There are two principles for organizing such treatments. In conditionally-constant data. In the latter case, the system is called integrated.

Main functions of the data processing system collection, registration and transfer of it to machine carriers; transfer of information to the places of its storage and processing; input of information into the computer; maintenance of the machine information base; Information processing on the computer (accumulation, grouping, sorting, correction, arithmetic and logical operations) for solving the functional tasks of the object management system;

Main functions of the data processing system

  • collection, registration and transfer of it to machine carriers;
  • transfer of information to the places of its storage and processing;
  • input of information into the computer;
  • maintenance of the machine information base;
  • Information processing on the computer (accumulation, grouping, sorting, correction, arithmetic and logical operations) for solving the functional tasks of the object management system;
output information in the form of tables, diagrams, reports; management (administration) of the computing process (planning, accounting, control, analysis of the progress of calculations) in local and global computer networks.
  • output information in the form of tables, diagrams, reports;
  • management (administration) of the computing process (planning, accounting,
  • control, analysis of the progress of calculations) in local and global computer networks.
Automatic date processing is used in planning and management, in scientific research (automated systems for collecting and processing experimental data and test automation systems), in library and information services, in design and other fields. Are characterized by functional classes of tasks of the relevant enterprises and organizations in a specific subject area. These include the tasks of accounting, taxation, marketing, advertising, etc.

Automatic date processing is used in planning and management, in scientific research (automated systems for collecting and processing experimental data and test automation systems), in library and information services, in design and other fields.

Are characterized by functional classes of tasks of the relevant enterprises and organizations in a specific subject area. These include the tasks of accounting, taxation, marketing, advertising, etc.

Depending on the class of realizable technological operations, the solution of applied problems in AASD is distinguished by text editors, spreadsheets (table processors), database management systems, multimedia systems (graphic editors, audio and video information processing tools, computer graphics and animation programs) and other

Depending on the class of realizable technological operations, the solution of applied problems in AASD is distinguished by text editors, spreadsheets (table processors), database management systems, multimedia systems (graphic editors, audio and video information processing tools, computer graphics and animation programs) and other

For the effective design of ADP processes, programming languages ​​are widely used. The necessary properties of the programming language, oriented to ADP, are the ability to operate with complex hierarchical data structures; the variety of forms of presentation and data formats allowed in it; A developed apparatus for data input and output; the possibility of accessing an arbitrary vertex of the data tree, changing the structure of the data tree, and building new trees; Availability  means of setting procedures for reconfiguring, merging, compressing, searching, sampling, etc. The possibility of issuing documents of a given form.

For the effective design of ADP processes, programming languages ​​are widely used. The necessary properties of the programming language, oriented to ADP, are the ability to operate with complex hierarchical data structures; the variety of forms of presentation and data formats allowed in it; A developed apparatus for data input and output; the possibility of accessing an arbitrary vertex of the data tree, changing the structure of the data tree, and building new trees; Availability means of setting procedures for reconfiguring, merging, compressing, searching, sampling, etc. The possibility of issuing documents of a given form.

Programming languages ​​for describing ADP processes. COBOL, widely used as a standard language, focused on ADP, TABSOL, FACT, PL-1, as well as the languages ​​developed by the ALGEK, ALGEM and others developed in the Soviet Union. In connection with the expansion of the scale and the increase in production rates, as well as the considerable complication of the links between the branches of the national economy and enterprises, it is impossible to manage the economy in any rational way, without processing a huge amount of information calculated in individual enterprises and organizations by tens of millions of indicators or billions of designations.

Programming languages ​​for describing ADP processes. COBOL, widely used as a standard language, focused on ADP, TABSOL, FACT, PL-1, as well as the languages ​​developed by the ALGEK, ALGEM and others developed in the Soviet Union.

In connection with the expansion of the scale and the increase in production rates, as well as the considerable complication of the links between the branches of the national economy and enterprises, it is impossible to manage the economy in any rational way, without processing a huge amount of information calculated in individual enterprises and organizations by tens of millions of indicators or billions of designations.

The flow of information is continuously increasing due to the tremendous growth of social production and the increasing use of ma-thematic. methods in determining the various performance indicators of enterprises and organizations. ADP provides not only the reduction of administratively-managed personnel, but, most importantly, the fast, complete and accurate collection of data, their accurate processing and issuing solutions that allow to quickly manage complex production.

The flow of information is continuously increasing due to the tremendous growth of social production and the increasing use of ma-thematic. methods in determining the various performance indicators of enterprises and organizations. ADP provides not only the reduction of administratively-managed personnel, but, most importantly, the fast, complete and accurate collection of data, their accurate processing and issuing solutions that allow to quickly manage complex production.


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