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Презентация о символах Британии

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«Презентация о символах Британии»

 Презентация для кружка «Юный лингвист»  7 класс Учителя английского языка Мартынюк Л.В.

Презентация для кружка «Юный лингвист» 7 класс

Учителя английского языка

Мартынюк Л.В.

English Speaking Countries

English Speaking Countries

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and above five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 315 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively .

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and above five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 315 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively .

Parts of GB and  their capitals

Parts of GB and their capitals

The UK is one of the world’s smallest countries. The population of the country is over 87 million and about 80% of it is urban. The UK is highly developed industrial country.

The UK is one of the world’s smallest countries. The population of the country is over 87 million and about 80% of it is urban. The UK is highly developed industrial country.

The flag of Great Britain Union Jack

The flag of Great Britain

Union Jack

The coat of arms     The lion and the horse are the symbols of the power .

The coat of arms

The lion and the horse are the symbols of the power .

The hymn of Great Britain God save the Queen  Боже, храни Королеву!  God save our gracious Queen  Long live our noble Queen,  God save the Queen!  Send her victorious,  Happy and glorious,  Long to reign over us:  God save the Queen!   O Lord, our God, arise,  Strike down her enemies,  And make them fall:  Confound their politics,  Frustrate their knavish tricks,  On Thee our hopes we fix:  God save us all!    Боже, храни нашу великодушную Королеву, Да здравствует наша благородная Королева, Боже, храни Королеву: Сделай её победоносной, удачливой и прославленной, Пусть она правит над нами: Боже, храни Королеву.  Господь, ты наш Бог, воскресни, Поссорь её врагов, И заставь их проиграть. Запутай их действия, Сорви их подлые планы, На тебя мы возлагаем наши надежды, Боже, храни нас всех.

The hymn of Great Britain

God save the Queen

Боже, храни Королеву!

God save our gracious Queen Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us: God save the Queen! O Lord, our God, arise, Strike down her enemies, And make them fall: Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks, On Thee our hopes we fix: God save us all!

Боже, храни нашу великодушную Королеву,

Да здравствует наша благородная Королева,

Боже, храни Королеву:

Сделай её победоносной,

удачливой и прославленной,

Пусть она правит над нами:

Боже, храни Королеву.

Господь, ты наш Бог, воскресни,

Поссорь её врагов,

И заставь их проиграть.

Запутай их действия,

Сорви их подлые планы,

На тебя мы возлагаем наши надежды,

Боже, храни нас всех.

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!


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