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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Professions"

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Презентация по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме "Professions".

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«Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Professions"»

Professions Котельникова Наталья Николаевна Учитель английского языка МОУ: СОШ № 15, г. Борзя, Забайкальский край 2016г.





Учитель английского языка

МОУ: СОШ № 15, г. Борзя,

Забайкальский край




Professions   Male Female  Dangerous Video “Different Professions” Riddles about professions Proverbs  Exercises





Video “Different Professions”

Riddles about professions



 male professions  doctor lawyer scientist

male professions

doctor lawyer scientist

sportsman cooker driver

sportsman cooker


businessman reporter

businessman reporter

 photographer fireman

photographer fireman

postman architect

postman architect

worker farmer

worker farmer

 builder pilot

builder pilot

artist writer

artist writer

actor military man

actor military man

Female professions dancer singer hairdresser

Female professions

dancer singer hairdresser

dentist teacher

dentist teacher

librarian computer  programmer

librarian computer


housewife office worker

housewife office worker

seller nurse

seller nurse

actress sportswoman

actress sportswoman

Dangerous professions veterinarian bodyguard  (vet)

Dangerous professions

veterinarian bodyguard




   Riddles Are you fond of books? Then this is the job for you. A library must be your favourite place and a librarian must be your friend.


Are you fond of books? Then this is the job for you. A library must be your favourite place and a librarian must be your friend.

Are you afraid of hard work? Then this isn’t the job for you because it is very difficult. You mustn’t be late for work because this work is very important. You must eat healthy food and do sports. You can’t go on foot, you must drive a special lorry. You can’t sleep at night because you work at night, too.

Are you afraid of hard work? Then this isn’t the job for you because it is very difficult. You mustn’t be late for work because this work is very important. You must eat healthy food and do sports. You can’t go on foot, you must drive a special lorry. You can’t sleep at night because you work at night, too.

If you want to work here, you must not be a coward because you work with fire every day. Besides, you must eat healthy food to be strong because you carry heavy things. These people wear a white apron and a tall white hat. They wear a uniform. The uniform must be very clean. Of course you can be stupid but you cannot be angry.

If you want to work here, you must not be a coward because you work with fire every day. Besides, you must eat healthy food to be strong because you carry heavy things. These people wear a white apron and a tall white hat. They wear a uniform. The uniform must be very clean.

Of course you can be stupid but you cannot be angry.

Are you fond of cars? Then this is the job for you! A car park must be your favourite place and a shop assistant must be your friend. You can eat in a café, you can’t eat in a car. This person works very much. You must read maps because you must drive in many big cities and towns.

Are you fond of cars? Then this is the job for you! A car park must be your favourite place and a shop assistant must be your friend. You can eat in a café, you can’t eat in a car. This person works very much. You must read maps because you must drive in many big cities and towns.

This is hard work. You must wake up early and do exercises every day because you must be healthy and strong. You mustn’t be late for work because this is very important. The person in this profession has got a uniform. His uniform is dark blue. The uniform must be neat and clean because a lot of people look at you. You mustn’t be dirty. You can see this person every day on the street. The person in this profession defends people. You must help people who have problems, that’s why you must love people.

This is hard work. You must wake up early and do exercises every day because you must be healthy and strong. You mustn’t be late for work because this is very important.

The person in this profession has got a uniform. His uniform is dark blue. The uniform must be neat and clean because a lot of people look at you. You mustn’t be dirty.

You can see this person every day on the street. The person in this profession defends people. You must help people who have problems, that’s why you must love people.

This job is very responsible. People of this job must be very brave and strong, kind and clever, clean and smart, because this job is very difficult. You must help people and animals any time. You must do sports, you mustn’t skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. If you aren’t fond of animals, this job isn’t for you. People of this job always have many friends.

This job is very responsible. People of this job must be very brave and strong, kind and clever, clean and smart, because this job is very difficult. You must help people and animals any time. You must do sports, you mustn’t skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. If you aren’t fond of animals, this job isn’t for you. People of this job always have many friends.

 Proverbs  Only lawyers and painters can turn black to white. Только юристы и художники могут сделать чёрное белым. They are not all cooks who carry long knives.  Не все повара из тех, у кого есть длинный нож.  A lovelorn cook oversalts the porridge.  Влюблённый повар пересаливает кашу. Painters and poets may have leave to lie. Художникам и поэтам лгать позволено.


Only lawyers and painters can turn black to white.

  • Только юристы и художники могут сделать чёрное белым.
  • They are not all cooks who carry long knives. Не все повара из тех, у кого есть длинный нож. 
  • A lovelorn cook oversalts the porridge. Влюблённый повар пересаливает кашу.
  • Painters and poets may have leave to lie.
  • Художникам и поэтам лгать позволено.
Ex. 1. Read the names of professions and draw two professions that you like best  a doctor    a seller  a nurse    an engineer  a driver a worker   a builder       a housewife     a businessman   a military man       

Ex. 1. Read the names of professions and draw two professions that you like best

a doctor    a seller

a nurse    an engineer

a driver a worker 

a builder       a housewife  

  a businessman   a military man   


Ex. 2. Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain jobs 1.  A hairdresser  a) teaches small children. 2.  A vet b) flies airplanes. 3.  A cooker c) cuts people’s hair. 4.  A pilot d) drives fast cars. 5.  A builder e) looks after sick people. 6.  A driver f) works on a farm. 7.  A nurse g) cures sick animals. 8.  A teacher h) makes food. 9.  A farmer i) brings letters. 10.  A postman j) builds houses.

Ex. 2. Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain jobs

1. A hairdresser a) teaches small children.

2. A vet b) flies airplanes.

3. A cooker c) cuts people’s hair.

4. A pilot d) drives fast cars.

5. A builder e) looks after sick people.

6. A driver f) works on a farm.

7. A nurse g) cures sick animals.

8. A teacher h) makes food.

9. A farmer i) brings letters.

10. A postman j) builds houses.

Ex. 3. Listen to the names and say what these people were.

Ex. 3. Listen to the names and say what these people were.

Ex. 4 Fill in the gaps with the names of professions 1. …  — a person who does experiments. 2. …  — someone who works in the country with animals or plants. 3. …  — a person who cooks in a restaurant. 4. …  — a person who makes things from wood. 5. …  — a person who helps a doctor in a hospital. 6. …  — someone who does office work, such as typing letters, answering phone calls, etc.

Ex. 4 Fill in the gaps with the names of professions

1. … — a person who does experiments.

2. … — someone who works in the country with animals or plants.

3. … — a person who cooks in a restaurant.

4. … — a person who makes things from wood.

5. … — a person who helps a doctor in a hospital.

6. … — someone who does office work, such as typing letters, answering phone calls, etc.

Ex. .5  Complete the sentences with the names of professions or activities.   A person who writes for newspapers is a journalist . A doctor who treats teeth is ... A person who paints pictures is ... A person who takes part in public life is … A person who writes books is ... A person who take care of sick people is …

Ex. .5 Complete the sentences with the names of professions or activities.

A person who writes for newspapers is a journalist .

A doctor who treats teeth is ...

A person who paints pictures is ...

A person who takes part in public life is …

A person who writes books is ...

A person who take care of sick people is …

Использованные источники yandex.ru/ images http:// englishon-line.ru/leksika-spravochnik10.html http://grammar-tei.com/raznourovnevye-uprazhneniya-po-teme-professii / http:// project.1september.ru/works/602748 https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR-IZUVXWUE

Использованные источники

yandex.ru/ images

http:// englishon-line.ru/leksika-spravochnik10.html

http://grammar-tei.com/raznourovnevye-uprazhneniya-po-teme-professii /

http:// project.1september.ru/works/602748

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR-IZUVXWUE


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