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Презентация. Семь чудес света.

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Презентация о чудесах света на английском языке

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«Презентация. Семь чудес света.»

Secondary School # 16 The Seven Wonders Yurchenko Irina A Teacher

Secondary School # 16

The Seven Wonders

Yurchenko Irina

A Teacher

Plan Pyramid of Cheops Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus Colossus of Rhodes Lighthouse of Alexandria


  • Pyramid of Cheops

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

Colossus of Rhodes

Lighthouse of Alexandria

Pyramid of Cheops Pyramid of Cheops was built in 2650 BC. Cheops pyramid standing on the edge of the desert west of the Nile. It was built by Pharaoh Khufu. His name in Greek sounds: Cheops.

Pyramid of Cheops

Pyramid of Cheops was built in 2650 BC. Cheops pyramid standing on the edge of the desert west of the Nile. It was built by Pharaoh Khufu. His name in Greek sounds: Cheops.

Originally the pyramid was faced with more solid than the basic blocks, white sandstone. Top of the pyramid crowned with a gilded stone - piramidion. Facing the sun shone on the peach color. In 1168 AD. er. Arabs looted and burned Cairo. Living in Cairo, took off from the lining of the pyramid, in order to build new houses. Inside the pyramid of Cheops no inscriptions or decorations. Still, her visit leaves an indelible impression. Now, the existing entrance to the pyramid leads to a tunnel, done by robbers, who is only 17 meters from the surface of the earth. Inside the pyramid of Cheops are two burial chambers, arranged one above the other.

Originally the pyramid was faced with more solid than the basic blocks, white sandstone. Top of the pyramid crowned with a gilded stone - piramidion. Facing the sun shone on the peach color. In 1168 AD. er. Arabs looted and burned Cairo. Living in Cairo, took off from the lining of the pyramid, in order to build new houses.

Inside the pyramid of Cheops no inscriptions or decorations. Still, her visit leaves an indelible impression. Now, the existing entrance to the pyramid leads to a tunnel, done by robbers, who is only 17 meters from the surface of the earth. Inside the pyramid of Cheops are two burial chambers, arranged one above the other. "Queen's Chamber" and the Chamber of Pharaoh.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon One of the seven wonders of the world were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They were, on the east bank of the river Euphrates. Cruel despot-ruler of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar built the gardens for his wife Semiramis.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

One of the seven wonders of the world were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They were, on the east bank of the river Euphrates.

Cruel despot-ruler of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar built the gardens for his wife Semiramis.

Gardens created by the builders of Babylon, were chetyrehyarusnymi. Tiers of arches rested on towers twenty-five meters. Platform tiers are composed of flat stone slabs were covered with a layer of reeds, flooded with asphalt and covered with leaves of lead that no water leaked into the lower tier. On top of this was poured a layer of earth, enough to here could grow big trees. Longlines, climbing ledges, connected by broad gently sloping staircase, lined with colored tiles. The Hanging Gardens were destroyed by flooding Euphrates.

Gardens created by the builders of Babylon, were chetyrehyarusnymi. Tiers of arches rested on towers twenty-five meters. Platform tiers are composed of flat stone slabs were covered with a layer of reeds, flooded with asphalt and covered with leaves of lead that no water leaked into the lower tier. On top of this was poured a layer of earth, enough to here could grow big trees. Longlines, climbing ledges, connected by broad gently sloping staircase, lined with colored tiles. The Hanging Gardens were destroyed by flooding Euphrates.

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus  This magnificent temple was built in honor of the Greek goddess of hunting and wildlife Artemis. Placed the temple in Ephesus. On the night of July 21 356g BC. er., a man named Herostrat lit temple. After the temple rebuilt in 550 BC. e .. architect was Harsefron.

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

This magnificent temple was built in honor of the Greek goddess of hunting and wildlife Artemis. Placed the temple in Ephesus. On the night of July 21 356g BC. er., a man named Herostrat lit temple. After the temple rebuilt in 550 BC. e .. architect was Harsefron.

Statue of Zeus at Olympia Seated statue of Zeus was built by the great Greek sculptor Phidias in the temple of Olympia. Zeus was seated on a throne, inlaid with ebony and precious stones. The finished statue reaches 13 m in height and almost touched the ceiling of the temple. The impression that if Zeus arose, he would have demolished the roof. After its completion in 435 BC Statue for 800 years remained one of the greatest wonders of the world.

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

Seated statue of Zeus was built by the great Greek sculptor Phidias in the temple of Olympia. Zeus was seated on a throne, inlaid with ebony and precious stones. The finished statue reaches 13 m in height and almost touched the ceiling of the temple. The impression that if Zeus arose, he would have demolished the roof. After its completion in 435 BC Statue for 800 years remained one of the greatest wonders of the world.

Around 40 AD Roman Emperor Caligula wanted to move the statue to Rome. Behind her were sent to the workers, but, according to legend, the statue burst of laughter, and the workers dispersed. Then, in 391 AD, after the adoption of Christianity, the Romans banned the Olympic games and closed the Greek temples. Several years later, the statue of Zeus was moved to Constantinople. In 462 AD palace, where stood the statue was destroyed by fire.

Around 40 AD Roman Emperor Caligula wanted to move the statue to Rome. Behind her were sent to the workers, but, according to legend, the statue burst of laughter, and the workers dispersed. Then, in 391 AD, after the adoption of Christianity, the Romans banned the Olympic games and closed the Greek temples. Several years later, the statue of Zeus was moved to Constantinople. In 462 AD palace, where stood the statue was destroyed by fire.

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus Mavsol married his sister Artemisia. Acquiring more power, he began to think about the tomb for himself and his queen. It had to be extraordinary tomb. Mavsol dreamed of a grand monument that would remind the world of its wealth and power long after his death.

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

Mavsol married his sister Artemisia. Acquiring more power, he began to think about the tomb for himself and his queen. It had to be extraordinary tomb. Mavsol dreamed of a grand monument that would remind the world of its wealth and power long after his death.

Mavsol died before finishing work on the tomb, but his widow continued to lead the construction to its completion, about 350 BC The tomb was called the Mausoleum, on behalf of the king, and this word came to mean any imposing and majestic tomb.

Mavsol died before finishing work on the tomb, but his widow continued to lead the construction to its completion, about 350 BC The tomb was called the Mausoleum, on behalf of the king, and this word came to mean any imposing and majestic tomb.

Colossus of Rhodes  From appearing before the destruction of the Colossus of Rhodes was just 56 years old. The idea to create it in the spring was born 304 years BC, when inhabitants of a small island, which lies on the shores of Asia Minor, standing on a long siege of the torn walls, watched as hiding ships in one of the heirs to power of Alexander of Macedon - the son of the ruler of Asia Minor and Syria Demetrius Poliorketa. Was this monument at the entrance to the harbor of the Mediterranean in Greece.

Colossus of Rhodes

From appearing before the destruction of the Colossus of Rhodes was just 56 years old. The idea to create it in the spring was born 304 years BC, when inhabitants of a small island, which lies on the shores of Asia Minor, standing on a long siege of the torn walls, watched as hiding ships in one of the heirs to power of Alexander of Macedon - the son of the ruler of Asia Minor and Syria Demetrius Poliorketa. Was this monument at the entrance to the harbor of the Mediterranean in Greece.

Lighthouse of Alexandria In the III century BC was built a lighthouse to ships could safely pass the reefs on the way to Alexandria Bay. It was the first lighthouse in the world, and he stood for 1500 years. The lighthouse was built on a small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Alexandria. This bustling port founded by Alexander the Great during his visit to Egypt. Construction zazvali on behalf of the island. For its construction must have gone 20 years, and it was completed around 280 BC

Lighthouse of Alexandria

In the III century BC was built a lighthouse to ships could safely pass the reefs on the way to Alexandria Bay. It was the first lighthouse in the world, and he stood for 1500 years.

The lighthouse was built on a small island of Pharos in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Alexandria. This bustling port founded by Alexander the Great during his visit to Egypt. Construction zazvali on behalf of the island. For its construction must have gone 20 years, and it was completed around 280 BC

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