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Примеры олимпиадных заданий для 8 класса

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В работе представлены примеры школьной олимпиады для учащихся 8 класса.

Задания направлены на отработку и проверку навыков аудирования, чтения, письма

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«Примеры олимпиадных заданий для 8 класса»

Школьная олимпиада школьников по английскому языку

Task 1. Read descriptions from the box. Write the correct words in boxes. The first letter of the world is given. There is one example.

Example: You can go here for help if someone steals your money. Police station

1) This is a group of people who play sport games together, for example, football.


2) This comes from sheep and we make clothes and blankets with it.


3) This is very noisy and you find a lot of it on the road when people are going to work or coming home again.


4) In this competition everyone runs together and the person who comes first wins.


5) This comes from trees and people make tables, chairs and other things with it.


6) These are smaller than mountains and you climb them when you go to the countryside.


7) This is like a plane but it goes into space.


8) You walk over these when you want to go across roads and rivers.


9) You can see through this and bottles are sometimes made of it.


10) In children’s books, a queen might live in one of these.


Task 2. Read the sentences about music lessons. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. There is one example.

Example: I’m …………… to play the guitar.

A) teaching B) knowing C) learning

1) I’ve ………… ten music lessons altogether.

A) booked B) asked C) paid

2) I ………… to the first lesson yesterday.

A) arrived B) visited C) went

3) My brother ………… me his old guitar.

A) took B) gave C) bought

4) The lesson was more ………… than I thought it would be.

A) hard B) difficult C) heavy

5) I’m going to ………… at home for one hour every day.

A) practice B) take C)follow

Put the answers in the boxes.








Task 3. Read the text. Choose the right words and write them in the box.

Come to London

There are many famous places (example) ….to…. visit in London. The most famous, perhaps, is “Buckingham Palace” 1) ………… it’s Queen’s home. “Tower Bridge” is over 100 years old and you 2) …………. see it from one of the boats on the “River Thames”.

London 3) …………… lots of things for families to do together. 4) …………… you want to go shopping, Harrods is London’s most famous store but it’s very expensive. You’ll find that markets sell some very nice things and are 5) …………… cheaper. And you must visit “Hamleys” 6) …………… is London’s best toy shop.

What about food? There are many restaurants in London 7)…………… the ‘Rainforest Cafe’ is very good for children. When you go inside you 8) ……… see paintings of jungle animals everywhere! And in summer it’s nice to have 9) …………… picnic in one of London’s lovely green parks. When it’s rainy, go to the cinema at the science museum and 10) ……… a rocket go up into space! London’s a great place for a holiday!

Example: A) to B) for C) by

1 A) when B) because C) while

2 A) can B) like C) want

3 A) is B) has C) gives

4 A) Before B) Then C) If

5 A) very B) much C) most

6 A) what B) that C) which

7 A) but B) so C) or

8 A) have B) would C) will

9 A) a B) an C) the

10 A) watching B) watch C) watched

Put the answers in the boxes.













Task 4. Richard is talking to his friend, Paul. What does Paul say? Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter (A-H) for each answer.

You do not need to use all the letters. There is one example.


Richard: I’m going on holiday tomorrow.

Paul: _____F_______

1) Richard: I’m going skiing in the mountains!

Paul: _____________

2) Richard: My best friend and his family.

Paul: _____________

3) Richard: Once, but that was years ago.

Paul: _____________

4) Richard: I’m not sure but Ill soon find out!

Paul: _____________

5) Richard: Thanks. Are you doing anything nice?

Paul: _____________

A) Just staying at home with my family, but it’ll be OK.

B) Well I hope you have a great time!

C) That sounds a bit dangerous! Why?

D) I think I’d like that!

E) Great! And have you ever been there before?

F) You must be exited! Where are you going? (example)

G) That sounds fun. Who with?

H) Do you think you’ll remember how to do it?

Put the answers in the boxes.








Task 5. Read the text below. Mark the sentences true or false. If there is not enough information to answer true or false, choose isn’t said. Ответы занесите в таблицу.

How to get to Hamley’s

When you leave the house turn right. When you get to the baker's turn down the road to your left. You will see the station at the end of the road. In the station, make sure that you buy a one-day travel card for 4.50, because you can also use London Underground as much as you want. If you just get a day return ticket it is a bit cheaper but a lot less useful. The train goes every half an hour, and takes 20 minutes to get to Waterloo station. From Waterloo, the best way is to walk to Regent Street. If you are lazy you can wait for the number 88 bus, but they do not come very often, and are slow because of the traffic. As you go up the street look around - suddenly there it is; Hamley's, the biggest toy shop in the world.

  1. This tells you how to go from west London to Waterloo.

a) true b) false c) isn’t said

  1. You must turn left at a place which sells bread.

a) true b) false c) isn’t said

3. Day return tickets cost less than 4 pounds 50p.

a) true b) false c) isn’t said

4. Trains go to Waterloo every 50 minutes.

a) true b) false c) isn’t said

5. Regent Street is next to Waterloo station.

a) true b) false c) isn’t said

6. There are at least two reasons for not taking the bus.

a) true b) false c) isn’t said

7. Hamley's is on the left as you go down the street.

a) true b) false c) isn’t said

Put the answers in the boxes.








Task 6. Read Gary’s letter to Maria. Complete the letter. Write one word for each space. There is one example.

Dear Maria,

I am having a great time here (Example: …at….) the seaside. The hotel is right next 1) ………… the beach. I 2) ………… already been swimming twice – it was lovely. Tomorrow, we 3) ………… going on a coach trip to visit a farm 4) ………… they grow bananas. 5) ………… are lots of banana farms here.

At breakfast this morning I had 6) ………… glass of banana juice. I have never tried this drink 7) …………, but I like it very 8) …………. I’m going to buy some to bring home 9) ………… me, then you can taste 10) ………… too.

I hope you’re not working too hard.

Love, Gary

Put the answers in the boxes.













Task 7. Imagine that you are visiting one of the best holiday resorts in Russia and write your friend a letter about your vocation. Write 90-100 words.

Tell me about:

  • the place you are staying in

  • how long you are going to stay there

  • the weather

  • the food you have tasted there

  • the souvenirs you have bought there for your family and friends

  • what you did and what you are going to do


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