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Проект "Музыка в моей жизни".

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Эта презентация может быть хорошим дополнением к теме "Музыка в жизни людей" к УМК "Spotlight-10" к модулю-7. Ее можно использовать и на других ступенях обучения. Она может быть представлена как учителем, так и учеником с возможным ее изменением. 

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«Проект "Музыка в моей жизни".»

My playlist   Spotlight-10 Module-7  Across the curriculum

My playlist

Spotlight-10 Module-7 Across the curriculum

What does music mean to me? -  Music takes up a significant part of my life, because it helps me to relax and work harder, it is my hobby and method of self-expression

What does music mean to me? - Music takes up a significant part of my life, because it helps me to relax and work harder, it is my hobby and method of self-expression

My playlist consists of different types of music. Practically all songs are connected with an emotionally important moment of my life. So, when I listen to music, I feel all  emotions again. Also I like music with a meaning.

My playlist consists of different types of music. Practically all songs are connected with an emotionally important moment of my life. So, when I listen to music, I feel all  emotions again. Also I like music with a meaning.

The black and the red is a rock opera from which I downloaded lots of songs. They are different: charming, thrilling and frightening. 

The black and the red is a rock opera from which I downloaded lots of songs. They are different: charming, thrilling and frightening. 

"We are what we are, say thank you and that's it

We must bow without being rebellious until the end

Either you are born a king, or you are nothing ", but tell me

Why this should be true, why should I follow this rules?"

These songs are full of hidden meaning, the tunes are extremely catchy and the lyrics are gripping.

These songs are full of hidden meaning, the tunes are extremely catchy and the lyrics are gripping.

" life is just a phenomenon, death is just a process"

"I am very glad, but for any crane there is a boy with a slingshot"

Alexander Rybak and his irreplaceable

Alexander Rybak and his irreplaceable "Fairytale" - Eurovision 2009, and other songs, which are breath-taking and hilarious. It is just a perfect combination: breathtaking and hilarious

" There are no evil people, there are people who do a lot of evil."

"Rain is falling from the sky, But it never touches you, You're way up high"

"Nerves", "Queen", "King and the clown", "Little big"- these are the bands I like and listen to. Their creativity and enthusiasm are not hidden in their compositions.

Andrey Gubin, Allegrova, Meladze, Leps, Pugacheva.. They are legends of Soviet music and I'm glad to listen to their songs and enjoy them.

Andrey Gubin, Allegrova, Meladze, Leps, Pugacheva.. They are legends of Soviet music and I'm glad to listen to their songs and enjoy them.

Listen to the music that makes you feel happy.  Thank you for your attention

Listen to the music that makes you feel happy. Thank you for your attention


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