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Project work. The work is devoted to the early life, the caree and the influence of a great person John Lennon

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Проект ученицы 10 "Б" класса по теме "Персона века". 

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«Project work. The work is devoted to the early life, the caree and the influence of a great person John Lennon»

Презентация На тему “Персона века” Деньжонковой Арины ученицы МБОУ СОШ №15 10 “Б” класса Руководитель: Михайлина Анастасия Дмитриевна


На тему “Персона века”

Деньжонковой Арины

ученицы МБОУ СОШ №15

10 “Б” класса

Руководитель: Михайлина Анастасия Дмитриевна

Table of Contents Early Life of John Lennon The beginning of his career First hit The Jesus controversy Flower Power Beds-In For Peace Break-up Solo-career The return Strawberry Fields The influence

Table of Contents

  • Early Life of John Lennon
  • The beginning of his career
  • First hit
  • The Jesus controversy
  • Flower Power
  • Beds-In For Peace
  • Break-up
  • Solo-career
  • The return
  • Strawberry Fields
  • The influence
Early Life of John Lennon John Lennon was born in 1940 in Liverpool. Lennon’s childhood was rather tragic: his father was absent and his mother died in a car accident when he was 16 years old. He didn’t even get to live with his mom, because it was his aunt who took custody of him.

Early Life of John Lennon

John Lennon was born in 1940 in Liverpool. Lennon’s childhood was rather tragic: his father was absent and his mother died in a car accident when he was 16 years old. He didn’t even get to live with his mom, because it was his aunt who took custody of him.

The beginning of his career Instead of paying attention in school, Lennon paid more attention to music. At the time John played in a band called “The Quarrymen”. One day when the band was playing a gig, one of the bandmates decided to introduce Lennon to his friend Paul McCartney.

The beginning of his career

Instead of paying attention in school, Lennon paid more attention to music. At the time John played in a band called “The Quarrymen”. One day when the band was playing a gig, one of the bandmates decided to introduce Lennon to his friend Paul McCartney.

First hit In 1960 the band had changed its name to “The Beatles” and in 1962 released their first single “Love Me Do”. Their first performances took place in Hamburg, Germany. It was then that Brian Epstein saw the bands potential and became their manager.

First hit

In 1960 the band had changed its name to “The Beatles” and in 1962 released their first single “Love Me Do”.

Their first performances took place in Hamburg, Germany. It was then that Brian Epstein saw the bands potential and became their manager.

The Jesus controversy In 1966 when getting interviewed, John Lennon famously said that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. It caused a huge backlash from certain conservative states of the U.S., where the band’s records, photos and other memorabilia were burned.

The Jesus controversy

In 1966 when getting interviewed, John Lennon famously said that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. It caused a huge backlash from certain conservative states of the U.S., where the band’s records, photos and other memorabilia were burned.

Flower Power In 1967, following the release of their psychedelic album “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band” The Beatles release a song called “All You Need Is Love”, that soon became an anthem for the Flower Power movement against the Vietnam War happening at the time.

Flower Power

In 1967, following the release of their psychedelic album “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band” The Beatles release a song called “All You Need Is Love”, that soon became an anthem for the Flower Power movement against the Vietnam War happening at the time.

Beds-In For Peace John Lennon himself was actively against the Vietnam War so he and his new wife Yoko Ono together held “Beds-In For Peace”. During that time he also wrote a song called “Give Peace A Chance” which, just like “All You Need Is Love”, became extremely popular.

Beds-In For Peace

John Lennon himself was actively against the Vietnam War so he and his new wife Yoko Ono together held “Beds-In For Peace”. During that time he also wrote a song called “Give Peace A Chance” which, just like “All You Need Is Love”, became extremely popular.

Break-up In September of 1969 Lennon announced that he was leaving The Beatles. The band was starting to disintegrate even earlier than that though, since all of the members slowly started to move into different directions. The Beatles officially split on April 10 th , 1970.


In September of 1969 Lennon announced that he was leaving The Beatles. The band was starting to disintegrate even earlier than that though, since all of the members slowly started to move into different directions. The Beatles officially split on April 10 th , 1970.

Solo-career After leaving the band, Lennon didn’t stop making music. In his last years he wrote some of his iconic songs like “Imagine” that carried the same message of peace and love. After releasing multiple solo albums, John decided to “retire” from public life and spend more time with his family.


After leaving the band, Lennon didn’t stop making music. In his last years he wrote some of his iconic songs like “Imagine” that carried the same message of peace and love.

After releasing multiple solo albums, John decided to “retire” from public life and spend more time with his family.

The return In the fall of 1980 he came back with a new album “Double Fantasy”. Sadly, his return did not last. On 8 th of December he got assassinated by his fans Mark Chapman outside of the recording studio.

The return

In the fall of 1980 he came back with a new album “Double Fantasy”. Sadly, his return did not last. On 8 th of December he got assassinated by his fans Mark Chapman outside of the recording studio.

Strawberry Fields Lennon’s body has been cremated and his ashes were scattered in Central Park, New York. The location is now called “Strawberry Fields” and it is a memorial to John Lennon and his artistic endeavour.

Strawberry Fields

Lennon’s body has been cremated and his ashes were scattered in Central Park, New York.

The location is now called “Strawberry Fields” and it is a memorial to John Lennon and his artistic endeavour.

The influence John Lennon’s influence on the culture is indisputable and his legacy still lives on. I believe that every human on this planet can relate to the messages his song carry.

The influence

John Lennon’s influence on the culture is indisputable and his legacy still lives on.

I believe that every human on this planet can relate to the messages his song carry.

Sources https://biographe.ru/znamenitosti/john-lennon/ https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Леннон,_Джон https://people.onliner.by/2021/12/08/dzhon-lennon-zhizn-i-smert https://muzlifemagazine.ru/dzhon-lennon-metamorfozy-i-napravleni/


  • https://biographe.ru/znamenitosti/john-lennon/
  • https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Леннон,_Джон
  • https://people.onliner.by/2021/12/08/dzhon-lennon-zhizn-i-smert
  • https://muzlifemagazine.ru/dzhon-lennon-metamorfozy-i-napravleni/


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