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Промежуточный контроль по английскому языку 9 класс 2 вариант

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Контрольная работа к учебнику Rainbow English 9 класс.

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«Промежуточный контроль по английскому языку 9 класс 2 вариант»

Midterm Test (Rainbow English-9)


Listening (Max-5)

Вы услышите диалог. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды. При повторном прослушивании проверьте себя. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий — 10 минут.

1) Who reads sports magazines?

1) Jason

2) Margo

3) Emma

2) Who doesn't read computer magazines?

1) Jason

2) Margo

3) Both

3) Who reads more magazines?

1) Boys

2) Girls

3) Grown-ups

Reading (Max-5)

Прочитайте тексты (4—8), установите соответствия между ними и заголовками (а—f), отметьте каждый текст соответствующей буквой. В списке имеется один лишний заголовок. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий — 10 минут.

a) Author Who Enriched the Language

b) Stories He Wrote

c) Character Creating Wonderful Things

d) Story Meant to Teach a Moral Lesson

e) Folklore Characters

f) Not Educated to Be an Author

4. One of Aesop's fables tells of a fox who wanted some beautiful, sweet-smelling grapes. The fox tried to get the grapes, but they were just a bit higher than he could reach. When the fox realized that he couldn't reach the grapes, he walked away. As he left, he told himself that the grapes were probably sour and that he really didn't want them.

5. Stephen Leacock was born in England but moved with his parents to Canada, where he lived for the rest of his life — except for a brief period during which he attended the University of Chicago and received a Ph. D in economics and political science. Anyhow, he is best remembered for his satirical and humorous writing.

6. Trolls have got bulging eyes, long mega-powerful arms, swollen noses and are covered all over in earth. They walk around with their mouths open. During the daytime they stay in their caves, but in the evenings they love to go out hunting people. At one time there were lots of them in Norway.

7. William Shakespeare gave his mother tongue many phrases and sayings, which English speakers still use every day. Often they do not realize these words come from Shakespeare's plays or poems. Since those times, English has continued to change. Settlers from Britain moved across the world taking their language with them.

8. The tale 'The Stone Flower' was published in 1937. The hero of the tale is Danila, a young man, who became a real artist. He was sent to a master, who taught him to work with ornamental stones, especially with malachite. Danila learned very quickly and easily and soon he was able to make truly fantastic things. Once he was ordered to make a malachite bowl.

Grammar (Max-5)

Выберите грамматически правильные варианты из данных в скобках. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий — 5 минут.

  1. The hockey match (playing/played) the day before yesterday is still discussed.

  2. Who was the boy (telling/told) us about his trip to England?

  3. The bike (buying/bought) only a month ago is already good for nothing.

  4. I like to hear this song (singing/sung) by young children.

  5. Mr Swift, the man (playing/played) the piano, is our oldest musician.

Vocabulary (Max-5)

Выберите лексически правильные варианты из данных в скобках. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий — 5 минут.

  1. The old man (cried/mumbled) a few words to himself. Nobody understood what he said.

  2. He (pulled/pushed) against the door with his shoulder and opened it.

  3. The new novel is being (published/typed) this month. It will be sold in 10,000 copies.

  4. The farm (lay/lied) three miles from the sea.

Writing (Max-3)

Прочитайте письмо и напишите ответы на заданные в нём три вопроса. Соблюдайте нормы оформления письма.

You have received a letter from your English friend, Jack.

... We’ve been asked to contribute an article to the school magazine. I’ve decided to talk about Internet addiction. The best article will be published in the next issue of our magazine. Have you ever written a magazine article? What would you recommend to someone who wants to improve their writing skills? What subject would you choose to write on?

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