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Проверочная работа для учащихся 5 класса

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Проверочная работа для учащихся 5 класса. Цель – контроль умений чтения, грамматических умений (употребление глаголов в Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Future Simple), образование разделительных вопросовПроверочная работа для учащихся 5 класса. Цель – контроль умений чтения, грамматических умений (употребление глаголов в Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Future Simple), образование разделительных вопросов

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«Проверочная работа для учащихся 5 класса»

I Read the text and find the right answer

A bear is a large, heavy, strong animal with thick

fur and a very short tail. There are several kinds ofbears, black bears, polar bears, and grizzly bears.The brown bear lives in the forests and mountains of Northern America, Europe and Asia. Bears live alone; they never live in groups. Mother bear usually has from one to four baby bears. They are born in the winter and drink their mother’s milk. They live witht heir mother for one or two years. Bears often spend much of their winter sleeping. Before winter they eat a lot of food. Bears can be dangerous to people.

II. A bear has small eyes.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

12. Bears can be black.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

13. Bears don’t live in Europe.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

14. They live in groups.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

15. Mother bear has more than five babies.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

16. Baby bears are born in the winter.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

17. Baby bears live with their father.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

18. Baby bears hunt with their mother.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

19. Bears eat a lot before winter.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

20. Bears are never dangerous.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

III. Put the verbs in Pr. Simple or Pr. Continuous.

1. Peter and Steve______ to play with a ball every day. (to like)

2. My mother ______ books every day.

(to read)

  1. They ______ in the river every summer. (to swim)

  2. Ann ______ letters every Saturday. (to write)

  3. He ______ the piano at the moment. (to play)

  4. She _____ to the theatre every weekend. (to go)

  5. I _____ TV now. (to watch)

  6. He often ______ hard at school. (to work)

  7. She _____ to the shop every week. (to go)

  8. Look! They ______ breakfast. (to have).

IV. Make tag-questions

  1. Pete likes to play football, __________?

  2. My kitten can’t swim ______________?

  3. My Dad doesn’t like to go to the cinema, ______________?

  4. We shall go to Moscow the next week, ____________?

  5. Kate went to the seaside a year ago, ______________?

  6. He isn’t a student, _______________?

  7. The boy brought a book, ____________?

  8. Nick didn’t invite us to his party, _____?

  9. She has a very nice house, _________?

  10. They sing a song very well, _________?

  11. They can translate the text, __________?

V. English Tenses

Задание: выберите и вставьте в предложение глагол в нужной форме

1. I... early in the morning every day.

a) get up; b) got up; c) will get up.

2. He ... a book now.

a) reads; b) is reading; c) will read.

3. She ... me this book tomorrow.

a) gives; b) will give; c) gave.

4. Where ... you yesterday?

a) are; b) been; c) were.

5. We ... to school every day.

a) went; b) have gone; c) go.

6. They ... chess now.

a) play; b) are playing; c) played.

7. You ... there at 7 a. m. tomorrow.

a) are; b) will be; c) were.

8. What... you ... yesterday?

a) are ... doing; b) have ... done; c) did ...do.

9. They ... to see me tomorrow.

a) will come; b) shall come; c) came.

10. We ... 5 o'clock tea every day.

a) will have; b) had; c) have.

11. My mother ... now.

a) watches TV; b) will watch TV; c) is watching TV.

12. ... you ... him the answer next Monday? a) Will ... write; b) Do ... write;

c) Did ... write.

13. Peter ... a newspaper at the present moment, a) reads; b) read; c) is reading.

14. We ... our parents next Sunday.

a) visit; b) are visiting; c) will visit.

15. Yesterday she ... a vase.

a) breaks; b) has broken; c) broke

Проверочная работа для учащихся 5 класса. Цель – контроль умений чтения, грамматических умений (употребление глаголов в Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple, Future Simple), образование разделительных вопросов


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