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Проверочная работа по употреблению причастий и прилагательных для учащихся 11 классов.

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Лексический тест по теме "Причастия и прилагательные" проверяет умение учащихся составлять словосочетания, выбирать нужное  слово в условно-речевых ситуациях.

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«Проверочная работа по употреблению причастий и прилагательных для учащихся 11 классов.»

Test for 11th year students.

How to make a career ?

Mary: Who is your …1) (favourable / favourite ) singer? Nick : Madonna. I …2) ( admire / inspire ) her songs and her personality. Mary : Do you know anything about her …3) ( background / playground )? Nick : Yes. Madonna Louise Veronica Chiccone was …4) ( born / brought ) into a large family in Michigan the USA, in 1958. At the age of eight she …5) (achieved / acted ) in a home-made film. She also …6) ( appealed / appeared ) in high school and gradually got …7) ( interesting / interested ) in dancing. Mary : I think, it has always been …8) ( impossible / important ) for her to be the …9) (better / best ) at things she took up. Nick : Yes, you are right. She left for New York with only thirty five dollars in her pocket. She started working with dancing group when she felt an …10) ( artificial / artistic) flair to pop music. She began singing …11) (as/ like) a hobby. Mary : It …12) ( requires / inquiers ) talent, skill and …13) ( imagination / impression). She began …14) ( to develop/ to depend ) her own musical style, …15) (mixing / fixing) the sounds and rhymes of rock, pop and dance music. Nick : Then, in 1983, she produced a record of her own It was called Madonna. She quickly became …16) (organized / recognized) as one of the top talents in popular music.

Task 2. Match the adjectives and the nouns.

  1. Creative a) decision

  2. Constructive b) character

  3. Communicative c) time

  4. Inventive d) abilities

  5. Strong e) idea

  6. Firm f) opinion

  7. Accurate g) mind

  8. Independent h) will

  9. Original i) work

  10. Suitable j) person

Task 3. Match the two parts of the participles describing people

1. strong- a) qualified

2.broad- b) looking

3. well- c) oriented

4. hard- d) minded

5. highly- e) minded

6. quick- f) famous

7. open- g) working

8. self- h) hearted

9. world- i) educated

10. forward- j) willed


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