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Употребление артиклей в английском языке - проверочные упражнения

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Упражнения для проверки знаний по теме "Употребление артиклей в английском языке" для студентов  ГБПОУ СО "ТПК" 1 курса всех специальностей.

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«Употребление артиклей в английском языке - проверочные упражнения»


Exercise 1

Insert articles: a, an, the, where they are needed.

Read translate and explain the use of articles a,. an, the

1…Smiths have … dog and … cat. 

2 “Is this your ... friend?” — “No, it isn’t my ... friend, it is my… sister”.

3. She has got ... terrible … headache.

4. They have ... dog and two ... cats. 

Exercise 2

Fill in the correct article if necessary

1. Тоm lives in ... town.

2. Julie is reading ... English book.

3. We eat meat with ... knife and ... fork.

4. There is ... bоу on ... bicycle.

5. I know ... bоу with black hair.

6. . .. Boys are young men.

7. I have ... television.

8. ... television in my house is broken.

9. . .. televisions are very common today.

10. This is ... key.

11. This is ... key to ... my саг.

12. . .. keys are for opening locks.

Exercise 3

Insert articles: a, an, the, where they are needed.

1. This is ... pencil .... pencil is red.

2. She is ... teacher. She is our ... teacher of English.

3. There are ... many flowers in your garden .... flowers

are beautiful.

4. Did you write ... plan? Give me your ... plan, please.

5 .... Black Sea is in ... South of … Russia.

6. This is ... Nick. Не works as ... engineer. Не is ... good engineer.
7. There are ... some schools in our street .... schools are new.

8. In summer ... sky is Ьlue and ... sun shines brightly.

9 .... Petrovs are very friendly.

1O.This is ... Ann's book. … book is green.

11 .... winter begins in….December.

12. What .. fine day it is today!

13 .... History and ... Computer Science were ... my favourite subjects at .. . school.

14. I don't know ... way to ... station.

15. Usually 1 get up at .. . 7 o'clock in ... morning.

16. Will you have ... cup of ... tea?

17 .... Warsaw is ... capital of ….Poland.

18. This is ... book, ... book is very interesting.

19. Do you see ... sun in ... sky today?

20. I went to ... Smirnovs, but they were not at ... home.

Exercise 4

Insert articles: a, an, the, where they are needed.

1. I think we must call ... doctor.

2. Do you know ... Browns? They live next to us.

3. . .. Peter is tallest in ... class.

4. There are some beautiful towns in ... north of Italy.

5. . .. Greece is in ... south.

6. . .. President is ... head of state in ... US.

7. What did you have for ... dinner?

8. . .. Trafalgar Square is in ... London.

9. . .. White House is ... home of ... President of ... US.

1О. . .. Brtitish Museum has some very interesting exhibitions.

11. Take ... pen and make ... exercise in written form.

12. . .. Hyde Park is very famous all over ... world.

13. In spring ... sky is blue and ... sun is shining.

14. Do you read ... Daily Telegraph or ... Sun?

15. Did you visit ... Kremlin, too?

16. М у son studies at ... Moscow University.

17. Are you going to ... theatre tonight?

18….Му brother is in ... hospital, because he needs an operation.

Exercise 5

Fill in the correct article.

1. “Is this your ... friend?” — “No, it isn’t my ... friend, it is my sister”. 
2. I have ... sister. My ... sister is ... teacher. My sister’s ... husband is ... pilot. 
3. I have no ... car. 
4. She has got ... terrible … headache. 
5. They have ... dog and two ... cats. 
6. My ... cousin says he is going to be ... manager one ... day. 
7. Would you like ... apple? 
8. This is ... tree. ... tree is green. 
9. I can see three ... children. ... children are playing in … yard. 
10. I have ... car. ... car is white. My ... friend has no ... car.

Exercise 6

Fill in the articles in the proverbs if necessary.

1. … apple … day keeps … doctor away. 

2. … appetite comes with eating.

3. … good beginning makes … good ending. 

4. … bird in … hand is worth two in … bush. 

5. Among … blind … one-eyed man is king. 

6. … brevity is … soul of wit. 

7. … cat has nine lives. 

8. … charity begins at … home. 

9. … clothes make … man. 

10. … curiosity killed … cat. 

Articles 4 from 2


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