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Questions for speech development

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These questions will help to the teacher in explaining Perfect forms of the verbs, they will improve the students'  speaking ability,  the better expression of their opinions and pave the way to the formation of fluent oral speech.

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«Questions for speech development»

Answer the questions:

  1. What have you just done?

  2. Whose book have you just touched?

  3. Have you completed your task?

  4. What has your friend drawn in handicraft lesson?

  5. Where have you been in summer?

  6. Whom have you seen in the street?

  7. How have you answered teacher’s questions?

  8. Have you read many books?

  9. What books have you read?

  10. What have you eaten for your dinner just now?

  11. Who has come in just now?

  12. What mark have you got today?

  13. When has your friend brought the book?

  14. Why have you thanked your teacher?

  15. When have you drunk your milk?

  16. Have you counted all your marks?

  17. Has your friend done all his exercises?

  18. What have you learned from that lesson?

  19. Have you written the words to your notebook?

  20. Have you seen our new teacher?

  21. Have you taken my notes?

  22. Have you done your work?

  23. Have you read “Robinson Crusoe”?

  24. Have you seen a good film recently?

  25. Have you ever been to Moscow?

  26. Have you bought a new blouse?

  27. Have you had your dinner?

  28. Have lived here all your life?

  29. Have you seen Red Square?

  30. Have you travelled a lot?

  31. Has your mother cooked pizza?

  32. Have you played chess?

  33. Have your friends played tennis?

  34. Have you seen comedy films?

  35. What have you done just now?

  36. Whom have you met now?

  37. Where have you been in summer?

  38. Whom have you rung?

  39. What have you drawn?

  40. What have you bought from the town?

  41. Why have written that word there?

  42. Where have you seen this man?

  43. Why haven’t you brought your things here?

  44. What have you bought recently for your siblings?

  45. Why haven’t you finished your essay yet?


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