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Раздаточный материал по теме "Кондитерские изделия"

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Раздаточный материал по теме "Кондитерские изделия" для студентов 4 курса  ГБПОУ СО "ТПК"  специальности  19.02.10. «Технология продукции общественного питания»

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«Раздаточный материал по теме "Кондитерские изделия"»



Confectionery industry has a long history. It starts with the discovery of honey. Chopped fruits and nuts mixed with honey was the first confectionery item in the world.

When in the middle ages cane sugar was brought to Europe it was used for the production of sugar sweets.

There are more than 2000 varieties of confections but the fundamental processes of candy making have much in common because in the majority the chief ingredient is sugar.

Next to sugar chocolate is a very common ingredient of many candies. Chocolate was first brought to Europe by Spaniards in the 16th century. At that time it was used as a beverage. Later on the manufacture of chocolate candies was started in France.

The 17th century was a period of considerable progress in confectionery. Many new types of confectionery items appeared. But till the end of the 18th century most of the processes in confectionery production had been carried out manually (by hand) or by water-driven machines. The invention of steam power engine by James Watt gave rise to the development of confectionery machinery as well. Nowadays all the processes in confectionery production are done by machines.

Confections are divided into several large groups: hard candies, chewy confections, aerated confections and chocolate candies.

Common sweeteners used in confections are refined crystalline cane or beet sugar, liquid sugar, corn syrup, starch, honey and some others.

Various types of candies may be prepared by varying the kind of sweetener and amount of liquid, the cooking and cooling time, and the addition of chocolate, milk products, fruits, nuts, etc.


to have much in common – иметь много общего

Exercise 1

Place the points of the plan in accordance with the text. Say in English.

  1. Основные подслащивающие вещества, используемые для производства конфет.

  2. Первое в мире кондитерское изделие.

  3. Появление шоколада.

  4. Сахар – основной компонент кондитерских изделий.

  5. Средние века – начало производства сахарных конфет.

  6. Пути изготовления различных типов конфет.

  7. Типы конфет.

  8. Прогресс в кондитерском производстве.

Exercise 2

Find the English equivalents in the text

  1. кондитерская промышленность;

  2. широко распространенный компонент

  3. основные процессы производства конфет;

  4. имеют много общего;

  5. измельченные фрукты и орехи, смешанные с медом;

  6. основной компонент; после сахара;

Exercise 3

Match the appropriate words

1. confectionary 1. sugar

2. beet 2. candies

3. cane 3. confections

4. hard 4. time

5. sugar 5. products

6. corn 6. item

7. chewy 7. industry

8. aerated 8. syrup

9. cooking 9. making

10. cooling 10. fruits

11. chocolate 11. nuts

12. milk

13. liquid

14 candy

15 chopped

Exercise 4

Fill the gaps using the words from the list below

  1. The first confectionery item in the world was chopped fruits and nuts mixed with ....

  2. In the middle ages cane sugar began to be used for the production of ....

  3. Next to sugar ... is a very common ingredient of many candies.

  4. In the 16th century chocolate was used as a ....

  5. Refined crystalline cane or beet sugar, liquid sugar, corn syrup, starch, honey are common ... used in confections.

  6. Confections are divided into several large groups:…, …, …, and … .

  7. Various types of candies may be prepared by varying the kind of sweetener and amount of liquid, the … time, and the addition of …. …., …, …..


1. chocolate;

2. sweeteners:

3. honey:

4. beverage;

5. candies;

6. cooking and cooling;

7. hard candies, chewy candies, aerated confections, and chocolate candies;

8. chocolate, milk products, fruits, nuts, etc.

Exercise 5

Answer the questions

1. С чего начинается история кондитерской промышленности?

2. Какое кондитерское изделие является первым в мире?

3. Когда началось производство сахарных конфет в Европе?

4. Почему основные процессы производства конфет имеют много общего?

5. Кто и когда привез шоколад в Европу?

6. Каковы основные подслащивающие вещества, используемые для производства конфет?

7. Какие типы конфет перечислены в тексте?

8. Каким путем можно изменить тип конфет?

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