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Раздаточный материал по теме "Мой выходной"

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Раздаточный материал по теме "Мой выходной" для студентов  ГБПОУ СО "ТПК" 1 курса всех специальностей.

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«Раздаточный материал по теме "Мой выходной"»


My Day off

When a school-girl I always envied those students who went to school five but not six days a week, as we did. So you may guess, I had the only day off — Sunday. On Sunday, I didn't have to hurry anywhere, that's why, I got up at nine or ten o'clock. I wasn't an early riser.

I did my bed, washed myself and went to the kitchen. In the kitchen the table had already been laid and I always had something tasty on Sunday: fried potatoes, meat salad or my favourite apple pies. After breakfast, if the weather was sunny, I usually didn't stay indoors, I went to see my friends.

We often played volleyball or basket-ball in the yard and in winter if there was much snow out-of-doors we went skating and skiing in the woods. But sometimes the day happened to be rainy and gloomy.

I preferred to be in watching TV, listening to music, reading books, speaking over the phone or just lying on the sofa idling away the time. Some of my classmates could watch all TV-programmes from morning till night, but I think it's rather boring, and I always felt sorry for those TV-addicts.

It's much more interesting to play a game of chess with your grandfather, or help your mother about the house, or argue with your father about the latest events at home and abroad. In the evening, when all the family were together, we had some tea with a cake or biscuits, we listened to my younger sister playing the piano, sometimes we sang folk songs.

Every Sunday, when I went to bed, I was thinking that the day had flashed past and the next week would bring new problems and their solution. 

Exercise 1

Match the following words and translations, write

to envy

накрывать на стол

to guess

кататься на коньках и лыжах

to wash oneself


to lay the table

жалеть кого-нибудь

to go skating and skiing


to feel

разговаривать по телефону

to happen

утомительный, скучный

to argue

человек, поднимающийся рано

to feel sorry for smb


to speak over the phone


I didn't have to hurry


to play a game of chess


we listened to my younger sister playing the piano (Complex Object)

“телеманы"; люди, проводящие много времени перед телевизором

an early riser



сыграть партию в шахматы




мы слушали, как моя младшая сестра играет на пианино






мне не нужно было торопиться

Exercise 2

Answer the questions:

  1. What day was your day off? 

  2. When did you get up on Sunday? 

  3. Were you an early riser? 

  4. What did you have for breakfast on Sunday? 

  5. What did you do if the weather was sunny? 

  6. Did you like to stay indoors when the day was rainy and gloomy?

  7. Do you think to watch TV from morning till night is rather boring? 

  8. What did you do in the evening?


Katie: Hello, do you have any plans for this weekend?

Linda: Hi! I don’t know, my parents asked me to go to the zoo with Jake, my little brother, on Saturday, but his friend has a Birthday on Saturday, so I’m not sure yet.

K: Aha, I see. How about going to see a movie on Sunday, then?

L: I would love to! Maybe we should go out to eat before movie?

K: That sounds like a good idea!

L: Do you mind if I bring along my older sister with us? She is just back from New York and I want to spend some time with her as well.

K: No, I don’t mind at all. I haven’t seen her for half a year. How is she?

L: Great! She finished her study successfully and found a job.

K: She is very motivated, once she makes up her mind she will reach her goals.

L: Right. That’s my sis.

My day off page 3 from 3


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