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Разработка контрольной работы

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Разработка контрольной работы по модулю 1 во 2 классе по учебнику Spotlight

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«Разработка контрольной работы»

Module 1


Variant 1

  1. Read and circle.

  1. What’s this? a) It’s a bathroom. b) No, it isn’t.

  2. Where’s Larry? a) Yes, he is. b) He’s in the tree house.

  3. Is she in the living room? a) No, she isn’t. b) It’s a radio.

  1. Read and write. Use: He’s or She’s.

  1. Where’s Mummy? - ______ in the kitchen.

  2. Where’s Daddy? - ______ in the garden.

  3. Where’s Grandpa? - ______ in bedroom.

  4. Where’s Grandma? - ______ in the house.

  1. Read and draw.

  1. a yellow chair

  2. a green tree

  3. a red bed

  1. Match a letter and a sound.

1) A a) [h]

2) H b) [r]

3) R c) [eɪ]


Variant 2

  1. Read and circle.

  1. What’s this? a) Yes, it is. b) It’s a living room.

  2. Where’s Daddy? a) No, he isn’t. b) He’s in the bathroom.

  3. Is she in the bedroom? a) Yes, she is. b) It’s a chair.

  1. Read and write. Use: He’s or She’s.

1) Where’s Larry? - ______ in the garden.

2) Where’s Lulu? - ______ in the tree house.

3) Where’s Grandpa? - ______ in bathroom.

4) Where’s Grandma? - ______ in the kitchen.

  1. Read and draw.

1) a brown table

2) a blue bath

3) a red house

  1. Match a letter and a sound.

1) I a) [t]

2) J b) [aɪ]

3) T c) [dʒ]


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