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Разработка тестовых заданий по иностранному языку для входного контроля.

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«Разработка тестовых заданий по иностранному языку для входного контроля.»

Placement Test

Choose the correct form of the verb

  1. Do you like orange juice?

  1. Yes, I did.

  2. Yes, I do.

  3. No, I am not.

  1. Did you hear the bell?

  1. No, I didn’t.

  2. Yes, I hear.

  3. No, I don’t.

  1. Where are the children now?

They in the garden.

  1. played

  2. play

  3. are playing

  1. When I came home yesterday, the telephone .

  1. rings

  2. was ringing

  3. rang

  1. He in physics.

  1. is interested

  2. is interesting

  3. interests

  1. They three days in the country last week.

  1. spend

  2. spends

  3. spent

  1. I at physics maths school, if I pass the exams.

  1. will study

  2. study

  3. studied

  1. The TV down, while we the news.

  1. break .... watched

  2. broke .... was watching

  3. broke .... were watching

  1. you to go home now?

  1. Have .... wanted

  2. Do .... want

  3. Did .... want

  1. She to London next month.

  1. went

  2. will go

  3. go

  1. I’m going to a movie tonight. I the film twice.

  1. have seen

  2. saw

  3. see

  1. Look, the water . I’ll make you some coffee.

  1. boils

  2. boiled

  3. is boiling

  1. He faster than we , when we were younger.

  1. runs .... did .

  2. run .... did

  3. ran ....do

  1. I through the instructions, but I don’t

understand them.

  1. have looked

  2. looks

  3. are looking

  1. He said he his umbrella.

  1. has lost

  2. had lost

  3. lose

  1. He speak 2 foreign languages.

  1. can

  2. can to

  1. You must _____ your teeth everyday.

  1. clean

  2. to clean

  3. cleaning

  1. Sorry, I come in?

  1. may

  2. might

II. Put the appropriate article where necessary

  1. -a c) the

  2. an d) no article

19. There is

apple on the table.

20. This is

house that Jack built.

21. Where is

nearest post-office?

III. Put the words in the right order

22. a) you

c) where

b) live

d) do?

23. a) want

d) home

b) to

e) go

c) 1

24. a) they

c) swim

b) very

d) well

25. a) are

e) the

b) two

f) room

c) chairs

g) in

d) there

26. a) told

d) me

b) nice

e) a

c) she

f) story

IV. Fill in the prepositions where necessary

  1. The meeting is 2 o’clock.

  1. in

  2. at

  3. by

  1. T like to travel bus.

  1. by

  2. on

  3. with

  1. I am ready to go home.

  1. to

  2. -

  3. at

  1. The lectures will start Monday.

  1. on

  2. in

  3. at

  1. She plays basketball very well.

a ) in

  1. on

V. Choose the right word to go with each meaning. Write the number of that word next to its meaning

32. business

33. clock

animal with four legs

34. horse

part of the house

35. pencil

something you write with

36. shoe

37. wall

Match the words with their


38. famous

a) prepare

39. speak

b) well-known

40. cook

c) pretty

41. beautiful

d) talk

42. small

e) little

Match the words with their


43. bad

a) foolish

44. clever

b) interesting

45. black

c) slow

46. dull

d) white

47. quick

e) good

  1. Choose the best answer for the following situation

  1. — Joe, this is Pat.

— How do you do?

  1. Fine, thanks.

  2. How do you do ?

  3. Nice to meet you again.

  1. — Excuse me, could you tell me the time, please?

  1. What’s your name ?

  2. Oh, lam late.

  3. It’s 5 о ’clock sharp now.

  1. — Could you help me, please?

  1. All right.

  2. See you tomorrow.

  3. Yes, I do.

  1. —How are you?

  1. Fine, thanks.

  2. I don’t know.

  3. And you ?

  1. — Are you doing anything tonight? Would you like to watch a film?

  1. Yes, and a pound of butter, please.

  2. Perhaps. Yes, why not?

  3. How could you do such a thing?

  1. — Oh, I am sorry. I lost your book.

  1. That’s all right.

  2. I have never seen him before.

  3. Help yourself.

  1. — Thank you very much.

  1. And you.

  2. How kind of you.

  3. Not at all.

  1. — Can I bring you anything?

  1. Yes, please. A cup of coffee, if you don’t mind.

  2. Is service included?

  3. Oh, happy birthday.

  1. Read the text

There were two men, a potter and a painter. The potter was angry at the painter because the painter had made a lot of money and had not given any to the potter when he had asked for it. So the potter wanted to teach him a.lesson. He went to the king and said to him:

«My king, I know you want a white elephant, like the one that only your, father had. I can tell you how to get it. My friend, the painter, knows how to change any colour to white. Tell him to come here and make your grey elephant white.»

The king called his men and told them to bring the painter. Very soon the painter stood before the king, and the king told him:

«Somebody has told me that you know how to change the colour of anything into white. I want you to make my grey elephant white. And remember, if you want to live, you must do it.»

The painter thought, «My last day has come because I cannot change the colour of the elephant.» He wanted to tell the king about it, but suddenly he saw the potter’s laughing face. The painter understood everything and decided to teach him a lesson, too.

«All right, my king,» he said, «I can make your elephant white. But when 1 change the colour of anything I put it into water for a long time. And I have no pot for your elephant. It must be a very large pot.»

«Potter,» said the long, «did you hear that? Go and make a pot large enough for my elephant!»

«What have I done! Thought the potter, but it was too late. He went home and tried to make a pot for months and months. He worked hard, did not sleep well, but thought about the pot and often cried at night. But of course he could not make it.

But one day the elephant ran away to the woods, and that was the happiest day for the potter. He was given a good lesson and never did such a bad thing again to the end of his days.

potter — горшечник pot — горшок

  1. Choose the correct answer

  1. right;

  2. wrong;

  3. / don V know

  1. The potter and the painter weren’t good friends.

  2. The painter knew how to change the colours into white.

  3. The Icing could kill the painter if he didn’t make the elephant white.

  4. The king’s father had many grey elephants.

  5. The potter made the pot for the elephant.

  1. Complete the sentences choosing the correct variant

  1. The bad thing done by the potter was

  1. the pot.

  2. telling a lie to the king about the painter.

  3. thinking that it was too late.

  1. The potter did not sleep well because

  1. he was ill.

  2. his bed wasn’t comfortable.

  3. he was afraid he could not do what he was told.

  1. Finally, it was .... who was given a lesson.

  1. the potter

  2. the painter

  3. the king

  1. In the beginning, the potter was very angry because

  1. he was poor.

  2. the painter didn't take the money.

  3. the painter didn’t give him what he wanted.-

  1. The painter thought that his last day had come because

  1. he couldn’t change colours to white.

  2. he was afraid of elephants.

  3. he was very old.

  1. The painter said he needed a pot to

  1. give it to the potter.

  2. put the elephant in it.

  3. make it white.

  1. The potter was very happy when

  1. he understood that he had to make the pot.

  2. he understood that he didn’t have to make the pot any more.

  3. he made the pot.


Placement test

I. Choose the correct form of the verb

1. b 6. c 11. a 16. b

2. a 7.a 12. c 17. a

3. e 8. c 13. a 18. b

4. b 9. b 14. a

5. a 10. b 15. b

II. Put the appropriate article where necessary

19. b 20. c 21. c

III. Put the words in the right order

22. Where do you live? c - d - a - b

23. I want to go home c-a-b-e-d

24. They swim very well a - c - b - d

25. There two chairs in the room d-a-b-c-g-e-f

26. She told me a nice story c-a-d-e-b-f

IV. Fill in the prepositions where necessary

27. b 29. b 31. c

28. a 30. a

V. Choose the right word to go with each meaning

34; 37; 35

VI. Match the words with their synonyms

38. b 39. d 40. a 41. c 42. e

VII. Match the words with their antonyms

43. e 44. a 45. d 46. b 47. c

VIII. Choose the best answer for the following situation

48. b 50. a 52. b 54. c

49. c 51. a 53. a 55. a

IX. Reading

56. a 59. c 62. c 65. a

57. b 60. b ' 63. a 66. b

58. a 61. b 64. c 67. b


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