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Ролевые игры

на уроках английского языка

( сценарий урока в 3 классе)





учитель английского языка

Косякова Людмила Анатольевна

АОУ гимназии № 13

Г. Долгопрудного  Московской области




2015 год

Narrator:    Meet the Browns. They are a family of five. This is Mr. Brown. This is    Mrs.   Brown and their children Polly, Sally and John.


It’s evening. They are going to have supper.( Звонок в дверь , дети бегут открывать.)

Mother:  Oh, dear, we’ve been waiting for you!

Children: How are you? We’ve missed you!

Father:     Fine, but tired and hungry.

Mother:   Let’s have supper then. We’ve just set the table.( садятся за стол и едят)

Father:     Mmm, it’s so tasty! ( мама убирает со стола)

Sally:        Mum, shall I help you?

Mother:   Yes, thanks. (Обращаясь к папе  и детям) Would you like tea or coffee?

Father:     As for me, I’d like coffee

Children: I’d like a cup of tea…

Father:     By the way, what are our plans for Saturday? Have you got any ideas?

Children: Cinema! Circus! Skating rink!

Mother:   Stop shouting!  Let’s go to the Zoo! The weather is so wonderful!

Father:     Yes, it’s rather warm and sunny.


Narrator:    Our family is in the Zoo.

                            Обезьянки прыгают по клетке, поют песню

John:          Oh! What funny monkey! Hi! (обращается к одной из обезьянок).How are you? Are you hungry? Of course you are! (Достает банан и протягивает). Help yourselves!

Zookeeper: Stop! Don’t do it , please! They are not hungry or thirsty now! I look after them and I know when and what to give them to eat or to drink.

John:            Oh! I’m sorry! I’m never going to do it again.

Zookeeper: OK, I’m sure, you aren’t. Do you want to have a look at a tiger –cub? It came from Africa some days ago.

Children:      Of course we do! ( идут к клетке с тигренком)


Polly:            Oh, It’s so little!? How old is it?

Zookeeper:  It’s about four months old. But don’t touch it! Remember! It’ s a wild    animal. Be careful!

Sally:            What does it like to it?

Zookeeper:  It likes milk very much. I’ll feed it in half an hour. You can come and see .

Sally:            With great pleasure!

M. and D:     Children! Look at this bear! It’ s so nice!

Sally:            And why is the bear so sad?

                появляется смотрительница

Zookeeper 2: Mishka, how are you?

John:            Oh, it’s name is Mishka! Why?

Zookeeper 2: It is from Russia and Mishka is a Russian name.

Sally:            And why is it so sad?

Zookeeper 2: It misses its native country and its friends.

Father:          Mishka, Mishka, where is your smile?

Mishka:        Here it is! ( улыбается)

Polly:            Oh, It’s time to feed the tiger-cub! Let’ hurry! (бегут)

   Охранник кормит тигренка, Полли протягивает руку в глетку.

Mother:       Polly! you mustn’t do it! It can bite or scratch you!

Polly:            But it can’t!  It’s so little and pretty. Look! (протягивает руку руку в клетку, тигренок рычит и царапает ее) Oh, mummy it is blood!

Father:          Polly, Polly. Why are you so naughty? Stop crying. Fortunately, your hand is safe and sound, but we should visit a doctor.


                       У врача

Doctor:        What’s the matter, my little friend?

Polly:            Something is wrong with my hand. You see, it’ bloody, and it hurts a bit.

Doctor:         Let’ s have a look at it . (осматривает). Don’t worry, it’s a trifle. We’ll put everything right.

   Приходит медсестра и накладывает повязку

Polly:            Thanks Doctor.

Doctor:         But my prescription is to be more carefull next time. Now you can go to your parents, they are waiting for you.

Mother:        How are you, dear?

Polly:            I’ fine , but very hungry.

Father:        Really? And what about you? (обращается к остальным)

Children:     Mе too. Let’ go to the cafe.


В кафе

Смотрят меню

Father:        Well, I’d like to have some soup, meat and vegetables.

Mother:     That sounds good. I think I’ll have the same. And you, children? John:            Have they got chips? it’s our favorite dish.

Polly:           And |I wish something sweet. I could eat the whole cake!

 Mother:     All right, but only after soup.

 Подходит официант

Good evening. What would you to have?

Father:        We’d like some soup.

Waiter:       What soup would you like?

Father:        Chicken soup, please. And for the second course meat and vegetables and chips for children.




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Ролевые игры

на уроках английского языка

( сценарий урока в 3 классе)



учитель английского языка

Косякова Людмила Анатольевна

АОУ гимназии № 13

Г. Долгопрудного Московской области

2015 год

Narrator: Meet the Browns. They are a family of five. This is Mr. Brown. This is Mrs. Brown and their children Polly, Sally and John.

It’s evening. They are going to have supper.( Звонок в дверь , дети бегут открывать.)

Mother: Oh, dear, we’ve been waiting for you!

Children: How are you? We’ve missed you!

Father: Fine, but tired and hungry.

Mother: Let’s have supper then. We’ve just set the table.( садятся за стол и едят)

Father: Mmm, it’s so tasty! ( мама убирает со стола)

Sally: Mum, shall I help you?

Mother: Yes, thanks. (Обращаясь к папе и детям) Would you like tea or coffee?

Father: As for me, I’d like coffee

Children: I’d like a cup of tea…

Father: By the way, what are our plans for Saturday? Have you got any ideas?

Children: Cinema! Circus! Skating rink!

Mother: Stop shouting! Let’s go to the Zoo! The weather is so wonderful!

Father: Yes, it’s rather warm and sunny.

Narrator: Our family is in the Zoo.

Обезьянки прыгают по клетке, поют песню

John: Oh! What funny monkey! Hi! (обращается к одной из обезьянок).How are you? Are you hungry? Of course you are! (Достает банан и протягивает). Help yourselves!

Zookeeper: Stop! Don’t do it , please! They are not hungry or thirsty now! I look after them and I know when and what to give them to eat or to drink.

John: Oh! I’m sorry! I’m never going to do it again.

Zookeeper: OK, I’m sure, you aren’t. Do you want to have a look at a tiger –cub? It came from Africa some days ago.

Children: Of course we do! ( идут к клетке с тигренком)

Polly: Oh, It’s so little!? How old is it?

Zookeeper: It’s about four months old. But don’t touch it! Remember! It’ s a wild animal. Be careful!

Sally: What does it like to it?

Zookeeper: It likes milk very much. I’ll feed it in half an hour. You can come and see .

Sally: With great pleasure!

M. and D: Children! Look at this bear! It’ s so nice!

Sally: And why is the bear so sad?

появляется смотрительница

Zookeeper 2: Mishka, how are you?

John: Oh, it’s name is Mishka! Why?

Zookeeper 2: It is from Russia and Mishka is a Russian name.

Sally: And why is it so sad?

Zookeeper 2: It misses its native country and its friends.

Father: Mishka, Mishka, where is your smile?

Mishka: Here it is! ( улыбается)

Polly: Oh, It’s time to feed the tiger-cub! Let’ hurry! (бегут)

Охранник кормит тигренка, Полли протягивает руку в глетку.

Mother: Polly! you mustn’t do it! It can bite or scratch you!

Polly: But it can’t! It’s so little and pretty. Look! (протягивает руку руку в клетку, тигренок рычит и царапает ее) Oh, mummy it is blood!

Father: Polly, Polly. Why are you so naughty? Stop crying. Fortunately, your hand is safe and sound, but we should visit a doctor.

У врача

Doctor: What’s the matter, my little friend?

Polly: Something is wrong with my hand. You see, it’ bloody, and it hurts a bit.

Doctor: Let’ s have a look at it . (осматривает). Don’t worry, it’s a trifle. We’ll put everything right.

Приходит медсестра и накладывает повязку

Polly: Thanks Doctor.

Doctor: But my prescription is to be more carefull next time. Now you can go to your parents, they are waiting for you.

Mother: How are you, dear?

Polly: I’ fine , but very hungry.

Father: Really? And what about you? (обращается к остальным)

Children: Mе too. Let’ go to the cafe.

В кафе

Смотрят меню

Father: Well, I’d like to have some soup, meat and vegetables.

Mother: That sounds good. I think I’ll have the same. And you, children? John: Have they got chips? it’s our favorite dish.

Polly: And |I wish something sweet. I could eat the whole cake!

Mother: All right, but only after soup.

Подходит официант

Good evening. What would you to have?

Father: We’d like some soup.

Waiter: What soup would you like?

Father: Chicken soup, please. And for the second course meat and vegetables and chips for children.


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