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Разработка урока по теме: "I like vegetables"

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Food and meals. Countable and uncountable nouns.

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«Разработка урока по теме: "I like vegetables"»

Тема: I like vegetables 6 класс

Цель: организовать познавательную деятельность учащихся по формированию и совершенствованию знаний.


1) изучение понятий исчисляемого и неисчисляемого существительного;

2) изучение употребления местоимений much / many / a lot of

3) повторение и закрепление грамматического и лексического материала;

4)формирование и развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи;

5) формирование лексических навыков говорения, умение понимать на слух с целью извлечения информации/

Ожидаемый результат: владение грамматическим и лексическим материалом, умение правильно строить высказывания на заданную тему, умение правильно отвечать на вопросы, умение понимать иностранную речь на слух.

Дидактический материал: учебник, раздаточный материал с диалогом, c тестом, таблица для заполнения с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными, слайды с картинками и правилами, цветные фишки для оценивания ответов учащихся.

План урока

  1. a) Greeting

Good afternoon, children! Today we’ll have a very interesting work. Our theme is “I like vegetables”.

We’ll learn what countable and uncountable nouns are; we’ll know how to use pronouns much / many / a lot of in the sentences. We’ll work with the short dialogues according to the theme. For you’re your answer you’ll get colour cards. If all your answer is correct you’ll get a red card. If you give an answer with a little mistake you’ll get a yellow card. If your answer isn’t correct you’ll get nothing. Let’s begin our lesson!

b) Let’s learn the proverb “Tastes differ.” How can you say it in your language? (О вкусах не спорят!)

с) What was your homework for today? – Learn new words. Let’s check them. Look at the screen and answer my questions. (Pictures of fruits, vegetables, food and drinks)


  1. What is it? / What are they?

  2. What colour is it? / What colour are they?

  3. Is it big or small? / Are they big or small?

  4. Do you like to eat it?

  5. Do you like to drink it?

  1. Realization

  1. Now let’s learn what nouns are countable and uncountable.

Countable nouns are nouns we can count. For example: apples, tables, pens, dogs, etc.

Uncountable nouns are nouns we can’t count. For example: water, air, sand, sugar, soup, etc.

Now your task is: On my table you see the words. Some of them are countable, another are uncountable. You’ll come to the table, choose any word you like and say it is countable or uncountable. Then put it on the board and make a sentence with this word.

  1. Let’s speak about the pronouns much, many and a lot of. What do these words mean? (много)

But we use them in different situations. If we speak about countable nouns we use many. If we speak about uncountable nouns we use much. If our sentence is positive we may use a lot of for uncountable and countable nouns.

Let’s write a small test. I’ll give you the cards. You should fill in the blanks with much or many. You’ve got 3-4 minutes.


1. There are …tomatoes in the salad.

2. There is … milk in the cup.

3. There is not … water in the bottle.

4. We’ve got … children at school.

5. There are … balls on the table.

6. There is not … coffee in the glass.

7. There is … tea in the tea-pot.

8. My grandmother has got … cats at home.

Let’s check your work. Change your copybooks with your friend, take a pencil, put a tick near correct answers and minus near mistakes. Count how many mistakes you’ve made.

  1. Now let’s work with dialogues.

    1. At first you’ll listen to the dialogues and follow in your cards. Don’t repeat after me!

    2. Repeat the dialogues after me!

    3. Read these dialogues in pairs.

  1. - How do you like your coffee? Would you like it black or white?

  • White coffee, please.

  • How many lumps of sugar?

  • No, sugar, thank you.

  1. – What would you like for breakfast? Would you like eggs?

  • Certainly. I like eggs very much.

  • How would you like them soft-boiled or hard-boiled?

  • Soft boiled, please.

  1. – Could you pass the butter, please?

  • Yes, here you are. What about cheese?

  • No cheese, thank you.

  1. – What are you going to have for dessert?

  • Ice-cream, please.

  • Chocolate or vanilla?

  • Vanilla ice-cream for me, please.

  • Here you are.

  • Thank you.

  1. – What would you like for dinner tonight?

  • I haven’t decided yet. What would you like?

  • Tomato soup, turkey or chicken.

  • That sounds great. I think I’ll have the same.

  1. Reflection

What have we learnt at the lesson? (About countable and uncountable nouns, about pronouns much, many, a lot of and their usage in the sentence, learn some new phrases).

Now let’s count our cards.

Your marks for the lesson are ….

  1. Homework

Learn any two dialogues you liked best by heart.


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