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Reading Comprehension Test for online learning on the topic "The Autumn Equinox" (Grade 9)

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Данный материал предназначен для контроля навыков чтения в 9 классе. Он включает в себя страницы 1 и 2 с текстами и тестовыми заданиями (с полями для внесения ответов) для учащихся и страницу с ключами к заданиям для учителя. Включение в содержание теста информации, связанной с культурой страны изучаемого языка, позволит не только проконтролировать степень сформированности у учащихся навыков всех видов чтения, но и будет способствовать развитию их социокультурной компетенции .

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«Reading Comprehension Test for online learning on the topic "The Autumn Equinox" (Grade 9)»

Reading Comprehension Student Page 1

The September Equinox

Task 1 Read the text and match the titles (A - F) to the paragraphs

___ (1) Since ancient times, people have celebrated the arrival of spring or fall at the equinox - a time when Earth's day splits almost in half. There are two equinoxes every year – in September and March – when the Sun shines directly on the Equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal.

___ (2) Seasons are opposite on either side of the Equator, so the equinox in September is also known as the autumnal (fall) equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and is considered the first day of fall. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is known as the vernal (spring) equinox and marks the first day of spring.

___ (3) The September equinox occurs the moment the Sun crosses the celestial Equator – the imaginary line in the sky above Earth’s Equator – from north to south. This happens either on September 22, 23, or 24 every year.

___ (4) Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of about 23.4° in relation to the ecliptic, the imaginary plane created by Earth’s path around the Sun. On any other day of the year, either the southern hemisphere or the Northern Hemisphere tilts a little towards the Sun. However, on the two equinoxes, the tilt of Earth’s axis is perpendicular to the Sun’s rays.

___ (5) On the equinox, night and day are nearly exactly the same length – 12 hours – all over the world. This is the reason that is called an "equinox," derived from Latin, meaning "equal night." However, even if this is widely accepted, it is not entirely true. In reality, equinoxes do not have exactly 12 hours of daylight.

___ (6) Many cultures and religions celebrate holidays and festivals around the equinox. A famous ancient equinox celebration was the Mayan sacrificial ritual by the main pyramid at Chichen Itza, Mexico. The pyramid, known as El Castillo, has four staircases running from the top to the bottom of the pyramid’s faces, notorious for the bloody human sacrifices that used to take place here. The staircases are built at a carefully calculated angle that makes it look like an enormous snake of sunlight slithers down the stairs on the day of the equinox.

A The snake of sunlight

B Opposite sides, different seasons

C Just twice a year

D The moment it occurs

E Why is it called "equinox"?

F The day when spring or autumn comes 6 x 2 = 12

Reading Comprehension Student Page 2

The September Equinox

Task 2 Read the text again and mark the statements as True or False

  1. Equinox is a geographical phenomenon. __________

  2. We experience the equinox only once a year. __________

  3. The date of the equinox is fixed. __________

  4. Both hemispheres get equal amounts of the Sunrays due to a particular tilt of the Sun axis. __________

  5. The day of the equinox has been celebrated in many cultures. __________

5 x 3 = 15

Task 3 Read the abstract from a website article and answer the questions below.

Each year on the 22nd / 23rd September Druids and Pagans, gather at Stonehenge early in the morning to mark the Autumn Equinox and to see the sunrise above the stones.

This ‘ad hoc’1 celebration brings together England's New Age Tribes (neo-druids, neo-pagans, Wiccans) with ordinary families, tourists, travelers - usually about 100 people!

After the Autumn Equinox, the days shorten and nights lengthen. This is the date on which the sun enters the sign of Libra, the scales, reflecting appropriately the balanced day and night of the equinox. This was also the time when the farmers brought in their harvested goods to be weighed and sold.

During Medieval times, the Christian Church replaced Pagan solstices and equinox celebrations with Christianized occasions. The autumn equinox celebration was Michaelmas, the feast of the Archangel Michael.

  1. Where does the celebration described in the article take place?

  2. How many are usually the witness of the event?

  3. What rural seasonal activities were related to the time of the autumn equinox?

  4. Were Pagan equinox traditions kept during medieval times? 4 x 3 = 12

Task 4 Identify the object in the photo

________________________________________1 x 1 = 1

Total Score: 25

Your Score: ___

Reading Comprehension Teacher Page

The September Equinox

Key 1: 1 F 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 E 6 A

Key 2: 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T

Key 3:

1. It takes place in Stonehenge, England.

2. They are usually about 100.

3. The farmers brought in their harvested goods to be weighed and sold at that time.

4. No, they were not. The Christian Church replaced Pagan solstices and equinox celebrations with Christianized occasions.

Key 4: It is Stonehenge.

Использованная литература

  1. 2021 Stonehenge Autumn Equinox Celebrations [электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: https://stonehengetours.com/Stonehenge-Equinox.htm ;

  2. Christmas Adventure Quest at Stonehenge [электронный ресурс].- Режим доступа: https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/stonehenge/ ;

  3. Stonehenge Mystery: The Construction [электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://stonehengetours.com/stonehenge-construction.htm .

1 ad hoc - специальный, устроенный для данной цели


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