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Reading is an Essential part of Succesful Learning

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План урока английского языка по теме "Чтение как основополагающая часть упсешного обучения"

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«Reading is an Essential part of Succesful Learning»

КГУ “Школа –лицей № 20” г.Темиртау

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 9-м классе "Reading is an essential part of successful learning"

Выполнил : Хабибуллин Р.Р.

Темиртау, 2018



    • подвести итог знаниям, умениям и навыкам учащихся в рамках курса чтения;

    • актуализировать изученный материал по теме;

    • активизировать навыки аудирования, монологической и диалогической речи по теме;

    • обеспечить деятельность каждого ученика в течение всего урока.


    • осуществлять речевые продуктивные действия; развивать умение партнёрского общения и умения работать в группе; развивать критическое и логическое мышление;

    • проблемы, умение аргументировано высказываться, убеждать собеседников.


    • привитие любви к чтению;

    • приобщать учащихся к шедеврам мировой культуры.

ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: компьютеры, презентация урока, опорные выражения для бесед и упражнения на рабочих листах.

Ход урока:

I. Начало урока

1. Организационный момент. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

What is the topic of the Unit we have learned during this term?

The topic of our lesson will be “Reading is and essential part of successful learning” Today we have our last lesson on this topic. So it will be a bit unusual.

First, we are going to play the most famous game in our country “Wonder Land”. Then, we shall discuss one of the funniest stories by Somerset Maugham “The Luncheon”. At last, we’ll try to solve the problem “What can we do to make teenagers read more?”

2. Речевая зарядка.

Do you like read? Why? Why not?

What is your favorite literature genre?

Do you have a small or a big library?

II. Основной этап урока

Формирование навывков аудирования:

Now, We’ll play one of the most famous games in our country “Wonder Land”. The topic will be “Famous Writers and Poets”. We shall remember some Russian and English writers and poets. All of you will answer so get ready!

The first tour participants will be… . Listen to the first task.

a) “This poet is known as a “poet of the village”. He was born in a peasant family in 1895. His wife was a famous American dancer Isadore Duncan. He believed that “there is no poet without a homeland”. He lived only 30 years. ” What is his name? (Yesenin) There are 7 letters in his surname. Name the letter. The winner is… .

The second tour participants will be… . Listen to the text.

b) “He was born in Oriol in 1818. He studied in Moscow University. The works of this writer received worldwide recognition during his lifetime. He is the author of such wonderful novels as “A sportsman’s Sketches”, “Rudin”, “Fathers and Sons”, “The Nobleman’s Estate”. One of the

characters of his stories was dumb. ” What is his name? (Turgenev) There are 8 letters in his surname. Name the letter. The winner is… .

The third tour participants will be… . Listen to the text.

c) “He was born in the family of a nobleman, in 1814. He was a writer who wrote the novel “A Hero of Our Time”. He won fame as a poet after his poem on Pushkin’s death was published. He was killed in a duel. He was not 27 at that time. ” What is his name? (Lermontov)

There are 9 letters in his surname. Name the letter. The winner is… .

The winners of the previous tours come here. Now we’ll have the super game. Listen to the text.

d) “This English writer was born in Paris in1874, in the family of British diplomat. He lost his parents when he was a boy, so he was taken to live in England with his uncle. He received school education and spent 6 years at a hospital studying to be a doctor. He was a writer of short stories, novels and plays. He died in 1965. ” What is his name? (Maugham) There are 7 letters in his surname. Name the letter. The winner is… .

Very nice. You’ve guessed. It is you who became the winner. Clap your

hands children. I think your prize will be an excellent mark for the lesson.

Формирование навыков чтения с пониманием деталей прочитанного:

Now we shall discuss one of the funniest stories by Somerset Maugham “The Luncheon”. You have read this story at home and have done some tasks.

The Luncheon.

(After S. Maugham)

It was twenty years ago and I was living in Paris. I had a tiny apartment and I was earning barely enough money to keep body and soul together. One of my readers, a lady, had read a book of mine and had written to me about it. I answered, thanking her, and soon I received from her another letter saying that she was passing through Paris and would like to have a chat with me. She asked me if I would give her a little luncheon at Foyot’s. It is a restaurant at which the French senators eat and it was so far beyond my means that I had never even thought of going there. But I was flattered and I was too young to say no to a woman. I had eighty francs to live on till the end of the month and a modest luncheon should not cost more than fifteen. If I cut out coffee for the next two weeks I could manage well enough. I answered that I would meet her at Foyot’s on Thursday at half past twelve. She was not so young as I expected and in appearance imposing rather than attractive. She was in fact a woman of forty, and she gave me the impression of having more teeth, white and large and even, than were necessary for any practical purpose. She was talkative, but since she seemed inclined to talk about me I was prepared to be an attentive listener. I was startled when the menu was brought, for the prices were a great deal higher than I had expected. She reassured me that she never ate anything for luncheon. “Oh, don’t say that” I answered generously. She added that she never ate more than one thing. She thought people ate too much nowadays. She wondered if they had any salmon. Well, it was early in the year for salmon and it was not in the menu, but I asked the waiter if they had any. Yes, they had had. I ordered it for my guest. The waiter asked her if she would have something while it was being cooked. She said that she wouldn’t mind having caviar. My heart sank a little. I knew I could not afford caviar, but I could not tell her that. I told the waiter by all means to bring caviar. For myself I chose the cheapest dish on the menu and that was a mutton chop. When my mutton chop arrived she said I was in the habit of eating a heavy luncheon and that was a mistake. She asked me to follow her example and just eat one thing. She was sure I’d feel better than. Then came the question of drink. “What will you drink?” I asked her.

“My doctor lets me drink only champagne. ” It seemed to me that my face became white. But I ordered half s bottle of champagne. She ate the caviar and she ate the salmon. She talked of art, literature and music. But all I wanted to know was what the “small” luncheon would cost me.

“Shall I be able to pay the bill?” I asked myself again and again. “What shall I do if the bill comes to more than I have?” If the bill comes to more, I shall leave my watch and say that I shall come back and pay later. The waiter came up to us with a large basket full of peaches. They were not in season then and their price was very high. My guest took one of them. “Coffee?” I asked her some minutes later. “Yes, just an ice-cream and coffee,” she answered. “You know,” she said as she ate the ice-cream, “I usually don’t eat luncheon. I have a cup of coffee in the morning and then dinner. But if I must have luncheon then I never eat more than one thing. ” The bill came, and when I paid it, I had the whole month before me and not a penny in my pocket. I’m not a bad man. But I am glad that today she weighs more than three hundred pounds. So I had my revenge at last.


1. The odd word out:

1) writer, book, waiter, reader

2) salmon, caviar, menu, champagne

3) earn, startle, cost, attentive

2. What’s the word?

1) list of courses or dishes that are available in a restaurant (unem)

2) the creation or expression of what is beautiful (rta)

3) fond of talking (evitaklat)

4) giving, ready to give freely (suoreneg)

3. Match the words in two columns to make phrases.

1) to keep

a) a letter

2) to receive

b) body and soul together

3) to have

c) a dish

4) to cut out

d) coffee

5) to order

e) a snack

4. Fill in the missing prepositions(for, of, with, through, from).

1. She had read a book ____ mine.

2. She was passing _______ Paris.

3. She would like to have a chat _____ me.

4. She never ate anything ______ lunch.

5. I received a letter _______ her.

5. Find the English equivalents from the text.

1. Это произошло 20 лет назад, когда я был в Париже.

2. У меня была небольшая квартира и мне хватало денег только на то, чтобы свести концы с концами.

3. Она прочитала мою книгу и написала мне об этом.

4. Она спрашивала меня, не могу ли я пригласить ее на завтрак в ресторан у Фуайо.

5. Фуайо – это ресторан куда ходят французские сенаторы, и заплатить там за еду было настолько выше моих возможностей, что я никогда не помышлял пойти туда.

6. Я был польщен и слишком молод, чтобы сказать женщине нет.

7. Она была не настолько молода, как я ожидал, и была не очень привлекательна внешне.

8. Когда же принесли меню, я испугался, поскольку цены были выше, чем я ожидал.

9. Она успокоила меня, что никогда ничего не ест на ланч.

10. “О, не говорите так”, ответил я великодушно.

11. Она думала, что люди едят слишком много в наше время.

Я знал, что я не могу позволить себе заказать икру, но не мог сказать этого своей спутнице.

13. Для себя я заказал самое дешевое блюдо в меню.

14. Она сказала, что это не разумно – есть такую тяжелую пищу.

15. Она сказала следовать ее примеру и есть только одно блюдо на завтрак. Она была уверена, что тогда я себя буду чувствовать лучше.

Формирование навыков монологической речи:

Question:. What can teenagers do to make themselves read more?

Phrases to use:

  • to play a great role in the development of the people’s values; to be well-informed;

  • to enrich one’s intellect, outlook.

Примерные образцы монологических высказываний учащихся.

1. Teachers can make teenagers read more by different means. They can give them different tasks, such as to read the story, to retell it, to learn the poem by heart, to write a composition, to write a poem and so on. They can persuade the students that reading is important because it expands outlook, it makes us thinking, it could help to solve some life problems, learn more about countries and people, about world and life as a whole. They also can tell interesting stories to encourage their interest.

2. Parents are the best friends for their children. So they have great opportunities to make them read more. They can persuade them with the help of the proverbs, such as: “Books are our best friends”, “Choose an author as you choose a friend”, “Treat books with care as good friends”. Parents can start a tradition in the family to read books together, to discuss them, to visit the places where great Russian writers lived, to buy different computer programmes. They can collect books at home. At last they can simply make them read books.

3. Teenagers must understand that reading plays a great role in the development of the people’s values, especially the values of teenagers. Reading is a source of education and pleasure. We must read books to be well-informed. It enriches our intellect, outlook. Nowadays reading becomes less popular among teenagers. We think that modern writers must write books with interesting story lines, they can write books about teenagers and their problems in the modern society. But nowadays computers replace books. Computers are the most popular entertainment in teenager’s life today.

III. Заключительный этап урока

1. Подведение уроков.

2. Домашнее задание. Подготовить монологическое высказывание по теме: “Reading…? What for?”


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