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Республиканский конкурс, посвященный Белому месяцу Сагаалган, на английском языке

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I want to tell about the Baikal Datsan. Baikal Datsan is the only one in the world. This is a miracle of Buryatia. The name of the datsan is DambaDarzhalin, wich became the first Buddhist  temple on the territory of  Kabansky district, near Lake Baikal in the village  of  Dulan.

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«Республиканский конкурс, посвященный Белому месяцу Сагаалган, на английском языке»

Sacred Place.

I want to tell about the Baikal Datsan. Baikal Datsan is the only one in the world. This is a miracle of Buryatia. The name of the datsan is DambaDarzhalin, wich became the first Buddhist temple on the territory of Kabansky district, near Lake Baikal in the village of Dulan.

It was opened on July 22, 2017.Why here? Because we all understand that Baikal has not only our traditional federal significance, but also a global one. Baikal is fresh water. And to keep it clean, rituals are held here annually on the barisans to the spirits of the locality. Water spirits play a very important role in human life. And to make rituals and offerings to water spirits in time, you need to be near Lake Baikal.

The Datsan was built for this purpose, to purify not only the waters of Lake Baikal but the whole world. Eight Statues of Lusuud – the Lords of water were presented by Buddhists of China, Mongolia, the Republic of Tuva and Kalmykia. Water is one of the five main components of the Universe. Water is a Sacred Place, it should be always be kept clean. The influence of the power of Lusuud on a person is very great. The second name of this Datsan is Lusuud Datsan.

And in conclusion I would like to wish everyone: Let the number 2022 protect you of any troubles and bring only good impressions, bright discoveries, interesting ideas and pleasant sensations! Happiness, Prosperity, Healthy and Success!


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