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I want to tell about the Baikal Datsan. Baikal Datsan is the only one in the world. This is a miracle of Buryatia. The name of the datsan is DambaDarzhalin, wich became the first Buddhist temple on the territory of Kabansky district, near Lake Baikal in the village of Dulan. It was opened on July 22, 2017.Why here? Because we all understand that Baikal has not only our traditional federal significance, but also a global one. Baik ...
23.03.2022 11:33 156
Номинация «Animals and Birds». «Swans». My name is Helen. I’m thirteen years old. I live in a big village Kudara. It is my dear Motherland. Everything here is dear for my heart: people, birds, flowers, trees, forests, monument, church, river. I live near the Harauz River, wich is a tributary of the Selenga River. I saw a beautiful white swans on our river. They were so majestic, so graceful! It was so ...
23.03.2022 08:13 113

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