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Номинация «Animals and Birds». «Swans».

My name is Helen. I’m thirteen years old. I live in a big village Kudara. It is my dear Motherland. Everything here is dear for my heart: people, birds, flowers, trees, forests, monument, church, river. I live near the Harauz River, wich is a tributary of the Selenga River. I saw a beautiful white swans on our river. They were so majestic, so graceful! It was so unexpected for me. I was standing for a long time and was watching them floating majestically along our river. It was a wonderful sight! I admire the beauty of our nature! I love my dear Motherland!

Номинация «Landscape». работы «Baikal», «Fern from our forest», «Mushrooms of our forest», «Our village in autumn», «Our village in autumn1», «Our village in summer», «Our village in winter».

My Motherland is beautiful at any season of the year. This year there were a lot of snow in our village. Winter is good for those who likes skiing, skating, hockey. I really like the snowfall. It is a very fascinating view.

Spring is wonderful because everything awakes after a long and a cold winter and flowers start to blossom.

Golden Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. During this season the nature is changing and looks magical. It looks like somebody painted the trees with a brush in different bright yellow, crimson, orange and brown colours.

I also enjoy the beauty of our Sacred Lake Baikal, the beauty of pine forests. It’s nice to go for walks to the forest picking mushrooms and berries.

All this is my dear Motherland, which I love and I’m very proud of!

23.03.2022 08:13

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