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Rubric for our Project Plan

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The rubric is created in collaboration with Zhanar Kabulova. It consists of different criteria such as the appropriateness of aims, ojectives and content; using of technologies, links and rwesources; proper schedule and group timeline, skill to be developed - collaboration, critical thinking, creativity etc.

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«Rubric for our Project Plan»

Poems are music in words”

Zhanar Kabulova and Nargiz Rabatova 34 ER

Grade: 7

Level: pre-intermediate

Subjects: English, Literature, Information technologies

Product: mini-book with exercises basis on poems

Rubrics for project plan











The EQ

It is open-ended,complex, coherent, provocative and authentic.

The driving question serves as a guide to the direction of inquiry and products for the project.

The driving question is neither too open-ended nor too concrete.

The driving question is not appropriate to the content outcomes for the project.


Product is creative, innovative and appropriate for level of students

Product is creative, but it is hard for application.

Product is not innovative.

Product is not understanding and not appropriate for level of students


Ideas connected by original transitions, logical throughout. There are no errors in grammar and punctuation.

The way of the work is not connected logically. There are problems with some punctuations

Ideas are not connected structuraly. There are problems with grammar and punctuation

Important ideas were not supported with references. There were more than 3 errors in grammar.


Information is clearly focused in an organization and illustrates the main points

Information supports the solution to the challenge or question

Information loosely supports the solution

Information does not supports the solution to the challenge or question


The stated aims describe a good understanding of learning outcomes

Most of the stated aims are developed and describe a good understanding of learning outcomes

Several goal statements are partially developed and it is difficult to determine what learning outcomes/concepts are expected

No discipline specific goal statements


Objectives describe specific behaviors, knowledge, and product that relate to standards and can be assessed. Objectives require deep understanding and focus primarily on meeting curricular goals.

Objectives describe specific behaviors, knowledge, and product that meet standards and reflect understanding of relevant unit concepts.

Objectives describe behaviors, knowledge, and product that are rather indefinite and only require superficial understanding of unit concepts.

Objectives describe indefinite behaviors, knowledge, and product that do not require understanding of unit concepts.

The structure of the plan

The plan is convenient for operation and doesn’t have any flaws in the construction of the question

The plan is correctly structured

The plan has errors or omissions

The plan is wrong or missing


The plan has a complete timeline describing when different parts of the work will be done.

The plan has outline on time and

The plan does not have complete timeline describing when most parts of the work are done.

The plan does not have a timeline


Project utilizes at the least of 5 authoritative resources.

Project utilizes at the least of 3-2 authoritative resources.

Project relies heavily on one resource.

Project has no resources listed.

Group Timeline

Group independently develops a reasonable, complete timeline describing when different parts of the work are done.

Group independently develops a timeline describing when most parts of the work are done.

Group independently develops a timeline, but does not describe when most parts of the work are done.

Group needs adult help to develop a timeline.

Delegation of Responsibility

Each student in the group can clearly explain what information she/he is responsible for locating.

Each student in the group can, with minimal prompting from peers, clearly explain what information she/he is responsible for locating.

One or more students in the group cannot clearly explain what information they are responsible for locating.

Nobody in the group can clearly explain what information they are responsible for locating.


Creative uses of technology are promoted.

Tools planned are tailored to the activities and objectives, as well as the age of the pupils, who will use them regularly.

The use of basic tools tailored to the activities and objectives is planned, but it will mostly be teachers that employ them

The use of technological tools is not planned

Implementation of the 21st century skills

There is strong implementation of the 21st century skill on every stage of project plan

There are few 21st century skills implemented in the project plan

The lack of the realization of the 21st skills during the plan

The 21st century skills are not included

Creativity & Critical Thinking

Appears innovative or exciting, or has unusual appeal to audience.

Shows evidence of prototypes or drafts that lead to higher quality work.

Shows evidence of haste or lack of effort.

Does not demonstrate precision, care, or sense of pride.


Team members clearly understand each member’s knowledge and expertise, and effectively utilize each member’s skill set.

Team members are aware of each member’s knowledge and expertise but do not effectively utilize each member’s skill set.

Team members understand each other, but can not specify tasks for every team’s member. Team does not considering contingency plans.

Team members do not understand each other and do not want to work together.

Problem solving

The group revealed the theme of the project in full, almost without encountering difficulties

The group has managed to disclose the topic of the project and resolve issues

The group spent a significant amount of time, but deal with the problems of the project

The group was lost before the arisen problems and was unable to solve them

Accuracy of speech

Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words.

Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word.

Speaks clearly and distinctly most ( 94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces no more than one word.

Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces more than one word.

Presenting of project results

Using unusual way of presenting the project

Using traditional way for presenting project

Have problems with theoretical and practical base

Do not ready for presenting project




2. Developing and Using Instructional Rubrics by Elizabeth Shellard, - 2004

3. How To Create A Rubric That Does What You Want It To by Grant Wiggins - 2017


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