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Rubric for project plan

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Rubric for assessment project plan will help you to grade more objectively 

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«Rubric for project plan»

Rubric for assessment project plan






Clearness of the project aims

Aims are appropriate for the project and absolutely comprehensive

Aims are comprehensive but they are not enough specified

Aims are not appropriate for the project

Challenging the EQ

The project is focused on a question

Question center on major issues relevant to students

EQ question is open-ended

The level of challenge is inappropriate for the intended students

EQ is not open-ended

The EQ is too easily answered

Implementation of the 21st century skills

Strong implementation of the 21stcentury skill on every stage of project plan

Not too many 21st century skills implemented in the project plan

The lack of the realization of the 21st skills during the plan


The plan has a reasonable timeline describing when different parts of the work will be done.

The plan has not complete timeline describing when most parts of the work will be done.

The plan does not have a timeline 

Team work and its effectiveness

Students takes an active part in a team work

Every student participate in the project

Not all of the students actively participated in the team work

Team work at a low level


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